MOAMBE 2002 volume 166 number 1 Mathematics
T. Kopaliani Boundedness of Hardy-Type Operators in Banach Function Spaces Presented by Member of the Academy L.Zhizhiashvili, December 26, 2001
Abstract. Necessary and sufficient conditions ensuring the boundedness of Hardy-type operators on certain Banach function spaces are found.Key words: Banach spaces, hardy-type operator.
N.Topuridze On Noncommutative Linear Quaternionic Polynomials Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy N.Berikashvili, November 6, 2001
Abstract. In the present note we investigate noncommutative linear polynomials over H. It is shown that
the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra is not valid for them; more exactly, there takes place the trichotomy, i.e., either
the polynomial of the type
U. Goginava On the Approximation Properties of Cesaro Means of Negative Order of N-dimensional Walsh-Fourier Series Presented by Member of the Academy L. Zhizhiashvili, December 18, 2002
Abstract. In this paper we establish approximate properties of Cesaro means of N-dimensional
Walsh-Fourier series. This result allows one to obtain the condition which is sufficient for the convergence of the Cesaro means in
the Lp -metric. We also show that this condition cannot be improved in the cases
N. Bokuchava
A Generalized Mathematical Model of Structure Formation Presented by Member of the Academy V. Chavchanidze, November 20, 2001
Abstract. The formation of structures in systems with chemical reactions is investigated. Based on the information matrices, generalized mathematical model is constructed to investigate the formation of structures in systems where chemical reactions occur.Key words: System, reaction, concentration, kinetics, information, matrix.
N.Jorjiashvili Certain Distribution of Planets on Heavenly Sphere at the Moment of the Earthquake as a Triggering Effect (Combined Model) Presented by Member of the Academy V.Chavchanidze, September 25, 2001
Abstract. This work is devoted to numerical modelling of the fuzzy organization of different structures in planet locations distribution at the moment of earthquake. It is the case when the use of statistical methods or theory of errors do not give satisfactory results. The reason is contained in the nature of data and methods of their representation and processing. When data are presented by vague and overlapping intervals and in the process of receiving the information an expert participate, nature of data will be combined: in parallel to a probabilistic-statistical uncertainty there also exists a possibilistic uncertainty. Taking into account the combined nature of uncertainty above distributions are characterized by possibilistic spectrum describing emergence mechanisms of different structures.Key words: fuzzy measure, associated probabilities.
L.Kukutaria, G.Batsashvili
The Intermediate Temperature Problem and Kinetic Coefficients in Semiconductors of p-Ge Type Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy T.Sanadze, March 12, 2002
Abstract. General approximated expressions of the pulse relaxation times of heavy and light holes in p-Ge in the case of scattering on the acoustic phonones are obtained. On the received results corresponding mobilities in approximation of electron temperature are calculated.Key words: p-Ge, kinetic, impulse relaxation time, mobility.
R.Chikovani, G.Darsavelidze, G.Goderdzishvili, E.Kutelia, D.Mkheidze, T.Mkheidze
Processes of Energy Scattering of Torsional Oscillations in Monocrystalline GaAs Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy T.Sanadze, January 29, 2002
Abstract. The internal friction of monocrystalline pure and doped with tellurium GaAs and epitaxial structural composition of GaAs doped with tellurium and GaAs1-xPx have been studied. At the frequencies of 0.5-5 Hz of torsional oscillation and in the temperature interval of 300-1000 K the relaxation processes of dislocation origin have been discovered. The values of their activation energy have been determined. The influence of doping with tellurium and thermal processing on the activation energy of motion of definite type dislocations has been analyzed. |
Key words: internal friction, activation energy, frequency factor, mobility of defects, relaxation.
T.Butkhuzi, M. Sharvashidze, E. Kekelidze, L. Trapaidze, Fundamental Radiation of Zinc Sulphide and Zinc Selenide Presented by Corr.Member of the Academy T. Sanadze, April 23, 2002
Abstract. A new method of optic activation of nonmetal gas is described in the paper. By means of this method on the basis of ZnSe and ZnS new, high-quality monocrystal layers of ZnSe and ZnS were increased. Fundamental part of photoluminescence (PhL) spectra of both the basic crystal and the received layers were studied, which clearly showed the mechanism of formation of the centers responsible for their intrinsic defective p-type conductivity.Key words: photoluminescence; ZnSe, ZnS.
