Corr. Member of the Academy E. Nadaraya, L. Nadaraya
On One Estimation of the Regression Curve
Presented March 28, 2006
ABSTRACT. In the present work we consider estimates of a regression function, when the values of the response in the experiment are not observed, and only the values of the indicator function of the event are fixed: “observation does not exceed a threshold”. The limiting distribution of quadratic deviation of the so-constructed estimate of the regression curve is found. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp. 429-431.
Key words: limiting distribution, threshold, consistency, method of substitution.
D. Gordeziani, E. Gordeziani, N. Gordeziani
On Solution of some Initial-Boundary
Value Problems for
Pluri-Schrödinger Equation
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy E. Nadaraya, November 15, 2005
Abstract. There is investigated uniqueness of solution of the pluri-Schrödinger equation with classical and nonclassical (nonlocal) initial-boundary conditions. Existence of solution for the certain problem also is studied. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp.432-435
Key words. Schrödinger equation, pluri-Schrödinger equation, non-local problems, non classical problems, classical problems.
Sh. Zviadadze
On a Lukács Theorem for Regular Linear Mean of Conjugate Trigonometric Fourier Series
Presented by Member of the Academy L. Zhizhiashvili, November 8, 2005
ABSTRACT. A theorem of Ferentz Lukács determines the jumps of a periodic, Lebesgue integrable function f at each point of discontinuity of first kind in terms of the partial sums of the conjugate series of the Fourier series of the f. The aim of this note is to prove an analogous theorem in terms of the regular linear means of conjugate trigonometric Fourier series. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. pp. 435-438
Key words: Lebesgue integral, regular linear means.
Kh. Khasaia
Bitsadze-Samarski’s Generalized Problem for Quasilinear Differential Equations of First Order
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy R. Bantsuri, December 13, 2005
In the given work there is considered the problem of existence of generalized
solution for generalized boundary Bitsadze-Samarski’s problem for quasilinear
differential equations of first order with non-local boundary conditions on the
complex plane. Uniqueness and existence of regular solution in class,
, p>2
are proved. © 2006 Bull. Georg.
Natl. Acad. Sci. pp.439-442.
Key words: Bitsadze-Samarski’s problem, differential equation, generalized derivative, non-local boundary conditions.
M. Tutberidze
The Comparison Theorems for the Difference Scheme Corresponding to the Initial-Boundary Value Problem of One System of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
Presented by Member of the Academy I. Kiguradze, December 27, 2005
In this paper the convergence of the difference scheme for the initial-boundary
value problem to one system of nonlinear partial differential equations is
obtained. For the same scheme the questions of comparison of solutions of
problems with different data are considered.
© 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp. 443-446
Key words: system of nonlinear partial differential equations, comparison theorem, difference scheme, convergence.
A. Tkeshelashvili
Estimation of Solution of some Nonlinear Differential Equations with Random Measures Parameters
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy E. Nadaraya, January 10, 2006
ABSTRACT. In the paper random measures and connected with them questions of smoothness and mutual absolute continuity under nonlinear transformations in abstract Hilbert space are considered. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp. 447-449
Key words: Hilbert space of measures, random measures.
G. Sirbiladze, D. Korakhashvili, G. Khachidze
Sugeno Extended Integral Representation of the Weakly Structurable Dynamic System
Presented by Member of the Academy N. Vakhania, January 17, 2006
ABSTRACT. The problems of Sugeno type integral representation of the weakly structurable Fuzzy Dynamic Systems (FDS) are considered, when the source of the fuzzy uncertainty is given by the time. This is the first step in the fuzzy processes modeling problems. Therefore the theory of fuzzy measure extensions on the compositional products are constructed. Theorem on the Sugeno extended integral representation of fuzzy processes is proved in the terms of fuzzy control process restriction. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp. 450-452
Key words: Sugeno type integral, ixtended integral, fuzzy dynamic system.
L. Bantsuri, G. Oniani
On the Divergence Rate of Strong Means of Additive Functions of Intervals with Bounded Variation
Presented by Member of the Academy L.Zhizhiashvili, February 25, 2006
ABSTRACT. An exact estimate of the divergence rate of strong means of additive functions of intervals with bounded variation is established. The result obtained in the paper is an extension of corresponding one of G. Karagulyan about divergence rate of strong integral means of summable functions. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp. 453-454
Key words: strong means, additive function of intervals, divergence rate.
P. Babilua, I. Bokuchava, B. Dochviri, M. Shashiashvili
Reduction and Convergence in Optimal Stopping for Kalman-Bucy’s Model
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy E. Nadaraya, December 13, 2005
The problem of optimal stopping of a stochastic process with incomplete data is
reduced to the problem of optimal stopping of a stochastic process with
complete data and the convergence of payoffs is proved when ,
, where
small perturbation parameters of the observable process. Kalman-Bucy’s
continuous and discrete models of partially observable random processes is
considered. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad.
Sci. pp.455-457
Key words: partially observable stochastic process, gain function, payoff, optimal stopping, stopping time.
V. Meskhia
On Operations Acting in the Class of Functions with Absolutely Convergent Haar Wavelet Expansions
Presented by Member of the Academy L. Zhizhiashvili, January 28, 2006
ABSTRACT. The set of operations acting in the class of all functions, continuous on R2, with absolutely convergent double Haar wavelet expansions is established. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp. 458-459
Key words: multiple separable wavelet, multiresolution analysis, composition, absolute convergence.
T. Kupreishvili
Analogue of Saint-Venant’s Principle for Fourth Order Elliptic Equation of Special Type
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy R. Bantsuri, January 24, 2006
Abstract. In the present article validity a priori energetic estimates, analogue of Saint-Venant’s principle in theory of elasticity, for special type 4-th order elliptic equation with variable coefficients is proved. On the basis of these estimates asymptotic behaviour of solutions of the corresponding boundary value problem are studied under weak assumptions regarding the structure of the boundary in the neighbourhood of irregular boundary points. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp. 460-462
Key words: A priori estimates, elliptic equations asymptotic behaviour of solutions.
