Pupil of Tbilisi Classical Gymnasium
Student of St.-Petersburg University, Faculty of Physics
and Mathematics
Post-Graduate Student of St-Petersburg University
Dr.Sci.(Phys.& Math.)
Assistant of St.-Petersburg Electrotechnical Institute
Assistant of St.-Petersburg University
Docent of Tbilisi State University
Docent, Professor of Tbilisi Technical Institute
Professor, Head of the Chair of Tbilisi State University
Dean of the Polytechnical Faculty of Tbilisi University
Prorector of the Georgian Polytechnical Institute
Director of Mathematical,Physics and Mechanical
Institute of Tbilisi State University
Deputy Director and Head of Department of Theoretical
Geophysics of Geophysics Institute of Georgian Branch of the
USSR Academy of Sciences
Dean of Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Tbilisi
State University - Senior researcher of
Mathematical Institute of the USSR Academy of Scienses
Deputy Chairman of Georgian Branch of the USSR Academy
of of Sciences (Tbilisi)
Chairman of Georgian Branch of the USSR Academy of
Sciences (Tbilisi)
President of Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR
1941- 1976
Director of Mathematical Institute of Academy of
Sciences of the Georgian SSR
Member of Presidium of Academy of Sciences of the USSR
Deputy Chairman, from 1955 -
Member of Council for
coordination of scientific activity of Academies of
of Union Republics
Member of International Committee of Congresses on
Applied Mechanics
Member of Presidium of Academy of Sciences of the USSR;
Chairman of the USSR National
Committee for Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics
Member of Bureau of International Union on Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics
Honorary President of the Georgian Academy of Sciences
Member of Tbilisi City Soviet of Working People's
Deputy of Supreme Soviet of the USSR (and further of all
Member of the Committee for Conferring State Prizes
Chairman of Georgian Society for distribution of
political and academic knowledge (Tbilisi)
Participant of All-Union Congress for
Peace Supporters
Member of the Soviet Committee for Peace Defenders
Member of Committee for Awarding
Lenin Prizes
Boundary value problems for analytic functions, singular integral
equations, Mathematical Physics, Theory of elasticity
Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Scienses
Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences
Academician of Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR
Foreign Member of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Foreign Member of Polish Academy of Scinces
Honorary Member of Armenian Academy of Sciences
Foreign Member of German Academy of Sciences
Foreign Member of German (Berlin) Academy of Sciences
Stalin Prize of the first degree for research work "Some
Basic Problems of the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity",
published in 1935
The title of Hero of Socialist Labour and decorated with
Order of Lenin and with Gold Star "Hammer and Sickle" for
merits in mechanics, especially in the theory of elasticity,
as well as for many-year fruitful work in training of young
Stalin Prize of the second degree for scientific work
"Singular Integral Equations", published in 1946
International prize of Turin Academy of Scinces (Italy)
"Modesto Panetti"
Gold Medal of Slovakian (Cechoslovakian) Academy of
Order of "Cyrill and Mephodius" of the first degree of
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
M.V. Lomonosov's Gold Medal
1941, 1952, 1961, 1966, 1975
Orders of Lenin
Order of the Red Banner for services in training of
specialists for national economy and cultural building
Medal "For Defence of Caucasus"
Medal "For Valiant Labour in Great Patriotic War
Medal in connection with launching of the first
artificial satellite
Order of October Revolution
- Muskhelishvili, Nikoloz. Poggendorff's
biographischliterarisches Handwörterbuch. Bd. 6. 1923-1931. 3.
L-R. Berlin, Verlag Chemie, 1938, S.1811.
- Ali Kheiralla, . Muskhelishvili, N.I.Some Basic
problems of the mathematical theory of elasticity. Third revis.
and augmented ed. Moscow,1949,Groningen, P.Noordhoff, Ltd.,
1953.-J.Appl. Mech.,21(1954), No 4, 417-418.
- Bogoliubov, N. N., Medvedev, B. V. and Tavkhelidze, A.N. The
appllication of the methods of N.I. Muskhelishvili to the
solution of singular integral equations in quantum field theory.
Problems of continuum mechanics. Contributions in honor of the
seventieth birthday of academician N.I. Muskhelishvili.
16 February 1961. Philadelphia, Pa, Soc. Industr. and Appl.
Math.,(1961), 39-55.
- Brandstatter, J.J. Muskhelishvili N.I. Some basic
problems of the mathematical theory of elasticity. Third
revis.and augmented ed., Moscow,1949. Groningen, P. Noordhoff,
Ltd., 1953. Appl.Mech.Rev., 7(1954), No 7, 293-294.