N. Bagdavadze, Ts. Kvirikashvili, P. Imnadze, V. Kintsurashvili
Multielement Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis of Biological Materials Using "Breeder ÏÑ-1" System Presented by Member of the Academy G. Kharadze, December 18, 2001
Abstract. We have studied the possibility of using neutron source "Breeder ÏÑ-1" in plants for multielement instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). We propose the method of multielement INAA in vegetable samples for the following elements: Na, Mg, Al, Cl, K, Ca, Mn, Cu, Zn, Br, Rb, Mo, I, Ba. For numeric determination of the given elements the necessary sensitivity makes 10-5-10-3 g/kg on dry biomass. To reach the mentioned sensitivity the concentration of the analysed materials was performed which was realized by lyophylic drying and then by compression under high pressure. In order to irradiate the samples neutrons integral flow was used within the range of 109-1011 neutron/cm2.The g spectrometric measurements were done by means of Ge(Li) semiconductor detector and impulse amplitude analysator AH-1024. Key words: multielement INAA, biomass, nucleo-physical methods of analysis.
T.Toroshelidze, N.Shefov
Quasi-Biennial Variations of the Stratosphere Ozone and Solar Activity Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy R.Kiladze, October 30, 2001
Abstract. Some regularities of quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) of the stratosphere ozone are investigated on the basis of the ozone total content data (OTC) obtained at the Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory in 1957-2000. It is shown that they are connected with quasi-biennial variatons of the solar activity and form a fading wave train of fluctuations within the limits of the solar activity cycle. The wave train arises during a minimum of the solar activity. Within a maximum of the solar activity the period of fluctuations is about 36 months and it decreases linearly to ~ 24 months to the end of the 11-year cycle.Key words: stratosphere ozone, solar activity, biennial variations. |
The Structure of Baroclinic Waves with Account of the Earth's Relief Presented by Member of the Academy B.Balavadze, November 26, 2001
Abstract. In this paper, we theoretically proved the existence and nature of those atmospheric processes, which can be observed in operation practice but the reasons of which origin are unknown. These processes are mainly conditioned by microregional peculiarities of Transcaucasian mountain relief and they are described by the system of hydrothermodynamic equations. With requirement of determining boundary conditions the solution of vortex wind velocity (in x, z plane) was obtained. This solution makes possible to study local atmospheric processes dominating on the small territory.Key words: microrelief, baroclinic waves.
Organic Chemistry
G.Papava, I.Chitrekashvili, N.Dokhturashvili, N.Gelashvili, M.Gurgenishvili, N.Khotenishvili, Sh.Papava, K.Ebralidze
On Some Kinetic Regularities of Paraphorm and Carbamide Interaction
Presented by
Abstract. We have obtained carbamide-formaldehyde oligomer in solid phase within the range of 50-90oC during the correlation of carbamide and formaldehyde. The formed methylol groups are characterized with high reaction ability and form dimethyl bonds which is proved by IR spectroscopic analysis.Key words: paraphorm, formaldehyde, carbamide.
D. Kereselidze, V. Trapaidze, G. Bregvadze The Problems Concerning Transit Rivers Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy Z. Tatashidze, december 26, 2001
Abstract. The problems of common exploitation of water bodies have been formulated.. On the basis of the peculiarities of transit rivers the transbordering rivers are classified and necessity to make agreement between neighbouring countries on common use of water resources is shown in the paper.Key words: transbordering rivers, transit rivers, international rivers, multinational rivers.