T. Bokelavadze
Lattice Isomorphism of Nilpotent W-Power Groups
Presented by Member of the Academy H. Inassaridze, January 17, 2006
ABSTRACT. Lattice isomorphisms of nilpotent W-power groups over field are studied. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp. 463-465
Key words: nilpotent W-power group, lattice of subgroup, semilinear isomorphism.
Theory of elasticity
N. Zirakashvili
The Application of the Boundary Element Method to the Solution of Boundary Value Problems for Elastic Body Containing Circular Hole and Radial Cracks
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy R. Bantsuri, November 24, 2005
ABSTRACT. Using the boundary element method, namely, the combined method of fiction loads and displacement discontinuity, the boundary value problem is solved on the infinite domain, which contains the circular hole and radial cracks. By the method of fiction load and the method of separation of variables the boundary value problem for circular ring containing radial cut is solved, when the condition of symmetry is satisfied on the both sides of a cut. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp. 466-468
Key words: boundary elements, fiction load, displacement discontinuity, separation of variables, harmonic functions.
B. Chikhradze, D. Topchishvili, A. Demurov, R. Jobava
Expert System for Detecting and Curing EMC Problems of Automobile Harness
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy R. Khurodze, February 10, 2006
Abstract. Electronic systems of nowadays automobiles are quite complex. Electromagnetic interference between harness components and influence of electromagnetic environment can cause problems in correct functioning of the electronic systems. Identifying the potential electro magnetic compatibility (EMC) problems on early stage of automobile harness design circle minimizes the need of design changes by saving money and time. In this paper an expert system called EMC Expert for identifying and curing EMC problems on early stage of automobile harness design is presented. EMC expert was designed with object-oriented technology, implemented using C++ and is intended for Windows platform. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp. 469-471
Key words: electromagnetic compatibility, expert systems, object-oriented technology, OpenGL, knowledge base, CLIPS, MoM.
A. Oganezov
Neuro-Matrix Object Recognition Model
Presented by Member of the Academy V. Chavchanidze, February 1, 2006
ABSTRACT. This article includes discussion regarding Optical Characters Recognition (OCR) model by using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), different matrix types and probability/statistics method for data analysis. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp. 472-475
Key words: artificial neural networks (ANNs), optical characters recognition (OCR), receptor, summator, congruent, diverse, passive and symbiosis matrices.
R. Megrelishvili, M. Chelidze, G. Khutshishvili, E. Megrelishvili
Generalized Vandermonde Determinants over Galois Field GF(q) and Classes of Optimal and Effective Error-Correcting Codes
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy V. Chavchanidze, March 7, 2006
ABSTRACT. There are discussed the classes of generalized Vandermonde determinants over Galois field GF(q). The obtained results enable to synthesize the optimal classes of the linear (n,k,d)-codes over GF(2m) and linear (n,k)-codes with the single and double burst-error-correction. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp.476-479
Key words: generalized Vandermonde determinants, matrices over GF(q), optimal (n,k,d)-codes, burst-error-correction.
M. Pkhovelishvili, L. Shetsiruli, N. Archvadze
Testing in the System of Distant Learning
Presented by Member of the Academy N.Vakhania, February 28, 2006
Abstract. The system of distant learning gives possibility to create teaching courses and means of on-line testing with their help. This helps every teacher to transmit the learning process into the Internet. In the present paper we consider the principles of Test Designer functioning, which is one of the parts of the system of distant learning. This makes the checking of intermediate and final knowledge possible. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp. 480-482
Key words: distant learning, testing, assessment.
N. Margiani, V. Zhghamadze, I. Mzhavanadze, N. Sabashvili, G. Shurgaia
Influence of Lithium and Boron-Doping on Superconducting Transition of Bismuth-Based 2212 Phase
Presented by Member of the Academy T. Sanadze, April 11, 2006
ABSTRACT. The influence of Li and B-doping on the superconducting transition has been investigated in furnace-cooled and quenched into liquid nitrogen Pb-free and Pb-substituted Bi-based 2212 ceramic samples. It was found that Li and B-doping enhances the critical temperature of furnace cooled Pb-substituted (Bi, Pb)- 2212 superconductor. Introduction of Li2CO3 in the starting composition leads to the increase of Tc in both furnace-cooled and quenched Pb-free Bi-2212 system. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp.483-485
Key words: Bi-based 2212 phase, doping, superconducting transition.
O. Kharshiladze
On the Problem of Dynamics of the Ionospheric Wavy Disturbances in the Shear Flow
Presented by Member of the Academy J. Lominadze, February 22, 2006
Abstract. The generation and further dynamics of planetary magnetized Rossby waves and inertia waves are investigated in the rotating dissipative ionosphere in the presence of a smooth inhomogeneous zonal wind (shear flow). Magnetized Rossby waves appear as a result of the interaction of the medium with the spatially inhomogeneous geomagnetic field and are an ionospheric manifestation of usual tropospheric Rossby waves. An effective linear mechanism responsible for the intensification and mutual transformation of Rossby and inertia waves is found. The nonmodal approach shows that the transformation of wave disturbances in shear flows is due to the nonorthogonality of eigenfunctions of the problem in the conditions of linear dynamics. Thus there arise a new degree of freedom and a new way for the evolution of disturbances in the medium. Using the numerical modeling, we illustrate the peculiar features of the interaction of waves with the background flow, as well as the mutual transformation of wave disturbances in the D-, E- and F-regions of the ionosphere. It is established that the presence of a geomagnetic field, Hall and Pedersen currents in the ionospheric medium improves the interaction and mutual energy exchange between waves and shear flow. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp. 486-489
Key words: ionosphere, shear flow, Rossby waves.
G. Mamatsashvili
Dynamics of Localized Packets of
Spiral Density
Waves in Gaseous Disks
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy G. Chagelishvili, January 4, 2006
Abstract. We apply the non-modal approach in combination with numerical calculations to the study of the dynamics of packets of spiral density waves in gaseous disks. To analyze the dynamics of localized (both in ordinary and K-planes) packets of spiral density waves we take a Gaussian packet of short leading waves in K-plane at the initial moment of time. It turns out that the properties of the packet dynamics in physical plane largely depend on the initial location of the packet Fourier transform in K-plane. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp.490-493
Key words: spiral density waves, galaxies, non-modal approach.