- Hill, R. A landmark in the theory of elasticity.[Muskhelishvili,
N. I. Singular integral equations. Ed. 2. Moscow, 1946.
Groningen, P. Noordhoff, N.V.,1953; Muskhelishvili, N.I.
Some basic problems of the mathematical theory of
elastisity.Third revis. and augmented ed. Moscow,1949.Groningen,
P. Noordhoff, N. V.,1953]. Nature, 174(1954), No 4433, 713-714.
- Scott, E.J. Muskhelishvili, N. I. Singular integral
equations. 2nd ed. Groningen, P. Noordhoff, Ltd., 1953. Appl.
Mech. Rev.,7(1954), No 10, 424-425.
- Nikolai Ivanovich Muskhelishvili. (Russian) Materiali
k bibliografii uchenych v SSSR, Seria "Matematika". Foreword by
I.Vekua. Bibliografy by A. Epifanova. Nauka, Moscow, 1967.
- Niko Muskhelishvili (Biobibliographical Series
"Georgian Scientists"; Foreword by A. Bitsadze and B.
Khvedelidze). (Georgian) Metsniereba, Tbilisi,1980.
- N. Vekua. Niko Muskhelishvili. (Georgian)
Metsniereba,Tbilisi, 1989.
- I.Vekua. Academician Nikolai Ivanovich Muskhelishvili.[Dedic.
to the 70-th birthday]. Short Biography and Survey of Scientific
Works. (Georgian) Georgian Academy of Sciences, Tbilisi, 1961.
- I. Vekua. Academician N. Muskhelishvili. Short
Biography and Survey of Scientific Works.(Georgian) Metniereba,
Tbilisi, 1991, 60p.
- I. Vekua. Academician N. Muskhelishvili. Short
Biography and Survey of Scientific Works.(Russian) Metsniereba,
Tbilisi, 1991.
- I. Vekua. Academician N. Muskhelishvili. Short
Biography and Survey of Scientific Works. Metsniereba, Tbilisi,
- G. K. Mikhailov, J.R.M. Radok. On N.I. Muskhelishvili's
place in the world of science and mathematics. Proc. of the
Intern.Sympos. Dedic. to the Cent.of Academ. N. Muskhelishvili.
Tbilisi, Rep.of Georgia, June 6-11, 1991.
- B. Khvedelidze, G. Manjavidze. A. Survey of N.I.
Muskhelishvili's scientific heritage. Proc. of the
Intern.Sympos. Dedic.to the Centenary of Acad. N.
Muskhelishvili. Tbilisi, Rep. of Georgia, 6-11 June 1991.
- Muskhelishvili, Mikola Ivanovich. (Ukrainian)
Ukr.rad.enc.9(1962), 441.
- Muskhelishvili, Nikolai Ivanovich.(Russian) BSE,
- Muskhelishvili, Nikolai Ivanovich.(Russian) BSE,
Second edition, 28(1954), 592-593.
- Muskhelishvili, Nikolai Ivanovich.(Russian) MSE,
Third edition, 6(1959), 316.
- Muskhelishvili, Nikolai Ivanovich.(Russian) Enc.
dictionary, 2(1954), 446.
- Muskhelishvili, Nikolai Ivanovich.(Russian) BSE,
Third edition, 17(1974), 134.
- Muskhelishvili, Nikoloz Ivanesdze. (Georgian) GSE,
7(1984), 212.
- Problems of Continuum Mechanics.(Russian) Izdat. AN SSSR,
Moskva, 1961.(edited also in the USA: Problems of Continuum
Mechanics. SIAM, Philadelphia, Pensilvania, 1961).
- Applications of the theory of functions to continuum
mechanics. (Russian). Proc. Intern. Symp. in Tbilisi, September
17-23, 1963, Nauka,Moscow, 1965,t.1; t.2;
- Continuum Mechanics and Related Problems of Analysis.
(Russian). Nauka, Moscow, 1972.
- Proc. of Symposium in Continuum Mechanics and Related
Problems of Analysis. (Russian).(Tbilisi, September, 23-29,
1971), Metsniereba,Tbilisi,1973, t.1; 1974,t.2.
- Continuum Mechanics and Related Problems of Analysis . Proc.
Intern. Symp. Dedicated to the Centenary of Academician N.
Muskhelishvili. Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia, 6-11 June, 1991.
(i) Monographs
- Applications des intégrales analogues à celles de Cauchy
quelques problèmes de la physique mathématique. - Tiflis,
Edition de l'Université de Tiflis, Imprimerie de l'Etat, 1922.