Machine Building
A.Muchaidze, O.Margvelashvili, K.Badriev, P.Gogiashvili
On Problem of Provision of Traffic Safety of Automobile Transport Motion on Transcaucasian Main Roads Presented by Member of the Academy R.Adamia, December 26, 2001
Abstract. The influence of Transcaucasian road net on automobile motion regime has been analyzed. The effect of automobiles constructive parameters of different type on their control is shown and the reasons causing physical and mental tiredness of drivers, threatening traffic safety are revealed. Reaction of human organism on oscillating processes accompanying automobile motion on the roads with different slopes are particularly accented. Recommendations are given to improve cushioning system aiming to suppress the influence of oscillations on driver's working place. |
Results of analyses of experimental and theoretical investigations can be considered as recommendations for selection of automobiles at organization of transportation of mass goods in the region. Key words:Transcaucasian main road, traffic safety, road profile, automobile vibration, cushioning of seat, vibration loading.
J. Dochviri A Corrector of Elastic Electromechanical Drive on the Basis of Operational Amplifiers Presented by Corr.Member of the Academy P.Merabishvili, December 25, 2001
Abstract. The scheme of corrector for elastic electric drive is analytically designed, which is realized with the help of two integrators and three operational amplifiers. The scheme provides effective suppression of elastic vibrations in drive systems.Key words: thyristorical drive, elasticity, dynamics, correction.
Plant Physiology
M.Janelidze, N.Eradze, N.Toriashvili On Application of Plants (Coreopsis lanceolata L.) in Pharmacological Research by Determination of their Electric Conductivity Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy A. Asatiani, November 13, 2001
Abstract. The experiment was based on the estimation of the electric resistance of the plant - Coreopsis lanceolata L. The resistance of the investigated stems was determined by their conductivity (the alternative voltage of 220 V). The plants were placed in the vessel with distilled water - the solvent of pharmacologically active substances. Spasmolytic drug Noshpa that is active in the case of animal organisms has the similar influence on plants (Coreopsis lanceolata L.) . Calcium blocator Isoptin active in case of animal organism shows the similar effects in the case of plants (Coreopsis). The results obtained make it possible to suppose, that the plant cells possess the receptors acting the similar way as the receptors of animal cells. According to these results we can suppose that using the plants one can essentially expand the area of biological objects in the pharmacological investigations.Key words: electric resistance of the plant, Coreopsis lanceolata L., plant receptors, animal receptors, water-conducting vessels, the objects used in pharmacology.
T. Berishvili, E. Baiashvili Biomorphological Characterization of Flax Forms and their Testing in Conditions of Samtskhe-Javakheti Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy G. Nakhutsrishvili, September 13, 2001
Abstract. As a result of biomorphological characterization of several forms of flax and their testing in Samtskhe-Javakheti two forms of flax could be recommended for wider testing programme and introduction.Key words: flax, species, variety, form. |
Kh. Khaikashvili Medicinal Plants in the Subalpine Belt of Kazbegi District (East Georgia) Presented by Member of the Academy G. Gigauri, December 4, 2001
Abstract. The brief review is given of the vegetation of Kazbegi district subalpine belt with special reference to the medicinal plants used in folk and officinal medicine (about 300 species). Special attention is paid to protection of threatened species.Key words: Georgia, Kazbegi district, medicinal plants, threatened species.
A. Jorjadze The Species of Macrofungi New for Georgia Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy G.Nakhutsrishvili, December 11, 2001
Abstract. At present more than 1200 species of macrofungi are identified in Georgia, but this number does not reflect the real picture of macrofungi, as some parts of Georgia have not been studied for this respect. One of such parts is Algeti State Reserve. As a result of the research of this territory 256 species have been identified, of which 7 are new for Georgia.Key words: macrofungi, characteristics.
Genetics and Selection
G.Gigolashvili, L.Gigolashvili, R.Goglidze, N.Baramidze, Corr.Member of theAcademy D.Jokhadze Effect of Spirulina platensis on Some Biological and Economic Indices of Silkworm (Bombyx mori) Presented November 6, 2001
Abstract. The effect of blue-green alga Spirulina on biological and economic indices of silkworm was investigated. It was shown, that adding of spirulina powder in food significantly increases vitality of silkworm, quantity of silkworm egg and quality of cocoon.Key words: Spirulina, silkworm, vitality of silkworm, economic indices of cocoon.
