volume 164 number 2 September-October
Member of the Academy L. Zhizhiashvili
On Marcinkiewicz Type Multidimensional Operators
Presented May 29, 2001
Abstract. The best possible conditions for almost everywhere existence and integrability of Marcinkiewicz type multidimensional singular operators are established.
Key words: multidimensional operator.
G. Khimshiashvili
Elliptic Cells and Fredholm Operators
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy N.Vakhania, January 8, 2001
Abstract. We consider images of balls under mappings satisfying certain linear elliptic systems of the first order. Some situations are described where families of such cells attached to a given submanifold can be described by Fredholm operators in appropriate function spaces. Using recent results of I.Stern, and of the present author on the existence of elliptic Riemann-Hilbert problems for generalized Cauchy-Riemann systems we indicate some classes of elliptic systems of the first order which give rise to non-linear Fredholm operators of such type.
Key words: generalized Cauchy-Riemann system, Clifford algebra, Dirac operator, attached elliptic cell, Fredholm operator, Riemann-Hilbert problem
M. Akhobadze, Z. Tevdoradze
Analysis of Budget Formation with the Application of Fuzzy Sets
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy A.Prangishvili, October 24, 2000
Abstract. One mathematical model of budget formation according to the fuzzy set theory is described. One-parameter families of relatively minimal, ordinary and optimistic budgets are defined and constructed.
Key words. fuzzy sets,
a-level set, budget-mapping, bifurcation set.
Z. Avaliani
Complete Semigroups of Binary Relations Defined by Semilattices of the Class
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy D. Baladze, September 18., 2001
Abstract. The semilattices of the class
are completely described in the paper. For computing the number of lattices of
the class
a formula is derived for the case when X is a finite set. A set of outer
elements of complete semigroup of binary relations defined by the semilattices
of the given class is found.
Key words: binary relation, semilattice, semigroup.
Ya. Diasamidze
Divisibility of Elements in Complete Semigroups of Binary Relations
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy D. Baladze, September 11, 2001
Abstract. In this work, using complete semilattices of unions we define subsemigroups of a semigroup of all binary relations on the set X which we call complete semigroups of binary relations defined by complete X-semilattices of unions. Both the right and the left divisibility of elements in these subsemigroups are studied.
Key words: binary relation, semigroups, unit elements.
N. Topuridze
On the Structure of the Zero-Set of a Quaternionic Polynomial
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy N. Berikashvili, September 19, 2000
Abstract. We investigate the structure of roots of a standard quaternionic polynomial and show that the commutation properties of its coefficients determine some important features of zero-set. Some simple criteria for the finiteness of the zero-set are presented and illustrated by a representative set of typical examples.
Key words: quaternion, monic polynomial, centralizer, mapping degree.
G. Bibileishvili
On the Topological Degree of a Quasihomogeneous
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy N.Berikashvili, October 17, 2000
Abstract. We obtain some upper estimates for the topological degree of quasihomogeneous endomorphisms of Euclidean spaces of low dimension. In the case of real plane R2, one of these estimates is exact. In the case of three-dimensional space R3, we obtain a similar estimate for homogeneous endomorphisms.
Key words
: quasihomogeneous polynomial, topological degree, Bezout theorem, signature technique, multiplicity, Petrovsky number.
T. Kopaliani
On Unconditional Bases in Banach Function Spaces
Presented by Member of the Academy L.Zhizhiashvili, October 17, 2001
Abstract. Let X be a Banach function space
which is the unconditional basis. It is proved, that if X
Key words:
unconditional bases, Banach function space.
A. Aplakov
On the Absolute Convergence of the Series of Fourier-Haar Coefficients
Presented by Member of the Academy L. Zhizhiashvili, October 17, 2000
Abstract. In this paper we study the absolute convergence of the series of Fourier-Haar coefficients of class BV(p(n)
p, j).Key words:
absolute convergence, Fourier-Haar coefficients, generalized Wiener's class, BV(p(n) p, j) class.
I. Khazhalia
On Some Wavelet Bases
Presented by Member of the Academy L. Zhizhiashvili, December 26, 2000
Abstract. The problem of unconditionality of the orthonormal wavelet bases associated with a multiresolution analysis, for the spaceLp(R) (1 < p <
+Ґ) is investigated. In particular, a strengthened form of Gripenberg’s theorem is established.Key words:
unconditional, basis, Lp(R) (1 < p < +Ґ) spaces, wavelet, multiresolution analysis.
M. Losaberidze, T. Iamanidze
On Dynamic Effect Caused by Stamps Moving on the Boundary of Elastic Body
Presented by Member of the Academy R. Adamia, July 7, 2001
Abstract. We consider the case of two stamps interaction having different form, moving with constant velocity, with elastic half-plane, with simultaneous action of concentrated force.
Key words: elastic half-plane, analytical function, stamp.
On the Energy Equations of Pulsating Motion of the Flow of Suspended Sediment
Presented by Member of the Academy Ts.Mirtskhulava, May 29, 2001
Abstract. The present study shows that the energy equations of pulsating motion of the solid phase of suspended sediment flow can be divided into three independent equations permitting to express the work performed on the sediment suspending precisely and to establish the relationship between this work and the components of a tensor of turbulent energy transmittance for suspension.