Z. Khvedelidze, R. Chakhaia
Investigation of Properties of the Frontal-Dividing Surfaces Considering Influence of Likhi Mountain Ridge
Presented by Member of the Academy B. Balavadze, December 6, 2005
Abstract. The Likhi ridge is considered as a hydrodynamic wall and the earth relief is taken into account at turbulence mixing of layers of different intensities. A new dependence for horizontal components of wind speed on the relief slope angle has been obtained that at a=0 agrees well with formulae known from literature. Based on five-year observations, theoretical and real values of wind speed were compared and 2% coincidence was obtained. The results have been used for local forecast amendment. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp.494-497
Key words: wind speed, Likhi mountain ridge, turbulence mixing, microcirculations, hydrodynamics.
M. Alania, A. Wawrzynczak, G. Vanishvili
Three Dimentional Modeling of the Recurrent Forbush Effect of Galactic Cosmic Rays
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy T. Chelidze, February 21, 2006
Abstract. Parker’s transport equation is used for modeling of the recurrent Forbush effect of the galactic cosmic ray (GCR) intensity. It is assumed in the model that the recurrent Forbush effect is caused by changes of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) turbulence. Model calculations show that the increase of the exponent of the power spectral density (PSD) of the IMF turbulence leads to the hard rigidity spectrum of the recurrent Forbush effect of GCR intensity. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp.498-500
Key words: cosmic rays, solar wind, Forbush effect, turbulence.
A. Chkhetia
Cosmic Rays Variations of Magnetosphere Origin
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy T. Chelidze, October 25, 2005
ABSTRACT. It was shown that intensity variations of cosmic rays of magnetosphere origin (the effects of cosmic rays intensity increase during strong geomagnetic storms) occur at the expense of rigidity decrease of geomagnetic cut-off because of magnetosphere structures’ changes are due to complex process of interaction of spatial structures of shock waves and magnetic clouds from chromospheric flares with the Earth’s magnetosphere, rather than to amplification of ring DR current. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp.501-503
Key words: cosmic rays, geomagnetic field, magnetospere, geomagnetic storm, Solar wind, Forbush effect, solar homologous flares.
Corr. Member of the Academy A.
Kiknadze, A. Kordzadze,
D. Demetrashvili, A. Surmava, G. Kacharava
Simulation of Diffusion and Sedimentation of the Rioni River Alluvium in the Georgian Black Sea Coast (Water Area of Poti City)
Presented October 4, 2005
ABSTRACT. The complex model of diffusion and sedimentation of the Rioni River alluvium in the Black Sea water area of Poti city is considered. The model consists of hydrodynamical and transfer - diffusion modules. On the basis of numerical experiments regularities of processes of diffusion and sedimentation of the river alluvium in water area of Poti are studied. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp. 504-506
Key words: transfer-diffusion equation, river alluvium, sedimentation, the Black Sea.
D. Jishiashvili, V. Gobronidze, E. Kutelia, Z. Shiolashvili, N. Makatadze, G. Tsertsvadze
Nanopores in the Phase-Separated Ge:GeO2 Films
Presented by Member of the Academy K. Japaridze, December 15, 2005
Abstract. The nanoporous films with the elongated, regularly spaced pores, having the widths of 200-1000 nm were produced by the water treatment of the phase-separated Ge:GeO2 film. The sizes of pores can be regulated by changing the etching time or the composition of the Ge:GeO2 film. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp.507-509
Key words: nanopores, nanocrystalline film, magnetron deposition, germanium oxide.
N. Loladze, M. Tserodze, J. Khantadze, G. Meladze
The Influence of Physical and Chemical Properties of Metal-Catalysts on the Diamond Formation Process
Presented by Member of the Academy G. Gvelesiani, January 31, 2006
ABSTRACT. The mechanism of interaction of the Ni-Mn-Cu and Ni-Mn-Cr melts with pyrographite is investigated. Physical and chemical parameters such as the wettability angle and surface tension at the interface of Me-C phases are defined. It is established that these values influence the kinetics of the diamond nucleation process at high pressures and temperatures for the Ni-Mn-Cu-C and Ni-Mn-Cr-C systems. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp. 510-512
Key words: diamond formation, work of nucleation, critical size.
Member of the Academy J. Japaridze, T.
Chelidze, M. Khokhashvili,
I. Gurgenidze, N. Imnadze
Polarographic Determination of Pharmaceutical Preparation Dimedrol and its Adsorption Behavior
Presented October 4, 2005
Abstract. Polarographic method of quantitative and qualitative determination of pharmaceutical preparation dimedrol has been presented in wide ranges of concentration (10-5¸10-2 mole/l). On the basis of impedance studies it was shown that large organic molecule of dimedrol has high adsorption ability but on the electrode surface it is adsorbed in electrochemically disadvantageous state. Complete desorption of dimedrol occurs with ~-2.0 V more negative potential and then its polarographic reduction diffusively and irreversibly with half wave potential E 1/2=-2.37 V becomes possible. . © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci pp.513-515
Key words: dimedrol, polarographic method.
Chemical Technology
N. Gogishvili, N. Demuria, G. Agladze
Production of Electrolytic Manganese Dioxide from Suspension in Conditions of Prolonged Electrolysis
Presented by Member of the Academy J. Japaridze, March 21, 2000
ABSTRACT. The high-temperature (97-98 °C) process of the production of electrolytic manganese dioxide (EMD) from fine-dispersed (5-10 m) MnO2-powder containing aggregatively stable suspension permits the process intensification at the expense of the realization of high anodic current densities (150-200 A·m-2) which is nearly twice as large as the values of anodic current densities, used in usual method of EMD production.
In the mentioned conditions the titanium anode is not subjected to passivation and the voltage values is held constant in the course of the overall process. The obtained deposits of g-modified EMD are products of high-purity and the content in them of MnO2 is up to ~90% [1-4].
