Innovations in the Treatment of COVID-19 Pathology

Innovations in the Treatment of COVID-19 Pathology

  • March 14, 2022

The fight against COVID-19 remains a major challenge for the modern world. The meeting of the Coordinating and Methodological Council of Medical and Biological Sciences at the Academy of Sciences was opened by the Chairman of the Council, Academician-Secretary of the Scientific Department of Medicine and Physiology, Academician Ramaz Khetsuri. Aleksandre Tavartkiladze, Professor of TSMU, Doctor of Medicine, delivered a speech “Soulager – Observations and Studies against Covid-19”. Soulager is a biologic drug obtained by the decomposition of the plant Polygonum Cuspidatum (dvalura). It is a natural concentrate of flavonoids, polyphenolic compounds, stilbenes (resveratrol) and other phytoalexins, melatonin (and other amino acids). The second report entitled “The role of nutrients in the management of Covid-19” was presented by Nino Chumburidze, an endocrinologist at the Tbilisi Central Hospital.