Key words: flow, turbulence, suspended sediment.
Computer Science
A. Sikharulidze
Making Decision According to the Connectivity Analysis
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy A. Prangishvili, January 30, 2001.
Abstract. In present paper, the connectivity theory and its use for decision-making are discussed. The method is applied to the set of psychiatric diseases. The knowledge base is constructed on the basis of historical patients' records and the obtained results are discussed.
Key words: connectivity theory, fuzzy measures, positive and negative connectivities.
A. Gerasimov, Z. Bokhochadze, R. Kazarov, A. Bibilashvili, I. Lomidze
The Mechanism of Divacancy Creation
Presented by Member of the Academy J.Lominadze, March 27, 2001
Abstract. In present paper, we propose the mechanism of vacancies motion and their interaction. It is shown that the easier vacancies motion the more electrons are captured by them. It is conditioned by the weakening of chemical bonds caused by antibonding electrons. We also explained one strange fact of negative vacancies to be attracted to each other which is caused by more weakening action of the trapped electron bonds by both vacancies on the atoms between vacancies, than on the other atoms being around vacancies.
Key words: divacancy, defects, Si, chemical bonds, migration.
B. Maisuradze
Computer Regulation of Active Loading in Power Plants
Presented by Member of the Academy N. Amaglobeli, May 8, 2001
Abstract. The present work considers the case of group regulation of power plants according to water charge, which provides reliable, correct, quick and operative receipt and transmission of information and is more economic from the point of power charges and does not require large size installations. The block scheme for computer control and its principle of operation is given.
Key words: hydropower station, hydrogenerator, computer.
M. Metskhvarishvili, I. Metskhvarishvili, Z. Mikava, M. Rusishvili, L. Khorbaladze
Investigation of the Internal Conversion Coefficients for 152Sm 121.78 keV Energy g-Transition
Presented by Member of the Academy N.Amaglobeli, December 14, 2000
Abstract. Internal conversion electron spectrum of 152Sm 121.78 keV
g-transition is investigated. It is established that K, L1, L2, L3, M1, M2, M3 conversion lines have no similar half-widths. Investigations of internal conversion coefficients on L1, L2, L3, M1, M2, M3 subshells for this g-transition show that the internal conversion coefficients are in good agreement with their theoretical values on L2, L3, and M2, M3 subshells. The significant differences are observed on L1 and M1 subshells.Key words:
internal conversion coefficients, g-transition, radioactive nucleus, multipolity.
G. Devidze
Top Quark Rare Decays t®cZ, t®cg, t®cg in the MSSM
Presented by Member of the Academy N. Amaglobeli, March 6, 2001
Abstract. Top quark rare decays t
®cZ, t®cg, t®cg are investigated in the minimal supersymmetric standard model. The branching ratio of these decays are calculated.Key words
: top, supersymmetry, quark, photon.
K. Tukhashvili, G. Entzian, V. Kandashvili, M. Devnozashvili, M. Miminoshvili
On the Influence of the Sluggishness of Ionosphere on the Process of Photoionization in the Earth Atmosphere
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy T.Sanadze, December 19, 2000
Abstract. Two theoretical formulas for determination of time of relaxation in the ionosphere have been obtained: one of them with account of the sluggishness of ionosphere and the rate of solar zenith-angle variations, and the second one - by analytical way from empiric formula of diurnal variation of absorption of radiowaves. Theoretical conclusions were examined by experimental results obtained in Germany. This theory agrees well with the experiment.
Key words: Ionosphere, absorption, time of relaxation.
L. Chkhaidze, T. Djobava, L. Kharkhelauri
The Identification of Protons and p+-mesons in C-Ne and C-Cu Collisions at a Momentum of 4.5 GeV/c per Nucleon at
SKM-200-GIBS Streamer Chamber
Presented by Member of the Academy N.Amaglobeli, March 13, 2001
Abstract. The identification of protons and
p+ mesons has been carried out at the SKM-200-GIBS set-up. For this purpose the statistical method of identification has been used. This method is based on the identification through the use of the neural nets. Main assumption of the method is based on the similarity of p- and p+ mesons spectra. The admixture of p+ mesons amongst the charged positive particles is about (25ё27) %. After identification the admixture of p+ mesons is not exceeding (5ё7) %. The kinematical characteristics of p+ and p- mesons coincide satisfactorily.Key words:
nucleus, proton, meson, identification.
L. Djakhaia
The Probable Effects of Rotary Disk
Presented by Member of the Academy R. Salukvadze, May 29, 2001
Abstract. An experiment is proposed for more definition to see if “red displacement” of gamma ray in rotary disk is the result of Doppler shift or real gravitational “red displacement”.
Key words: experiment, gamma ray, Doppler shift, rotor, vacuum, gravitation.
Corr. Member of the Academy R.Kiladze
On the Motion of Uncontrolled Geostationary Satellites
Presented June 12, 2001
Abstract. The Lagrange equations for geostationary satellites motion in spherical coordinates connected with Laplace plane are considered. The first integral of system of equations has been found. The intermediate orbit of satellite has been constructed.