For the purpose of the establishment of the stability of high-temperature suspension bath process of EMD electrosynthesis the serial experiments of prolonged electrolysis (450 h) were performed on titanium anode. The obtained data show that the use of mentioned process is promising. From suspension solutions of manganese sulfate and sulphuric acid of various concentrations, containing high-dispersed MnO2-powder, the high-quality thick deposits (0.028 m) of g-modified MnO2 were obtained in conditions of stable voltage. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp. 516-518
Key words: bath, manganese dioxide, aggregatively stable suspension, stability, prolonged electrolysis.
Physical Geography
N. Lomidze, R. Gobejishvili
Determination of the Boundaries of the Nival-Glacial Zones on the Earth Surface
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy Z. Tatashidze, October 11, 2005
Abstract. The analysis of zero isotherm (lower line of the glacial zone) curve and relief profile of different meridians in the free atmosphere has been conducted. Seperate regions of the earth are located inside the zero isotherm curve and the glacial zone develops on them. Antarctic is within this zone, what causes falling of the zero isotherm down to the sea surface on the 600 latitude of the south hemisphere. High reliefs of some mountain regions are located in the nival zone and owing to greater precipitations there were developed glaciers. There are given the lower boundaries of the nival-glacial zones on the constructed diagrams. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp.519-522
Key words: nival-glacial zone, zero isotherm, free atmosphere, snow line, firn line.
Physical Geography
Corr. Member of the Academy Z. Tatashidze, K. Tsikarishvili, K. Rakviashvili
Morphometric Analysis of the Ultra Deep Karst Caves of Georgia
Presented November 15, 2005
ABSTRACT. Speleo-researches carried on at Arabika and Bzibi calcareous massifs in the recent years revealed the deepest karst caves of the world A. Kruber, V. Pantiukhin, Tovlian-Mezheni et al. and water-bearing hydrogeological systems Napra-Mtchishta- 2345m, Iliukhina-Reprua- 2307, etc. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp. 523-526
Key words: karst abyss, cave, aqueous hydrogeological system.
Physical Geography
L. Kartvelishvili, N. Kvaratskhelia, N. Shavishvili, L. Kochlamazishvili, N.Chikhradze
Climate as a Resource for Tourism Development
(in Conditions of Georgia)
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy Z. Tatashidze, November, 2005
ABSTRACT. Tourism has been one of the major economic and social phenomena of the past century. The development of tourism is characterized by the continuing geographical spread and diversification of tourist destinations.
Climate and weather have both a direct and an indirect impact on tourism. Changes to climatic conditions could affect the flows of tourists, overall arrivals at destinations or result in a seasonal shift of tourism activity.
For tourism businesses weather and climate information and predictions of extreme climatic events developed by National Meteorological and Hydrological services are becoming increasingly important.
For Georgian conditions on the bases of accepted methods complex parameters have been identified by taking into account climate change. On their bases the recreation-tourist climatic regionalization map of the territory of Georgia has been composed and integrated in the building standards and rates. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp. 527-529
Key words: recreation, climate change, tourism, complex climatic parameters, humid, moderate, dry.
I. Mikadze
Influence of Irrigation and Drainage on the Environment
Presented by Member of the Academy Ts. Mirtskhoulava, February 27, 2006
ABSTRACT. Irrigation and drainage of agricultural areas drastically change the environment. It can be expressed both by positive and negative influences. The irrigation of grounds in over moistened areas does not change the amount of average long-term flowing. There are distinguished three kinds of hydrological cycles of closed territory: planetary, local and the zone of aeration. One of the negative influences of irrigation on the environment is growth of the volume of return waters. Underground waters actively participate in feeding of the marshlands and swamps in Kolkheti lowland. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp. 530-532
Key words: irrigation, drainage, Kolkheti, mineralization, artesian.
A. Okrostsvaridze, L. Shubitidze, R. Chagelishvili
The First Data on Basic-Ultrabasic
Intrusive Body of the Buja Canyon
(Dzirula Salient of the Caucasian Inner Massif)
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy D.Shengelia, February 14, 2006
Abstract. The results of the study of the basic-ultrabasic intrusive body are dealt with in the article for the first time in the Buja canyon. On the basis of petrochemical, chemical and petrographic researches it is shown that the mentioned body is different from all other previously known basic and ultrabasic bodies in the Dzirula crystalline salient. The central part of the intrusive is constructed of olivinian pyroxenites and peripheral – of olivinian gabbros. The intrusive is assumed to be young formation and its genesis may be connected with the activity of the mantle plume. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp. 533-536
Key words: basic-ultrabasic intrusive bodies, plume, mantle, gabbros.
Exploitation of deposits and concentration
G. Abashidze, N. Chikhradze, A. Peikrishvili
The Description of Development of Exogenic Fire in Underground Structures
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy L. Japaridze, October 11, 2005
Abstract. A set of equations describing the development of exogenic fire in any part of a tunnel has been proposed. In order to determine the parameters involved in this system, the physical modeling of the fire development process in tunnel and corresponding calculations were made.
Introduction of the formulas received empirically as well as elaboration of algorithms and corresponding programs make possible the prediction of fire development process in certain part of a tunnel as well as beyond this zone. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp. 537-539
Key words: underground structure, tunnel, fire, fire development time, velocity of fire center movement, similarity of fire development process.
T. Namicheishvili, L. Kokrashvili
Electrical Rolling Production Process of the Aircraft Gas-Turbine Compressor Blade Stocks
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy I. Baratashvili, January 1, 2006
Abstract. Production process of blade sections has been developed consisting of the following stages: the starting rod heading; isothermal extrusion; isothermal/electrical rolling; isothermal sizing; heat treatment. The resulting stocks are distinguished for high accuracy of geometric parameters, satisfactory mechanical properties and low labor inputs. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp.540-541
Key words: rolling, isotermal, electrical rolling, gasturbine compressor blade.
Hydraulic Engineering
M. Vartanov, K. Iordanishvili, Z. Jugeli
Systematic Analysis of Economic
Efficiency of Lands Irrigation
in Georgia
Presented by Member of the Academy Ts.Mirtskhoulava, December 22, 2005
Abstract. The results of studies of the economic efficiency of irrigation of lands in Georgia have been presented. On the basis of factorial analysis quantitative values of the influence of funding, melioration and usage of chemical fertilizers in the efficiency of agriculture are determined. Production function of country’s agriculture is presented. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp. 542-543
Key words: irrigation, economy, agriculture, melioration.