- Some basic problems of the mathematical theory of
elasticity. Basic Equations, the plane problem, torsion and
bending (Foreword by Acad. A. N. Krilov). (Russian) Acad. Sci.
USSR, Leningrad, 1933.
- Some basic problems of the mathematical theory of
elasticity. Basic equations, the plane problem, torsion and
bending. (Russian) 2nd ed., revised and enlarged. Acad. Sci.
USSR Publ. House, Moscow-Leningrad, 1935.
- Singular integral equations, boundary value problems of the
function theory and some of their applications to mathematical
physics (Russian), Moscow -Leningrad, 1946.
- Some basic problems of the mathematical theory of
elasticity. Basic equations, the plane theory of elasticty,
torsion and bending. 3rd ed., revised and enlarged,
Moscow-Leningrad, 1949.
- Some basic problems of the mathematical theory of
elasticity. Groningen, P. Noordhoff, 1953, XXXI. (English
translation of the 3rd Russian edition of 1949).
- Singular integral equations. - Groningen, P. Noordhoff,
- Some basic problems of the mathematical theory of
elasticity. Basic equations, the plane theory of elasticity,
torsion and bending. 4th ed., revised and enlarged. (Russian)
Acad. Sci. USSR Publ. House, 1954.
- Cîteva probleme fundamentale ale teorei matematice à
elasticotatii. v.v. 1-3. Buchuresti. Inst. Studii Rom.-Sov.,
1956. (Translated into Roumanian from the 3rd Russian
Edition of
- Some basic problems of the mathematical theory of
elasticity. Peking, 1958, XVII.(Translated into Chinese from the
4rd Russian ed. of 1954).
- Singular integral equations. Boundary value problems of the
theory of functions and some of their applications to
mathematical physics. (Russian) 2nd ed., revised. Fizmatgiz,
Moscow, 1962.
- Some basic problems of the mathematical theory of
elasticity. Groningen, P. Noordhoff, 1963, XXXI.
- Singuläre Integralgleichungen. Randwertprobleme der
Funktionentheorie und Anwendungen auf die mathematische Physik.
Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1965, XIV.(German translation of the
2nd Russian edition of 1962).
- Some basic problems of the mathematical theory of
elasticity. Basic equations, the plane theory of elasticity,
torsion and bending. (Russian) 5th ed., revised and enlarged.
Nauka, Moscow, 1966.
- Singular integral equations. Boundary value problems of the
theory of functions and some of their applications to
mathematical physics. (Russian) 3rd ed., revised and enlarged.
Nauka, Moscow, 1968.
- Einige Grundaufgaben zur mathematischen Elastizitätstheorie.
Leipzig, 1971.(Translation into German from the 5th Russian ed.
of 1966).
- Singular integral equations. Boundary value problems of the
theory of functions and some of their applications to
mathematical physics. (Georgian) Metsniereba, Tbilisi, 1982.
- Application of Cauchy type integrals for some problems of
mathematical physics.(Georgian) Metsniereba, Tbilisi, 1992.
(ii) Papers
- On the equilibrium of elastic circular disks under the
influence of stresses applied at the points of their
encirclement and acting in their domains. (Russian), Izv.
Electrotekhnich. Inst., Petrograd,12(1915), 39-55 (jointly with
G. V. Kolosov).
- On thermal stresses in the plane problem of the theory of
elasticity. (Russian), Izv. Electrotekhnich. Inst.,
- On defining a harmonic function by conditions given on the
contour. (Russian) Zh. Fiz.-mat.ob-va, Perm Univ., 1918, (1919),
Issue I, 89-93.
- Sur l'intégration de l'équation biharmonique. Izv. Ross.
Akad. Nauk,13(1919), No. 12-15, 663-686.
- Sulla deformazione piana di un cilindro elastico isotropo.
Atti Accad. Lincei,31(1922), 5 ser. No. 12, 548-551.
- Sur l'equilibre des corps élastiques soumis à l'action de la
chaleur. Bull. Univ. Tiflis, 1923, No. 3, 17-26.
- Solution of an integral equation occurring in the theory of
black radiation. (Russian) Zh. Russk. Fiz.-Khim. Ob-va, Part
Phys.,56(1924), issue I, 30-39.
- Sur la solution du problème biharmonique pour l'aire
extérieure à une ellipse. Math. Zeitschr. Bd. 26,1927 No.5,
- Sur l'intégration approchée de l'équation biharmonique. C.
R. Acad. Sci.,185(1927), No. 22, 1184-1186.
- Sur les orbites périodiques et les lignes géodésiques
fermees. Atti Accad. Lincei, 5(1927), ser. 6, No. 10, 769-773.
- On periodic orbits in closed geodesic lines (abstract).