Key words: geostationary satellite, orbit, first integral.
J. Chkhikvadze
On the Problem of Variability of Herbig Ae/Be Stars
(Preliminary Results)
Presented by Member of the Academy E.Kharadze, June 19, 2001
Abstract. The model of variable obscuration by circumstellar clumps orbiting the star is considered. It is shown that there are principle difficulties when comparing model calculations with observational data. A conclusion is drawn that the obscuration by the circumstellar dust clump cannot be regarded as a mechanism causing the light decrease in HBe stars.
Key words: HBe stars, dust clump, obscuration.
Member of the Academy A. Apakidze, G. Tabagua, L. Chanturishvili, Corr. Member of the Academy T. Chelidze, G. Kipiani, G. Giunashvili, M. Jakhutashvili
Results of Archaeogeophysical Research at the Armaztsikhe-Bagineti Ancient City (Eastern Georgia)
Presented March 13, 2001
Abstract. Detailed electric prospecting on the territory of ancient city Armaztsikhe-Bagineti revealed four first-order anomalous areas. Their relevance to archaeological landmarks is confirmed by control trenches of total length of 17m. Correspondingly on the second and third terrasses of the tested area on the boundary between quarternary sediments and alluvial clays four significant archaeological objects with total area 1170 sqm. have been discovered.
Key words: archaeogeophysics, Eastern Georgia, ancient city.
V. Alania, L. Alania, E. Glonti, N. Tsereteli
Tectonic Interpretation of Recent Earthquakes in the Frontal Part of the Achara-Trialeti Thrust and Fold Belt and the Southern Part of the Kartli Foreland Basin
Presented by Member of the Academy T.Chelidze, June 26, 2001
Abstract. This study is based on the tectonic interpretation of recent earthquakes. We present 11 focal mechanisms. The study of shallow earthquakes reveals three major groups. There are strike-slip, normal fault and thrust mechanisms.
Key words: focal mechanisms, thrust, strike-slip, flexure, flexural extension
Analytical Chemistry
L. Mujiri, I. Shatirishvili, Sh. Gigilashvili
Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Liquid Phase of Georgian Wines “Rkatsiteli” and “Muskat Rkatsiteli”
Presented by Member of the Academy T.Andronikashvili, January 22, 2001
Abstract. We have studied husks of grapes of two varieties of vines “Rkatsiteli” and “Muskat Rkatsiteli” on different stages of fermentation. Using the method of gas chromatographic analysis the content of alcohols of different type has been determined.
Key words: husks of grapes, gas chromatographic analysis.
Analytical Chemistry
Sh. Shatirishvili
Determination of Phenolic Compounds in Georgian Brandy
Alcohol by Method of High Performance Liquid Chromatography
Presented by Member of the Academy T.Andronikashvili, November 21, 2000
Abstract. In present paper, we report on the results of phenolic compounds study in three-year Georgian brandy alcohol using the HPLC method. This gives the possibility to determine the content of phenolic compounds of the researched type on the level of 0.1 ppm.
Key words: Georgian brandy, HPLC, model mixture.
General and Inorganic Chemistry
Member of the Academy G. Tsintsadze, N. Zhorzholiani, M. Tskitishvili, E. Zedelashvili, I.Beshkenadze, L.Metreveli
Diverse-Ligand Complex Compounds of Biometals with Citric Acid and Sulfanilamides in Weak Acid Medium
Presented February 13, 2001
Abstract. There have been synthesized MAH
ЧH3CitЧSO4 complex compounds, where M = Cu (II), Co (II), Zn (II), Mn (II), Fe (II), Mg, AH- Sulfadimetoxine (FH) or ethazole (AetH). Based on the study there has been proposed the presumable structure of the complex compounds.Key words:
complex compounds, synthesis, sulfadimetoxine, ethazole, citric acid, infrared absorption spectra.
Organic Chemistry
R. Gakhokidze, N. Sidamonidze, N. Itriashvili, T. Tsikaridze
The Problem of Acidic Isomerization of some Disaccharides
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy L. Khananashvili, September 26, 2000
Abstract. The influence of lead (II) hydroxide on some reducing disaccharides, namely lactose, maltose and celobiose has been studied. It is established, that in the course of the reaction the breaking of glycoside bonds doesn’t occur and the corresponding bionic acids - 4-O-[
b-D-galactopyranosyl]-D-glucosaccharinic, 4-O-[a-D-glucopyranosyl]-D-glucosaccharinic and 4-O-[b-D-glucopyranosyl]-D-glucosaccharinic acids are formed with 40, 46.67 and 63.75% yield (correspondingly). Derivatives of acids - the lactones and calcium salts are synthesized. By means of hydrolysis of bionic acids a-D-glucosaccharinic acid and its derivatives calcium salt, phenylhydrazide and anilide are obtained. The structure of synthesized compounds was established by physico-chemical methods of investigation.Key words:
disaccharides, bionic acids, acidic isomerization.