Genetics and Selection
N. Tsikoridze Influence of Genotype on Drosophila Lifespan Presented by Member of the Academy N. JavakhishviliAbstract. Significance of DNA repair ability for Drosophila lifespan has been studied using two strains of Drosophila melanogaster: the radiosensitive mutant rad201G1 and the radioresistant one. The results of observations in which the experimental objects were not subjected to the action of environmental factors are presented. An average lifespan turned out to be shortest in the females of radiosensitive strain. Lifespan of mutant strain females is characterized by variability. Lethal effect of radiosensitive gene varied at different stages of ontognesis. This effect seems to be conditioned by cytogenetic structure of the chromosome segment containing the rad 201 gene. Key words: Drosophila, lifespan, DNA repair, radiosensitivity. |
Human and Animal Physiology
M.Barbakadze, M.Kavkasidze, M.Koridze
Effect of Immobilization Stress on the Wakefulness-Sleep Cycle
Presented by Member of the Academy T.Oniani, December 26, 2001
Abstract. Effect of one hour and three hours immobilization stress (IS) on the wakefulness-sleep cycle (WSC) was investigated in the rats. The IS was imposed by placing an animal into the metal cylinder. It was shown that preliminary IS elicits prolongation of the wakefulness and decrease of the sleep. These data might be explained by hyperactivation of the central nervous system as a result of preliminary IS.Key words: immobilization, stress, wakefulness, sleep, rats.
Human and Animal Physiology
M.Roinishvili, A.Kezeli, I.Intskirveli General Impact of Environmental Factors on Development and Functioning of Color Constancy Mechanisms Presented by Member of the Academy T.Ioseliani, December 26, 2001
Abstract. Peculiarities of color constancy mechanisms have been investigated in the Guppies (Poecillia reticulata) that after the birth were risen on abnormal visual environment. It was shown that constant color perception of the animals raised in deprivation conditions significantly lags behind the control group. Further transfer of the animals into natural conditions recovered their suppressed function to the normal level. In condition of uneven stimulation of the color channels, complete recovery of the function does not occur.Key words: development of color constancy, visual deprivation, fish, Guppy.
Human and Animal Physiology
L.Pkhakadze, N.Abashidze, Ts.Orjonikidze, Member of the Academy M.Khananashvili Electrocardiographic Changes during the Psychogenic Stress in Rats Presented December 26, 2001
Abstract. Changes of the electrocardiographic (ECG) indices were studied during the psychogenic stress in rats. It was found that the observed ECG changes - inversion of T-wave, sinus bradycardia, extrasystoly and fibrillation are of functional origin. It is indicated by normalization of the heart activity following withdrawal of the animal from the stressogenic situation during the rest period. Following 3-3.5 months rest period the ECG indices returned to the norm without any medicamentous intervention.Key words: electrocardiogram (ECG), active avoidance response, psychogenic stress.
N. Omiadze, E.Bendeliani, G. Pruidze, N.Mchedlishvili Effect of Tea Leaf Phenolic Compounds on the Activity of Barley Malt Peroxidase Presented by Member of the Academy N.Nutsubidze, October 9, 2001
Abstract. The influence of tea leaf phenolic compounds on the activity of barley malt peroxidase has been studied. It has been shown that tea leaf phenolic compounds inhibit the activity of barley malt peroxidase. It has been estatlished that inhibition is noncompetitive.Key words: phenolic compounds, barley malt, inhibition, kinetics, peroxidase. |
M. Saatashvili, L. Nazarishvili, R. Goglidze, Corr. Member of the Academy D. Jokhadze Content of Vitamins C, B1, B2, PP in Different Forms of Spirulina Presented December 26, 2001
Abstract. It has been studied vitamin content of two forms of Spirulina (from the Kumisi Lake and Uzbekistan). The content of vitamins C and B1 turned out to be higher in the local form. Thus, the Kumisi Lake Spirulina is an interesting object for the further study.Key words: ascorbic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic acid.