(Russian) Trans. All-Russian Math. Congr. Moscow, April 27-May
4, 1927, Moscow-Leningrad, 1928,189.
- On some contour problems of plane hydrodynamics.(Russian)
Proc.of All-Russian Math. Congr. Moscow-Leningrad, 1928, 262.
- Sur le problème fondamental d'hydrodynamique à deux
dimensions. Atti Accad. Lincei,7(1928), ser. 6, No. 12,
- Zum Problem der Torsion der homogenen isotropen Prismen.
Izv. Tiflis. polit.in-ta,1(1929), part 1, 1-20.
- Sur le problème de torsion des cylindres élastiques
isotropes. Atti Accad. Lincei,9(1929), ser. 6, No. 4, 295-300.
- Nouvelle méthode de rèduction du problème biharmonique
fondamental à une equation de Fredholm. C. R. Acad.
Sci.,192(1931), No. 2, 77-79.
- Théorèmes d'existence relatifs au problème biharmonique et
aux problèmes d'élasticité a deux dimensions. C. R. Acad. Sci.,
192(1931), No. 4, 221-223.
- To the problem of torsion and bending of elastic bars
composed of various materials. (Russian). Izv. AN SSSR,
OMEN,1932, iss.7,907-945.
- To the problem of torsion and bending of composite elastic
beams. (Russian) Izv. Inzh. Inst. Gruzii, 1932,iss. I,123-127.
- Sur le problème de torsion des poutres élastiques composées.
C. R. Acad. Sci., 194(1932), No. 17, 1435-1437.
- Recherches sur des problèmes aux limites relatifs à
l'équation biharmonique et aux équations de l'élasticité à deux
dimensions. Math. Ann., 1932, Bd. 107, No. 2, 282-312.
- Solution of a plane problem of the theory of elasticity for
a solid ellipse. (Russian) PMM, I(1933), is. I, 5-12.
- Praktische Lösung der fundamentalen Randwertaufgaben der
Elastizitätstheorie in der Ebene fur einige Berandungsformen. Z.
Angew. Math. und Mech., 1933, Bd. 13, No. 14, 264-282.
- Sur l'équivalence de deux méthodes de reduction du problème
plan biharmonique à une équation intégrale. C. R. Acad. Sci.,
196(1933), No. 26, 1947-1948 (avec V. Fock).
- A new general method of the solution of the basic boundary
value problems of the plane theory of elasticity. (Russian) DAN
SSSR, 3(1934), No. 1, 7-11.
- Investigation of new integral equations of the plane theory
of elasticity. (Russian) DAN SSSR,3(1934), No. 2, 73-77.
- On a new boundary value problem of the theory of elasticity.
(Russian) DAN SSSR, 3(1934),141-144.
- A new method of the solution of plane problems of the theory
of elasticity. (Russian) Bull. II All-Union Math. Congr. in
Leningrad, June 24-30, Leningrad, 1934, 68 (Abstarct).
- Solution of the basic mixed problem of the theory of
elasticity for half-plane. (Russian) DAN SSSR, 3(1935), No. 2,
- Theory of elasticity. (Russian) Big Soviet Encycl.,
56(1936), 147-158.
- A new method of solution of plane problems of the theory of
elasticity (Abstract). (Russian) Trans. II All-Union Math.
Congr. in Leningrad, June 24-30,2(1934), Leningrad-Moscow, 1936,
- On the numerical solution of a plane problem of the theory
of elasticity. (Georgian). Trans. Tbil. Math. Inst., 1(1937),
- Transl. editing: Chapters 7-9. In the book by F. Frank and
R. Mizes "Differential and Integral equations of Mathematical
Physics". Part 2. Transl. edited by L. E. Gurevich.
Leningrad-Moscow, 1937, 224-346.
- On the solution of the basic boundary value problems of the
theory of Newtonean potential. (Russian) PMM, 4(1940), iss. 4,
- On the solution of the basic contour problems of the
logarithmic potential theory. (Russian). Trans. Tbil. Math.
Inst., 7(1939), 1-24 (jointly with L. Z. Avazashvili).
- On the solution of the Dirichlet problem on a plane.
(Russian) Bull. Georgian Branch USSR Acad. Sci.,1(1940), No. 2,
- Remarks on the basic boundary value problems of the
potential theory. (Russian) Bull. Georgian Branch USSR Acad.
Sci., 1(1940), No. 3, 169-170. Amendments to the
Paper, ditto,
No. 7, 567.
- Application of integrals of the Cauchy type to one class of
singular integral equations. (Russian) Trans. Tbil. Mat. Inst.,
10(1941), 1-43, 161-162.