Organic Chemistry
T. Alavidze, V. Vasniov, T. Gogiashvili
Study of Arsenic Containing Polyarylates
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy L. Khananashvili, June 20,20001
Abstract. We have compared thermostabilities and heat stabilities of arsenic containing polyarylates and ordinary polyarylates. It is shown that according to thermostability arsenic containing polyarylates don’t yield ordinary ones and by heat stability they even surpass ordinary polyarylates.
Key words: polyarylates, thermostability, heat stability.
Physical Chemistry
T. Butkhuzi, Z. Dzotsenidze, N. Gamkrelidze, M. Sharvashidze, L. Gogebashvili
The Inverse of Conductivity in II-VI Wide-Band Binary
Compounds Using Protective Layer
Presented by Member of the Academy T. Andronikashvili, February 6, 2001
Abstract. The protective layer (gold) inadequately solves in itself components A and B. The component A abandons the base crystal and participates in the formation of a new crystalline layer.
The dependence of a technological process on temperature shows that the extraction of a component A from the base crystal proceeds with different intensity. As a result, it is possible to obtain the stoichiometric samples and also the samples with deviation of stoichiometry towards component B. The results are proved by photoluminescence spectra.
Key words: ZnO, protective layer, photoluminescence, photoconductivity.
Physical Chemistry
S. Urotadze, G. Tsintskaladze
The IR Spectra of Laumontites of Georgia
Presented by Member of the Academy T.Andronikashvili,March 20,2001
Abstract. The IR spectra of natural zeolite-laumontites of Georgia and their modifitial forms have been studied. It has been established that laumontites of Georgia have regulated crystal structure with high content of zeolite phase.
Key words: zeolite, laumontite, IR spectra.
Physical Chemistry
G. Papava, Z. Tabukashvili, N. Dokhturishvili, N. Gelashvili, M.Datuashvili, M. Gurgenishvili, M. Ramishvili
On some Peculiarities of Hardening Process of Resole Oligomer in Diatomite Containing Phenol-Formaldehyde Polymer
Presented by Member of the Academy T. Andronikashvili, May 15, 2001
Abstract. We have studied the hardening process of resole oligomer in diatomite-containing phenol-formaldehyde polymer composition in isothermal conditions in vacuum and air at 120-250 0C. Mass-spectroscopic analysis shows that water and formaldehyde are extracted in the form of volatile products and diatomite remains constant. Mass reduction caused by water and formaldehyde extraction was taken as a criterion of quantitative evaluation of the process.
Key words:
polymer composition, diatomite.Electrochemistry
R. Kvaratskhelia, E. Kvaratskhelia
Voltammetry of Itaconic Acid at the Solid Electrodes
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy J. Japaridze, July 4, 2000
Abstract. Voltammetry of itaconic acid at the electrodes from Cu, Pt, Ta, Cd and alloys Cu-Hg, Cd-Hg, Cd-Sn, Cd-Cu, Cd-In, Cd-Ni, Cd-Ag in aqueous solutions has been studied in present paper. It has been shown that the waves of itaconic acid correspond to the hydrogen ions discharge process (the waves of electrolytic hydrogenation of double bond are not observed).
Key words: itaconic, wave, potential, electrode, alloy.
Physical Geography
R. Tolordava
Cartographic Method of Delimitation of Territorial Waters
Presented by Member of the Academy Z.Tatashidze, April 17, 2001
Abstract. The present work is an attempt to use cartographic method for delimitation of territorial waters from the adjacent countries and maritime space on an example of Georgia. The research is based on the State large-scale (1:100 000) sea maps (shelf maps), where on the ground of projected baselines (short and long) the coordinates of extreme points of perpendiculars are defined. By means of a polygon metric principle the boundaries and square spaces of territorial waters of Georgia are defined in two variants. In the issue the length of boundary of territorial waters of Georgia makes 297.89 km, on the ground of which the 6624,6km2 area of maritime space must be under the jurisdiction of Georgia.
Key words:
continental shelf, territorial waters, delimitation.
Physical Geography
Corr. Member of the Academy Z. Tatashidze, R. Khazaradze
Natural Hazards and the Problem of Sustainable Development
of Mountain Regions in Georgia
Presented January 9, 2001
Abstract. The use of rich natural resources of Georgia is greatly hindered by activation of elemental natural hazards and their negative consequences. To maintain equilibrium of mountain ecosystems for the sake of sustainable development of national economy, population, engineering construction and promotion of mountain tourism it is necessary to minimize natural hazards through well organized programmatic management of remote sensing and geomonitoring study.
Key words: sustainable development, elemental natural hazards.
Physical Geography
N. Elizbarashvili, L. Matchavariani, D. Kereselidze, M. Ratiani
Modern Problems of Geographical Integration
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy Z. Tatashidze, July 3, 2001
Abstract. The modelling and forecasting of global and regional problems are possible only by integration of geographical disciplines (physical, social, economic, political geographies), synthesis of the complex analysis and dynamic features.
Key words: geographical integration, general geography.
Economic Geography
M. Kubetsia
On the Optimization of Nature Use (Theoretic Aspects)
Presented by Member of the Academy Z.Tatashidze, May 23, 2001
Abstract. On the basis of the homeostatic research of the functional and information analysis models and strategy of optimal regime of nature use are worked out.