E. Gubeladze
Peculiarities of Flowering of Introduced Nectariferous Woody Legumes in Kutaisi Botanical Garden
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy T. Urushadze, January 31, 2006
ABSTRACT. Terms and duration of flowering of woody nectariferous legumes (Cercis chinensis Bge., Wisteria sinensis Sweet, Laburnum anagyroides Med., Caragana arborescens Lam., Amorfa fruticosa L., Albizzia julibrissin Durazz and Lespedesa bicolor Turcz.) in conditions of Kutaisi (West Georgia) are discussed in the present article. In 1999 and 2002 due to limited atmospheric precipitation during the period from May to September (2.4-24.3mm) the studied plants were characterized by short flowering period. Flowering terms of the studied plants in general were the same as in conditions of respective countries origin. Only in case of Lespedesa bicolor Turcz. flowering period was longer by a month and lasted till the 26th October. Stability of terms of phenological phases of flowering indicates good adaptation of introduced plants to conditions of the new environment. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp.544-547
Key words: nectariferous legumes, phenological phase, adaptation.
S. Rostiashvili, L. Amanatashvili
On Natural Regeneration of Georgian Oak in Eastern Georgia
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy T. Urushadze, December 27, 2005
ABSTRACT. The article deals with the peculiarities of natural regeneration of Georgian oak stands in east Georgia, particularly in Kakheti region. It has been identified that Georgian oak fructifies once every 2-3 years in east Georgia and during this period it produces up to 0.5-1.0 million seeds. Out of them 95-98% of acorns are damaged due to different reasons. Young plants, remained at oak stand, die being 1-8 year-old. Proceeding from the above-said it can be concluded that natural regeneration of Georgian oak in east Georgia needs to be supported. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp. 548-550
Key words: regeneration, oak, stand, seed.
Ts. Inashvili, I. Kupradze
Materials to the Study of Lichens of Algeti State Reserve
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy G. Nakhutsrishvili, January 24, 2006
Abstract. The results of processing of the material collected in Algeti State Reserve are presented. A total of 91 lichen species, belonging to 20 families and 47 genera have been revealed. Their relation to substrate is considered in the paper. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp. 551-553
Key words: Algeti State Reserve, epiphytic, epilithic, epigeal lichens.
G. Bolkvadze
Bioecological Peculiarities of Plants of Proteaceae Family Grown in Batumi Botanical Garden
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy V. Papunidze, January 31, 2006
ABSTRACT. In the present paper there are discussed the results of study of bioecology and peculiarities of seasonal development (development of terminal buds, vegetation, flowering, fruitage) of plant species of Proteaceae family Banksia ericaefolia, Lomatia ilicifolia, Lomatia longifolia, Lomatia silaefolia grown in Batumi Botanical Garden. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp. 554-556
Key words: decorative plant, bud morphology, hypsophylic bud, bioecology.
I. Diasamidze
Bud and Shoot-Module Structure of Evergreen Shrubs in Ajara, Colchis Forests
Presented by Corr. Member of Academy V. Papunidze, January 30, 2006
ABSTRACT. Bud morphology and shoot-module structure were studied for understanding ecological morphology of 8 evergreen shrubs grown in Ajara, Colchis forests. Of them four species Buxus colchica, Rhododendron ungernii, Rh. ponticum and Laurocerasus officinalis had scaled buds (50% of total number of species) and all the the rest, e.g. Arbutus andrachne, Daphne pontica, Ilex colchica, Osmanthus decora (50%) had hypsophyllary buds. The types of protective organs were the same for all the trees within each bud type, however, the number of each foliar organ was variable among species. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp.557-559
Key words: bud type, evergreen shrubs, Colchis.
M. Metreveli, M. Bregvadze, N. Lomtatidze
Assessment of Pollen Grain Viability in Plant Species of Hamamelidaceae Lindl. Family Introduced in Batumi Botanical Garden
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy V. Papunidze, January 31, 2006
ABSTRACT. Viability of pollen grain of plant species of Hamamelidaceae family, introduced in Batumi Botanical Garden several decades ago has been evaluated. Due to weak fruitage these plants, distinguished by highly decorative features and valuable wood, propagate only vegetatively. The analysis has shown fertility of male gametophyte of the investigated plants. Possible factors hampering normal generative development of male gametophyte of the above meintioned species are discussed. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp.560-561
Key words: introduction, gametophyte, pollination, germination, fertility, sterility.
F. Chaidze
Peculiarities of Sprout Development in Magnolia Grandiflora
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy V. Papunidze, March 21, 2006
Abstract. This work shows seasonal rhythms of Magnolia Grandiflora sprouts. The consecutive phases of sprout and bud developments during the whole year are pointed out, which is of a great importance for the magnolia successful introduction. The boundaries between elemental buds on perennial monopodially growing sprouts of Magnolia Grandiflora may be defined by ring-shaped pits of the scales on the terminal buds, which do not have pits from the leaf plates. The annual growth consists of a singular elemental sprout. During formation of a new sprout conception of primordial leaves on its apex takes place. Increment of the vegetation bud volume during autumn and winter periods is not noted. Conception of flowers in buds on different branches takes place nonsynchronously and it lasts for the same extended period of time as the flowering does. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp. 562-564
Key words: Magnolia Grandiflora, plant introduction, seasonal rhythms, evergreen.
L. Rapava, Sh. Chanishvili, G. Badridze, N. Razmadze, N. Janukashvili
Influence of Acidic Precipitations on Green and Red-Leaf Forms of some Vegetables
Presented by Member of the Academy N. Nutsubidze, February 7, 2006
ABSTRACT. Influence of spraying with pH2.5 solution of H2SO4 on leaves of red and green-leaf forms of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.), cabbage (Brassica capitata L.) and beet (Beta vulgaris L.) has been studied. Investigations have revealed that higher physiological and biochemical indices are characteristic for the red-leaf forms of the studied plants, compared with green forms of the same species. In particular, they have more intensive photosynthesis, higher content of total proteins and antioxidants, more activity of auxins. While affecting with acidic precipitations the studied indices appeared to be more stable in red-leaf forms. The obtained results make possible to conclude that red-leaf forms of the studied plants are more adaptive to environmental stress. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp.565-567
Key words: acidic precipitations, photosynthesis, total proteins, antioxidants, stress.