- On the basic mixed boundary value problem of the logarithmic
potential theory for multiply connected domains. (Russian) Bull.
Acad. Sci. Georgian SSR,2(1941), No. 4, 309-313.
- Basic boundary value problems of the theory of elasticity
for a half-plane. (Russian) Bull Acad. Sci. georgian
SSR,2(1941), No. 10, 873-880.
- Singular integral equations with a Cauchy type kernel on
open contours. (Russian) Trans. Tbil. Math. Inst. Acad. Sci.
georgian SSR, 2(1942), 141-172 (jointly with D. A. Kveselava).
- Basic boundary value problems of the theory of elasticity
for a plane with rectilinear cuts. (Russian) Bull. Acad. Sci.
Georgian SSR,3(1942), No. 2, 103-110.
- To the problem of equilibrium of a rigid punch at the
boundary of an elastic half-plane in the presence of friction.
(Russian) Bull. Acad. Sci. Georgian SSR,43(1942), No. 5,
- Systems of singular integral equations with Cauchy type
kernels. (Russian) Bull. Acad. Sci. Georgian SSR,3(1942), No.
10, 987-984.
- Riemann boundary value problem for several unknown functions
and its applications to systems of singular integral equations.
(Russian) Trans. Tbil. math. Inst., 12(1943), 1-46 (jointly with
N. P. Vekua).
- Applications of the theory of analytic functions to the
theory of elasticity. (Russian) All-Union Congr. on theoretical
and Applied Mechanics. Report Abstracts. Moscow, 1960, 142-143
(jointly with I. N. Vekua).
- Methods of the theory of analytic functions in the theory of
elasticity. (Russian) Trans. All-Union Congr. on Theoretical and
Applied Mrchanics (1960). Moscow-Leningrad, USSR Acad. Sci.
Publ., 1962, 310-388 (jointly with I. N. Vekua).
- Applications of the theory of functions of a complex
variable to the theory of elasticity. In the book: Application
of the theory of functions in solid medium mechanics. (Russian)
v. VII, Nauka, Moscow, 1965, 32-55. Ditto in English: 56-75.
- Lectures on analytical geometry read in the Tiflis
Polytechnical Institute, part I, Tiflis Polytechn. Inst.,
Tiflis, 1922, 261 p. (manuscript).
- Course on theoretical mechanics. (Georgian) Part I. Statics,
Tiflis, Tiflis Univ., 1926, 292 p.
- Lectures on analytical geometry. (Russian) Part I, 2nd ed.,
revised, Tiflis, 1926, 208 p.
- Course on theoretical mechanics. (Georgian) Part II.
Kinematics, Tiflis, Tiflis Univ., 1928,253 p.
- Course on analytical geometry. (Georgian) Part I, Tiflis,
Polytechn. Inst., 1929, 245 p.
- Course on theoretical mechanics. (Georgian) Part I. Statics,
Tiflis, State Publ., 1930, 216 p.
- Course on theoretical mechanics. (Georgian) Part II.
Kinematics, 2nd ed., Tiflis, State Publ., 1932, 208 p.
- Course on analytical geometry. (Russian) Part I,
Leningrad-Moscow,1933, 220 p.
- Course on theoretical mechanics. (Georgian) Part I. Statics.
2nd ed., Tiflis, State Publ., 1933, 190 p.
- Translated: A. Webster. Mechanics of mass points of solid,
elastic and liquid bodies. Lectures on mathematical physics
(translated from the 3rd Engl. ed. edited by K. V. Melikov).
Leningrad-Moscow, 1933, 624 p. (jointly with M. B. Sebastianov
and K. V. Melikov).
- Course on analytical geometry. (Russian) Part 2.
Leningrad-Moscow, 1934, 276 p.
- Course on analytical geometry. (Russian) 2nd ed., revised.
Moscow-Leningrad, 1938, 576 p.
- Course on analytical geometry. (Georgian) Tbilisi, State
Univ. Press, 1939, XVI, 704 p.
- Course on analytical geometry. (Russian) 3rd ed., revised
and enlarged, Moscow-Leningrad, 1947, 664 p.
- Course on analytical geometry. (Georgian) Tbilisi, Teknika
da Shroma, 1951, 671 p.
- Course on analytical geometry. Peking, 1955, 633 p. (Chinese
translation of the 3rd Russian edition of 1947).
- Course on analytical geometry. (Georgian) 4th ed., Sabchota
Sakartvelo, Tbilisi, 1962, 617 p.
- Course on analytical geometry. (Russian). 4th ed. Vishaya
Shkola, 1967, 655 p.