Key words: anthropogenic modification, natural environment, biogeoscenosis.
Plant Growing
Member of the Academy T. Andronikashvili, O. Zardalishvili, K. Beriashvili
The Effect of Zeolite Containing Rocks and Mineral Fertilizers Used in Cooperation on Yielding Capacity of Table Beet
Presented March 20, 2001
Abstract. Field experiments have established that the introduction of natural zeolites of sedimental character into soil stimulates yielding capacity of table beet. It is found that clinoptilolite and especially phillipsite cause raise of yielding capacity of the mentioned culture even in comparison with control where mineral fertilizers are used: clinoptilolite in 5 % and phillipsite in 22 %. Cooperation of natural zeolites with mineral fertilizers raises the yielding capacity of table beet in a greater degree.
Key words: zeolite, clinoptilolite, phillipsite.
N. Gvarishvili
On Study of Colchic Forest Photocenoses of the Batumi Botanical Gardens
Presented by Member of the Academy G.Nakhutsrishvili, August 15, 2001
Abstract. Geobotanical analysis of Colchic forest of the Batumi Botanical Gardens is given. The regularities of development of natural vegetation, its typologycal composition, results of natural renovation of first phytocenoses and peculiarities of their dynamics are considered.
Key words: Colchic forest, phytocenosis.
Plant Physiology
Sh. Chanishvili, M. Dolidze, E. Giorgobiani, T. Barblishvili, G. Badridze
Influence of Sucrose and Indoleacetic Acid on Source Function of Grapevine Leaves
Presented by Member of the Academy G. Sanadze, December 31, 2000
Abstract. The effect of sucrose and indoleacetic acid (IAA) on grapevine leaves (Vitis vinifera, L. cv. “Rkatsiteli”) source function has been studied, using short exposotions ( 3 hours and 24 hours) in berries intensive growth phase. The following indices were investigated: leaves photosynthetic activity, photoassimilates transport, stomatal conductivity and leaves specific weight. The obtained data have revealed, that both substances increased the leafs source strength, intensified the transport in acropetal and basipetal directions, enhanced leaves specific weight. Sucrose inhibited the photosynthesis and stomatal conductivity. IAA caused increasing of these indices. Starch accumulation showed controversial results: sucrose induced starch content increasing, while IAA decreased its accumulation.
Key words: photosynthesis, stomatal conductivity, photoassimilates transport, grapevine.
Genetics and Selection
E. Baiashvili
Intraspecific and Intragenic Hybridization of the Representatives of Genus Purnus and Genus Cerasus
Presented by Corr.Member of the Academy D. Jokhadze, November 14, 2000
Abstract. Hybridization possibility of representatives of genus Prunus and genus Cerasus indicates their genetic similarity, which is very important from the phylogenetic point of view.
Key words: hybridization, P.cerasifera, P. spinosa, P. domestica.
Human and Animal Physiology
T. Tchelidze, L. Glonti, C. Siebold, J. F. Kleine, U. Bьttner
Influence of Different Frequencies on the Sensitivity of Fastigial “Vestibular only” Neurons
Presented by Member of the Academy T. Ioseliani, June 5, 2001
Abstract. Fastigial nucleus,the most medial of the deep cerebellar nuclei, plays an important role in the vestibular processing. According to the afferents from the vermis and also the elecrophysiological studies, it can be divided into two parts: rostral part – with “vestibular only” neurons and caudal part, known as “fastigial oculomotor region”. Our interest was to examine “vestibular only” neurons and see how the sensitivity changes during different stimulus frequencies.
The experiments were carried out on alert monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Stimulus frequencies varied within 0.06 – 1.4 Hz range. Neurons were tested during continuously changed head orientation. They showed different characteristics. Independent of this in all groups of neurons sensitivity increased with increasing frequencies.
Key words: fastigius, monkey, vestibular.
Human and Animal Physiology
G. Todua
Responses of Single Cells of Cortical Nucleus to Stimulation of Lateral, Basal and Medial Nuclei of the Amygdaloid Complex
Presented by Member of the Academy T.Oniani, March 28, 2000
Abstract. The responses of cortical nucleus (CoN) cells were studied following the stimulation of lateral, basal and medial nuclei of the amygdaloid complex. The efficiency of stimulation clearly depended upon the stimulated nuclear mass. The responses following the stimulation of medial nucleus were observed in 58.76 of investigated units. The percentage of responding units was much lower to lateral and basal nuclei stimulation (30.7 and 34.12% respectively).
The latent period in different units fluctuated from 2.5 to 82 msec. Short latency responses (less than 12 msec) were observed only to medial nucleus stimulation. By double stimulation method their orthodromic and transsynaptic nature was established. During the stimulation of basolateral part of the amygdaloid complex significant number of units responded with inhibition. Peculiarities of functional connections between investigated structures are discussed.
Key words: basolateral part, medial nucleus, cortical nucleus, unitary response, latency, inhibition, excitation.