Human and Animal Physiology
L. Kvirkvelia, G. Khikhadze, M.
Kubaneishvili, D. Jamaspishvili,
G. Bochorishvili, L. Gvenetadze
Influence of Hippocampal Injuries on Discriminative Learning
Presented by Member of the Academy T. Oniani, January 10, 2006
Abstract. In the present work different hippocampal regions were lesioned in cats and following effects were studied during discriminative learning. Unilateral damage to the anterior-ventral hippocampus appeared to be more effective. In all cases conditioned trace reactions were deteriorated. Combined lesions to different hippocampal regions were also tryed. According to the data obtained hippocampus does not take part in the performance of Pavlovian conditioned reflexes. Hippocampal functions are realized in short and long-term spatial memory tests. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp.568-570
Key words: posterior and anterior ventral hippocampus, lesions, learning.
G. Todua
Antidromic Identification of Efferent Units in Central Nucleus of the Amygdaloid Complex
Presented by Member of the Academy T. Oniani, January 23, 2006
Abstract. In anesthetized cats the projection neurons in central nucleus (CN) of the amygdaloid complex were identified by their antidromic responses due to stria terminalis (ST) stimulation. For identification of antidromic responses traditional criteria were used. The distribution of efferent units within CN and their electrophysiological properties have been described. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp. 571-574
Key words: central nucleus, antidromic response, latency, collision, collision error.
V. Aplakov, E. Kirtadze, N. Abuladze, R. Aplakov
Conversioin of Glucose and Acetaldehyde During Secondary Alcoholic Fermentation
Presented by Member of the Academy G. Kvesitadze, March 14, 2006
ABSTRACT. Using labelled compounds, a metabolic potential of yeasts for conversion of glucose and acetaldehyde during secondary alcoholic fermentation was detected.
The carbon atoms of the compounds examined were shown to be actively incorporated in the yeast biomass and to participate in the synthesis of proteins and free amino acids. By the end of fermentation the major part of glucose and acetaldehyde radioactivity has been found in the wine components. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp. 575-577
Key words: glucose, acetaldehyde, secondary alcoholic fermentation, yeast, organic acids, amino acids.
T. Vardiashvili, N. Koshoridze, Corr. Member of the Academy N. Aleksidze
The Modulative Influence of the Mitochondrial Glucose-Specific Lectin on the Bovine Brain HCO3–-ATPase Activity
Presented May 23, 2006
ABSTRACT. Glucose-specific lectin (BML-Glu) has been isolated from the bovine brain mitochondria. The influence of this lectin on the enzymatic activity of bovine brain HCO3–-ATPase of the mitochondrial origin has been studied. It is determined that BML-Glu lectin approximately twice increases the enzymatic activity. The optimal conditions (the concentration of HCO3-ion and of ATP, pH-optimum) of HCO3– – ATPase work in the incubation medium in presence of lectin and without it are determined. It is also determined that the influence of two valence ions on HCO3– – ATPase activity changes in the incubation medium in presence of BML-Glu lectin. Namely, due to the influence of BML-Glu-lectin on the enzyme the inhibiting influence of Ca2+ decreases approximately 1.5 times, but that of Cu2+ decreases approximately 5 times. As for Fe2+ and Mn2+ it turned out that in presence of lectin the activating influence of Fe2+ and Mn2+on the enzyme increases. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp. 578-581.
Key words: brain, mitochondria, lectin, enzyme.
T. Bolotashvili, N. Mgebrishvili
Human Sperm Carbohydrate-Binding Proteins (HSp-CBP) at Normozoospermy and Invasion with Chlamidia trachomatis
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy N. Aleksidze, March 23, 2006
Abstract. Human Sperm Carbohydrate-binding proteins (HSp-CBP) at normozoospermy and invasion with Chlamidia trachomatis have been studied. It is determined that during chlamydeous the lectin activity in sperm plasma increases that of the norm. Mannose-specific lectin (HSp-Man) has been purified on agarose-mannose affinity sorbent with HPLC on Gel-filtrated Ultropac TSK G3000 SW column. Chlamidia trachomatis DNA, causing infection in sperm, has been identified with polymerize-chain reactin (PCR). It has been suggested that mannose-specific lectin could relatively be the immune modulator component of genital tract secret. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp.582-585
Key words: human sperm, normozoospermy, polymerize-chain reaction, Chlamidia trachomatis, mannose-specific lectin.
Microbiology and Virology
M. Elizbarashvili, M. Darsavelidze,
Member of the Academy T. Chanishvili,
T. Suladze, M. Dvalishvili
Characterization of Phages, Active to Klebsiella oxytoca
Presented July 5, 2005
Abstract. There were isolated 9 new K. oxytoca phages. Activity range of these phages was varying from 20-50%. After cloning we obtained 9 phages. Virions morphology of 4 phages was studied. Then, the phages were divided as follows: Myoviridae -2 phages; Podoviridae -2 phages. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. 586-588
Key words: bacteriophage, clone, virion.
E. Orjonikidze, I. Tskvitinidze, I. Malania
Biorational Method of Control of Grapevine Moth Lobesia botrana
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy I. Eliava, February 28, 2006
ABSTRACT. Numerous pest species damaging different organs of a plant occur on grapevine (Vitis vinifera). Grapevine moth Lobesia botrana is an extremely harmful pest of grapevine plant. Larvae of I instar of the pest damage mainly buds and slightly affect grapevine berries. Larvae of the second and third instars, which feed upon grape berries, reduce significantly grapevine yield.
Here we present the results of testing of a new microbiological preparation Lirosect against the grapevine moth. Toxicity and efficacy of its combined mixtures with small doses of insecticides are evaluated. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp.589-590
Key words: grapevine, Lobesia botrana, insecticide, Lirosect, Phytoverm, Vertimek.