Human and Animal Physiology
V. Maloletnev, M. Mamukashvili, I. Kharatishvili, I. Khachidze, Member of the Academy M. Khananashvili
Influence of Time Factor on the Quality of Operational Activities
Presented November 31, 2000
Abstract. Influence of time factor on the execution stability of operating functions was studied in 48 male volunteers (21-23 years old). They were asked to fulfill testing tasks in two working regimes: arbitrary and given. Testing results revealed that it is possible to single out two main individual types according to their reaction to limitation of time: stable persons and unstable ones. Stable people can be devided in two subtypes: those who lose operating efficiency in the time-limit conditions and those, who become mobilized and work efficiently.
Key words: operator's job, time factor, time deficit, individual differences.
Human and Animal Physiology
V. Kobaidze, E. Saralidze, L. Khuchua, Member of the Academy T. Ioseliani
The Influence of the Locus Coeruleus on the Neuronal Activity of the Lateral Geniculate Body
Presented November 14, 2000
Abstract. The influence of the Locus Coeruleus (LC) on the electrical activity of the lateral geniculate body (LGB) neurons was studied. The LC exerts a facilitatory influence on the LGB summed potential, especially on its initial positive deviation. This indicates its activating influence on the LGB relay neurons.This action is due to the LC inhibitory influence on the LGB interneurons.
Key words: lateral geniculate body, locus coeruleus.
A. Khizanishvili, A. Belokobylski, L. Mosulishvili
The Effect of Ions of Toxic and Nontoxic Metals on Spectral Characteristics of C-Phycocyanin Extracted from the Cells of Blue-Green Algae Spirulina platensis
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy D. Jokhadze, June 26, 2001
Abstract. High-purity C-phycocyanin (C-PC) preparations have been obtained from the cells of blue-green algae Spirulina platensis. To estimate the purity degree the spectrophotometric and electrophoretic methods were used. The influence of different ions of metals on spectral characteristics of C-PC was studied. There was shown, that ions Hg2+ move the absorption and fluorescence peaks.
Key words:
C-phycocyanin (C-PC), Spirulina platensis, ion metals, Hg2+, Cu2+, absorption and fluorescence spectra.
M. Jalyabova, B. Lomsadze, M. Shengelia
The Change of Peroxidation Intensity of Lipids of Biological Membranes in the Process of Tumour Growth and Adaptation
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy G.Tumanishvili, June 12,2001
Abstract. In erythrocytes of mice blood during the development process of sarcoma 37 regulatory role of membranes is disbalanced, which is connected with the change of oxidation reaction rate of lipids and their composition. Erythrocytes osmotic resistance and
a-tocopherol level in blood are decreased.Key words:
erythrocytes, sarcoma 37, lipide peroxidation, phospholipids, erythrocyte osmotic resistance.
E. Kartvelishvili, Sh. Khetsuriani, K. Khetsuriani
Spreading of R-plasmids in Polyresistant Candida spp. Strains
Presented by Member of the Academy G.Kvesitadze, May 8, 2001
Abstract. The mechanisms underlying the polyresistance in Candida spp. strains have been studied. The obtained data have demonstrated, that polyresistance is wide spread in Candida spp. strains. Out of 280 studied strains the 219 (78.21±2.78%) appeared to be polyresistant. Polyresistance was expressed to 3-9 antifungal preparations. Polyresistant Candida spp. strains with plasmids were found in 58.44±3.33% of cases. In Candida spp. strains polyresistance was determined by the nonchromosomal DNA in 45.31±4.39% of cases.
Key words: Candida spp. strains, polyresistance, R-plasmids, nonchromosomal DNA.
Member of the Academy G. Kvesitadze, A. Kalandiya, M. Vanidze, S. Papunidze
Kiwi Leaf and Fruit Phenolcarboxylic Acids
Presented February 27, 2001
Abstract. Kiwi leaf and fruit phenolcarboxylic acids were studied by paper, thin-layer and high-pressure chromatography. Gallic, caffeic, p-cumaric and quinic acids were identified.
Key words: phenolcarboxylic acids, kiwi fruit, leaf.
E. Bendeliani, G. Pruidze, N. Omiadze, L. Kutateladze
Isolation and Study of a-Amylase from Barley Malt
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy G. Kvesitadze, May 8, 2001
Abstract. The
a-amylase with optimum of activity at pH 5 has been isolated from barley malt. The pH optimum of the enzyme activity is found to be significantly changed under the action of tea tannin and tea dry yellow concentrate. The possibility of a-amylase activity regulation by tea tannin, dry yellow concentrate of tea and amino acids is shown.Key words:
a-amylase, malt, barley, beer stability, tea concentrate.
Microbiology and Virology
Z. Kapiashvili, E. Berianidze
New Nutrient Medium
Presented by Member of the Academy T.Chanishvili, February 13, 2001
Abstract. The new nutrient medium has been prepared on bean's pod.
Key words: nutrient, medium, bean's pod.
Microbiology and Virology
Sh. Khetsuriani, E. Kartvelishvili, K. Khetsuriani
The Antifungal Resistance of Candida spp. Strains in Patients with Different Diseases
Presented by Member of the Academy G.Kvesitadze, May 26, 2000
Abstract. The resistance of Candida spp. strains to various groups and generations of antifungal agents in patients with different diseases was studied. There was marked a higher resistance of Candida spp. strains to old antifungal drugs (nystatin, levorin) and lower resistance to new antifungal agents (atrican, macmiror) in patients with dental and otorhinolaryngological diseases. There was revealed a higher resistance of Candida spp. strains to new antifungal agent - lamisyl (61.53±13.44%) and less resistance to old agent amphotericin-B (30.76±12.79%) in patients with gastrointestinal diseases. Candida spp. strains were resistant to nizoral and amphotericin B in 100% cases and resistant to old antifungal agent - nistatin (25.00±12.5%) in patients with infections of skin and soft tissues. Candida spp. strains had a higher to old agent, nystatin (84.00±4.23%) and amphotericin B (80.00±4.61%) and lower resistance to macmiror (26.66±5.1%).
Key words: antifungal resistance, Candida spp. strains, antifungal agents.
I. Rukhadze, T. Tsertsvadze, N. Gochitashvili
Peculiarities of Progredient Development of the Neurological Variations of Herpes Zoster According to Main Features of
Immune Status
Presented by Member of the Academy V.Okujava, June 19, 2001
Abstract. Herpes zoster virus or Varicella Zoster virus with herpes simplex virus of 1 and 2 types belongs to the subgroup of a-herpes viruses. These viruses are called neurotropic human herpes viruses (NHHV). Herpes Zoster (HZ) is characterized by polymorphic clinical manifestations, which are the results of acute VZV infections and pathological immune reactions. A total of 43 patients with HZ were examined at the age of 19-74 years. According to the variations of immune status the patients were divided into two groups: immunocompetent and immunocompromised patients. Both groups were treated similarly. Acyclovir was used as the basic treatment (800 mg 5x daily for 7 days).
The dynamics of neurological manifestation and clinical symptoms restoration despite the performed etiological, pathogenetic and immunomodulative treatment are connected with the condition of human immune system and the clinical duration in immunocompromised patients more than in immunocompetentive ones.
Key words: herpes zoster, neurological variations, immunocompetent, immunocompromised.
M. Chkoidze, D. Kuchava, I. Kraveishvili, B. Todua
The Role of Infectious and Invasive Diseases in Formation of Depression of Brown-Tail Moth (Nygmia phaeorrhoea L.)
Presented by Member of the Academy G. Gigauri, March 20, 2001
Abstract. It is established that hemolymph of brown-tail moth (Nygmia phaeorrhoea L.) clearly responds to the influence of infections and invasive diseases and changes of climatic conditions of environment. Hematologic indices of Nygmia phaeorrhoea resistance to unfavourable environmental factors are the higher of lower degree of phagocytosis, phagocytosis starting time, rate of hemocytes degeneration and mortality.
Key words: Nygmia phaeorrhoea L., infectious diseases, leukocytic formula, hemograms.
M. Kuchava
Dynamics of Age-Groups of Nematodes in the Soil of Restored Ecosystems (r. Vere Canyon)
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy B. Kurashvili, July 3, 2001
Abstract. The dynamics of age- and sex-groups of soil nematodes in 1995 - 1996 was established.
Key words: nematode, dynamics, age-groups.
Parasitology and Helminthology
Sh. Potskhveria
The Role of the Freshwater Mollusks Planorbis planorbis in Epidemiology of Paramphistomidosis in Georgia
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy B.Kurashvili, March 6, 2001
Abstract. The freshwater mollusks Planorbis planorbis is the most wide spread species in Georgia and it is the main intermediate host of Paramphistomidosis pathogenes. From the investigated 6601 mollusks of this species 317 units (4.8%) were infected with Paramphistomidaes parthenites and their invasion reached maximum in August (6.7-8.9%). The other species of Planorbidae were free from Paramphistomidaes parthenites.
Key words: paramphistomidosis, planorbidae, parthenites.
G. Macharashvili, A. Ghligvashvili
The Structure of the Tushuri Sheep's Skin and Formation of the Hair Follicles in the Postembrionic Period
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy I.Eliava, November 28, 2000
Abstract. A study was made of the skin thickness of the Tushuri sheep and development of its separate layers as well as the peculiarities of wool follicles depending on age, sex and management. A great genetic potential of the Tushuri sheep wool production allows a high-quality wool from lambs at the 6 months of age to be obtained. This trait of the Tushuri sheep permits the prediction of wool production at an early age of sheep and its use in selection.
Key words: Tushuri sheep, skin structure, hair follicles, wool.
M. Gabrichidze, P. Chelidze, Corr. Member of the Academy G. Tumanishvili
Structural Organization of Nucleolonemal Nucleolus Using the Method of Ultrastructural Computer Tomography
Presented May 29, 2001
Abstract. We present the results of investigation of nucleononemal nucleolus spatial structure using the methods of ultrustructural computer tomography. According to the obtained data nucleolonema represents a dense strand consisted of grouped fibrillar centers covered with dense fibrillar component. The three - dimensional picture of vacuolary system development and correlations of intra and perinucleolar chromantin is shown.
Key words: nucleolonema, ultrastructural computer tomography.