E. Vardiashvili
Testing of Entomopathogenic Nematode Steinernema carpocapsae against Pest Insects Polyphilla olivieri and Baratra brassicae
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy I. Eliava, February 31, 2006
ABSTRACT. The paper presents the results of testing of entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae against pest insects of vegetable cultures. The biopreparation containig 250 individuals per 1 ml of emulsion turned out to be the most effective aganst larvae of the investigated pest insects. Steinernema carpocapsae has been shown to cause high rate of invasion of larvae and it is advisable to use it for the biological control of quantity of pest insects. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp.591-593
Key words: entomopathogenic nematode, nematodobacterial suspension.
L. Ghoghoberidze, A. Cholokava
Transcaspian Snout Beetle Mecysolobus karelini (Boheman, 1844)=Alcides (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) from Inner (Shida) Kartli
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy I. Eliava, April 18, 2000
ABSTRACT. In the present work systematic belongness of a rare species Mecysolobus karelini Boh. is specified according to the modern nomenclature. Brief physico-geographic description of its habitat (Inner Kartli) is given. The areal and the type of areal are characterized. Distribution of the species in Inner (Shida) Kartli (indicating time and the site of samples collection), trophic links with host plant and short characterization of the latter are presented. The ways of species formation in the South Caucasus and its significance for bio- and agrocoenoses are discussed. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp.594-595
Key words: trophic links, biocoenosis, agrocoenosis, orography, xerophilic formation, phytolandscape, phrygana.
Corr. Member of the Academy I. Eliava, L. Jgenti
Trachactionolaimus montanus n. sp. (Nematoda, Actinolaimidae) from Adzhara (Western Georgia)
Presented April 18, 2006
Abstract. A new species of soil nematode Trachactionolaimus montanus from Adzhara is described; The genus Trachactionolaimus has been found only in Angola and the Dominica so far. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp.596-597
Key words: onchia, vestibular ring, supplement.
N. gratiashvili, Kh. djanelidze
The Study of Differentiation of
Photoreceptors of
White Mice’s Retina
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy G. Tumanishvili, December, 13, 2005
ABSTRACT. We have studied the differentiation of photoreceptors of 17 days’ embryos, new-born, 2 weeks’ and 6 months’ white mice retina. It is shown, that in 17 days embryos and new-born mice’s retina outer segments of photoreceptors are not formed yet. They are formed for 2 weeks after the birth and reach their complete differentiation in 6 month’s mice. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp.598-600
Key words: retina, photoreceptors, differentiation.
L. Nadashvili
Correlation between Body Measurements in Georgian
Accelerant Adolescent Girls and Boys
Presented by Member of the Academy N. Javakhishvili, December 27, 2005
ABSTRACT. The 26 anthropometric indexes have been measured in 100 adolescents aged 18-22 years, (45 female and 55 male) living in Georgia. Body proportions were established by the method of indexes. Anthropometric indexes were statistically treated on the PC using methods of regression analysis, methods of factual and partial correlation and method of indexes. Cranial indexes of accelerant adolescent boys turned out to be less as compared with those of adolescent girls. Transitional forms of skull have been revealed in individuals of both sexes. Mean body length and weight of adolescent noys exceeded similar indexes of young women. As to the correlation between sizes of body parts, it obeys the principles characteristic to the somatotype of normal physical development in both young men and women. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp.601-604
Key words: accelerant, anthropometric measurements, factual correlation, method of indexes, somatotype.
Experimental Medicine
M. Lomia
Effects of Antiepileptic Drugs on Anaphylactic Shock and on Herxheimer Microshock in Guinea Pigs
Presented by the Member of the Academy T. Oniani, February 16, 2006
Abstract. We searched the activity of phenytoine and sodium valproate in experimental model of anaphylactic shock and in Herxheimer microshock. Guinea pigs were actively sensitized with ovalbumin i.p. and 21 days later the anaphylactic shock or the Herxheimer microshock was performed. Phenytoin sodium or sodium valproate administered orally and also injected 30 min before Herxheimer microshock significantly delayed the development of apnea in the beginning of microshock. Previous inhalation of these drugs did not delay the development of apnea in the beginning of microshock. Therefore i.p. use of antiepileptic drugs modulate apnea during bronchospasm in animals with Herxheimer microshock, and this definitely elucidate mechanisms of clinical efficacy of some antiepileptic drugs in asthma therapy. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp. 605-607
Key words: anaphylactic shock, Herxheimer microshock, Guinea pigs, anticonvulsants, phenytoin, sodium valproate.
Experimental Medicine
N. Gabadadze, T. Bukia, G. Matsaberidze, M. Khutsishvili
Importance of Anti-IL-6 and Anti-HP Antibodies in Case of Gastroduodenal Pathologies
Presented by Member of the Academy F. Todua, February 22, 2006
Abstract. In the recent period the role of Helicobacter Pylor (HP) in inducing gastroduodenal ulcerous processes, gastric adenocarcimoma and extranodal B-cell lymphoma has been determined. In order to identify HP infection bacteriologic, morphologic, radiologic, serologic and molecular-genetic tests are applied. The minimum traumatism and possibility to investigate simultaneously several individuals is the advantage of serologic test (ELISA). Quantitative analysis of interleukin-6 (IL-6) occurred to be most informative among studied parameters. In the course of gastroduodenal processes concentration of IL-6 significantly increases compared to ulcerogenic and mixed processes. It seems, that in case of ulcerogenic processes the production of IL-6 is suppressed. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp.608-610
Key words: Helicobacter pylor, Interleukin IL–6, B-cell Lymphoma.
Experimental Medicine
N. Tkhilava, I. Kvachadze, E. Ekaladze, M. Arabuli, S. Kalmakhelidze
Evidence of Influence of Soybean Isoflavones on the Antioxidant Properties of Rats’ Blood and Liver
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy T. Dekanosidze, July 26, 2005
Abstract. Over the past few years, there has been increasing interest in possible beneficial effects of soybean isoflavones on human metabolism. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of antioxidant properties of soybean on EPR (Electron-Paramagnetic-Resonance) spectroscopic parameters of blood and liver and percentage correlation of hemoglobin derivatives in erythrocytes of experimental rats (Vistar species). After soybean diet of 3 months duration, EPR-signal of ceruloplasmin in the rats’ blood decreased by 25% (p<0.05) compared to control group, the intensity of Fe3+ transferin EPR – signal increased by 20% (p<0.05), the changes of Fe2+ and Mn2+- EPR-signals were not detected. In liver, EPR-signals of free radicals decreased by 14% (p<0.01) on the background of decreasing of their half-broad signal (by 21% (p<0.05)). Intensity of EPR signals of FeS complexes decreased by 25.8% (p<0.01), Mn2+- signals – 36.2% (p<0.01), cyt. P-450 – 31 % (p<0.001). Concentration of oxyhemoglobin rose by 3.2 %, (p<0.005), variations were not revealed in dioxyhemoglobin level, and methemoglobin declined by 3.3% (p<0.01).