Experimental Morphology
T. Lomsianidze
Acceleration of the Ossifying Process in Georgian Boys on the Example of Thighbone
Presented by Member of the Academy N. Javakhishvili, May 8, 2001
Abstract. The proximal and distal endings of thighbone have been studied in 85 Georgian boys of 15-25 age. According to the cartilaginous layers the studied contingent stops growing in the age of 21. The anamnesis data of the embryonic and in postnatal periods is taken into account.
Key words: acceleration, thighbone, heterochrony, growth.
Experimental Medicine
T. Tsintsadze
Estimation of Mutagenicity and Hemocompatability of PhagoBioDerm Wound Dressing
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy V. Bakhutashvili, August 24, 2001
Abstract. The osmotic resistance of erythrocytes after 270 days action of the remedy, and its mutagenicity have been studied. The minimal and maximal limits of erythrocyte resistance to sodium chloride solution under the action of PhagoBioDerm are revealed. It has been established that PhagoBioDerm doesn’t influence the osmotic resistance of erythrocytes that speaks for its hemocompatibility. The test of chromosome aberration of mice marrow cells did not show the mutagenicity of PhagoBioDerm.
Key words: PhagoBioDerm, wound dressing, hemocompatibility, erythrocyte, osmotic resistance, mutagenicity, chromosome aberration.
M. Kakabadze, G. Magradze, M. Nikolaishvili
Effect of Chronic Exposure to Power-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields on Behavioral Characteristics of Rats
Presented by Member of the Academy K. Nadareishvili, November 21, 2000
Abstract. The action of chronic exposure to 50 Hz frequency electromagnetic field (EMF) at 1.5 mT intensity on aggressiveness against mice and grasshoppers of naturally aggressive rats and modification of their “Open Field” behavior were studied. The elimination of mouse-killing aggressiveness on the one hand and increment of emotionality in “Open Field”, on the other hand, were indicated. As for aggressiveness against grasshoppers it was not significantly changed.
Key words: rat, mouse, grasshopper, electromagnetic field (EMF), aggressive behavior, open field.
Time Phenomenon in Communication Phrases
Presented by Member of the Academy G.Tevzadze, June 26, 2001
Abstract. In present paper, the analysis of meaning of time in communication phrases has been done. Different types of time phenomenon in communication of naive consciousness have been considered and classified.
Key words: time phenomenon.
I. Kovzanadze
Liquidity as a Criterion of Bank Management
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy V.Papava, July 3, 2001
Abstract. Bank liquidity is a primary and most sensitive index of its state. Complete evaluation of liquidity using financial coefficients is rather complicated process. The requirement of the national bank for commercial banks to follow liquidity standards and other obligatory norms makes the precondition to start the unification of unprofitable banks for creating competitive banks. The mentioned process is closely connected with the creation of sanation institutions and requires formation of new mechanisms of sanation and bodies, which in its turn puts forward the problem of forming deposits insurance system for commercial banks of Georgia.
Key words: liquidity, financial coefficients, sanation.
M. Nanitashvili
To the Problem of Evaluation of Competition in Retail Trade
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy L. Chikava, July 15, 2001
Abstract. The paper is dedicated to the problem of competitive relations and the methods of competition evaluation in retail trade. The concept of competition is defined and corresponding factors are characterized. A viewpoint on the methods of competition evaluation in retail trade is given.
N. Barnovi
On Construction of Consonant Clusters in the Avarian- Andian- Didoian Languages
Presented by Member of the Academy T.Gamkrelidze, May 1, 20001
Abstract. In present paper, we describe consonant clusters in the Avarian- Andian- Didoian group of the Daghestanian languages. Consonant combinative rules have been established.
Key words: consonant clusters, labialized groups, sonor distribution.
N. Tavkhelidze
The Entry of British Troops to Georgia (December 1918)
Presented by Member of the Academy R. Metreveli, September 13, 2001
Abstract. Coming back to the relations between the Government of an independent Georgia and the Command of the British Troops deployed in Georgia, we'd like to draw attention to the December 23, 1918 British-French Treaty on division of spheres of influence in Southern Russia.
The screening of the treaty helps us to identify the plans of the Antante states of Britain and France for Southern Russia and the Caucasus.
Key words: Georgia, British-French Treaty, Antante states.
N. Basiladze
V. A. Sukhomlinsky (1918-1970) and Georgian Pedagogical View
Presented by Member of the Academy G.Tsitsishvili, March 6, 2001
Abstract. V.A.Sukhomlinsky’s pedagogical ideas and works are well-known among the teachers of the former Soviet Union. His pedagogical skills are highly appreciated in Georgia. His books are issued in Russian, Polish, German, Slovenian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, English, French, Spanish, Japanese and many other languages.
Key words: pedagogical ideas, teaching, education
History of Art
S. Kasyan
On Gyom de Masho’s Ballads
Presented by Corr.Member of the Academy P.Zakaraia, July 4, 2000
Abstract. We have studied Gyom de Masho’s ballads from the viewpoint of the epoch of Middle Ages. The principles of ars nova are reflected in a special way in Masho's ballads.
Key words: ballad.