The results of the study revealed increasing antioxidant properties of an organism under the influence of soybean diet. We think that increasing consumption of soybean products will prevent an organism from many diseases, which are connected with excess generation of free radicals. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp.611-614
Key words: antioxidants, isoflavones, ceruloplasmin, superoxide dismutase, cyt. P-450, apotransferrin, derivatives of hemoglobin.
Experimental Medicine
R. Gagua, E. Gedevanishvili, L. Giorgobiani, A. Kapanadze,
V. Osmanova, M. Topeshashvili, T. Mchedlishvili
Assessment of the Organism’s Functional State before and after
Surgical Treatment of Lung Cancer Using Gas-Discharge
Visualization Method
Presented by Member of the Academy T. Oniani, February 2, 2006
Abstract. Recent study was implemented at National Oncology Center of Georgia for estimation of organism’s functional state at surgical treatment of lung cancer, using Gas Discharge Visualization Method (GDV) of professor Korotkov ( Cirlyano-Beography). Correlation of GDV studies to the clinical-laboratory data has been revealed in 80-92% comparing different organ-systems state. 209 patients were examined: 1) main group involving 149 male patients with surgically treated plain-cellular lung cancer; 2) control group - 60 practically healthy males of 3 age groups. GDV parameters of healthy organism’s respiratory system and functional activity of their organ-systems were determined.
Patients were examined using technologies created for the assessment of organism’s functional state and compensatory resources, for their timely correction and normalization of the post-operative functional activity, with the purpose of further adequate rehabilitation and improved effectiveness of the treatment. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp.615-618
Key words: oncology, pulmonology, functional diagnostics, Gas-Discharge Visualization (GDV), Cirlyano-Beography method.
T. Dzadzamia, J. Petriashvili, Sh. Petriashvili
Bioremediation of the Petroleum-Product Contaminated “ Terra Rossa” Soils
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy T. Urushadze, February 7, 2006
ABSTRACT. The conducted investigation showed that the optimal variant for recultivating oil- and petroleum-product contaminated “terra rossa” soil was introduction of green peas in the capacity of green-manure in the presence of biogenic material: peat and biomass of Pseudomonas bacterial cultures. In this variant 87% of petroleum products is degraded, while the survivability of oil-destructing microbes is 13.04 x 104 cells per 1g of absolutely dry soil. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp.619-622
Key words: bioremediation, Pseudomonas, oil-contamination, terra rossa, microorganisms-destructors.
O. Shurgaia
Dualistic Nature of the Georgian National Land Ownership Psychology in Historic and Economic Context
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy L.Chikava, February 9, 2006
Abstract. In the present paper analysis of dualistic nature of psychology regarding land ownership and its defining factors in Georgia is made. It argues that the principles of individual and communal ownership of land harmoniously combined two distinct psychological tendencies – proclivity to individualism and collectivism. Consequently, on the one hand, they combined economic freedom and private initiative of individualism with the interests of collective, social values on the other hand. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp. 623-626
Key words: property types, dualism, land ownership psychology, individual farming, property, bequeath, appropriation, inherited property, inheritance, homestead.
N. Kutsia
The Problem of Personal Choice
(Guram Dochanasvili, “The Best Clothes”)
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy E. Khintibidze, December 27, 2005
Abstract. In the 70s of the 20th century Georgian literature was greatly influenced by writers who made persistent attempts to break away from the established literary conventions. Guram Dochanashvili‘s (born in 1939) major creation, the novel “The Best Clothes” became the symbol of the world‘s sickness. By the writer the only way to return to God is putting on the Best Clothes (paradigm of Lord‘s Word).
Dochanashvili devotes his great literary talent to pursuit of a life more full, free and intense than the contemporary world can grant to men.
The underlying purpose of his art is to restore natural balance in living destroyed by the evils of atheism. One of the most important aspects of the novel The Best Clothes by Guram Dochanashvili is the problem of personal choice. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp.627-628
Key words: Paradigm (The Best Clothes).
T. Makharoblidze
About the Category of Version
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy M. Shanidze, February 7, 2006
ABSTRACT. Version is a well-investigated category of Georgian verb with a strong morphological system. Although the category of version has some peculiarities, which could be exposed as a system. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp.629-631
Key words: Georgian morphology; Georgian verb; version; ktseva; destination.
E. Sekhniashvili
Fall Through Pride in O’Neill’s Drama
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy E. Khintibidze, January 17, 2006
Abstract. The article deals with some critical questions about the nature of the idea of O’Neill’s plays. O’Neill’s conception of process as the unity in which opposites are reconciled has numberless philosophical parallels and sources. But O’Neill as a twentieth-century man had to interpret the ancient idea in the twentieth-century symbols and terms. He found this conception in the conditions of modern living and in the language of psychoanalysis. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp. 632-634
Key words: tragedy, opposites, symbol.
R. Takaishvili
Connection of Classical and Electronic Music in a Context of Development of Musical Culture
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy M. Berdzenishvili, March 17, 2005
Abstract. Initial common roots and bases of classical and electronic music in a context of continuity of musical culture are considered. It is stressed, that composition of any kind including the electronic one requires artistic concept, in which the form is specified including all its comprising components. Electronic musical compositions are created by combining in various ways computer saved acoustic information, or, in other words, using general principles of composing. It is noted that wide spread passion for computer music is a social phenomenon and that people of young generation come to music via computer technologies. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. pp. 635-637
Key words: musical culture, classical music, electronic music, musical-computer technologies.