Ts.Gagnidze , Dj .Kuchukhidze, K. Gurielidze, N.Lomkaci , I. Dadeshidze
Antioxidant Activity of Furostanol Glycosides of Rohdea japonica Leaves Presented by Member of the Academy G.Kvesitadze, February 5, 2002
Abstract. Antioxidant activity of furostanol glycosides has been studied in vitro. The experiments have shown that the preparation is the activator of the key enzyme - superoxidedismutase (SOD).The greatest activity of enzymes is observed at very low concentration of furostanol glycosides. The preparation of furostanol glycosides obtained from the Rohdea japonica leaves is an active natural antioxidant capable to stop the skin aging process and also to protect it from harmful atmospheric influence. Key words: steroid glycoside, olygofurostanoside, olygospirostanoside, antioxidant activity, anabolic activity, superoxidedismutase, glutationreductase, catalase, Rohdea japonica.
B. Tsereteli, Sh. Shatirishvili Influence of Treatment with Zeolites on Content of Colloid Substances in Wine Materials Presented by Member of The Academy T. Andronikashvili, November...., 2001Abstract. The influence of treatment with zeolites on main chemical indices of wine materials has been studied. It is revealed that the treatment with the modified clinoptilolite does not affect the content of low-molecular com-ponents in wine materials, while the number of precipitate forming high-molecular substances significantly decreases. The possible regularities of wine com-ponents' adsorption on the surface of modified zeolite are explained. The usage of zeolite sorbent prepared on the cliniptilolite base in filters for wine purification is recommended. Key words: zeolite, clinoptilolite, colloid substances, wine materials.
M.Gongadze, T.Chikovani, T.Sanikidze,* Member of Academy V.Bakhutashvili
Correction of LPS-induced nitric oxide synthesis Presented
Abstract. The nitric oxide (NO) is a pressing topical problem of modern biology and medicine. It is constantly produced in human and animals' organisms by fermentative way, as universal metabolism regulator. The aim of this investigation was to study the influence of Plaferon LB on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced nitric oxide synthesis. From the experimental results we can conclude, that Plaferon LB is characterized by dose - depended modulatory action on LPS-induced synthesis of NO.Key words: NO, iNOS, LPS, Plaferon LB. |
Microbiology and Virology
L.Basilashvili, M.Bagalishvili, M.Kikvidze, Member of the Academy N.Nutsubidze
Influence of Azospirillum brasilense on Soybean and Nodule Bacteria Symbiosis Presented October 10, 2001Abstract. The influence of Azospirillum brasilense on the symbiosis of soybean and nodule bacteria has been studied. Soybean sorts "Armaviri" and "Adreula 6" were used for investigation. Plant inoculation was conducted by monocultures of nodule bacteria Bradyrhizobium japonicum 2 and Bradyrhizobium japonicum 46 and association of these strains and Azospirillum brasiliense U 3. Positive influence of Azospirillum on legumes and nodule bacteria symbiosis was revealed.The stimulatory effect on symbiosis is expressed by the increased plant mass, upground part, root system, nodules quantity and nitrogenase activity. Key words: Azospirillum, nitrogen fixation, Bradyrhizobium, symbiosis.
Microbiology end virology
Z. Lomtatidze, N. Khurtsilava, I. Gorozia Natural Morphological Variability of some Streptomyces Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy M. Gordeziani, October 9, 2001
Abstract. The spontaneous variability of forms, color and sporulation of colonies of Streptomyces - producers of Levorinis (Streptomyces levoris) and Neomycins (Streptomyces albogriseolus) was studied.It is determined, that among morphological signs of the researched Streptomyces, sporulation type is more biased to spontaneous variability and for Streptomyces albogriseolus - forms of colonies too. Three stable morphological variants (mutants) are extracted from populations of Str. levoris and Str. albogriseolus. Key words: Actinomyces, natural variability, morphological variant.
K. Kacheishvili-Tavartkiladze, M. Gvritishvili New Records of Fungi on Rosa spp. in Georgia Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy G. Nakhutsrishvili, April 16, 2002
Abstract. Some data on fungi first recorded on Rosa spp. are given. Of them Cytosporella sp., Didymosphaeria sp., Fenestella fenestrata, and Pseudomassaria sepinculaeformis are new records to Georgia. High diversity of fungal assemblages on one isolated bush of Rosa canina is shown.Key words: fungi, fungal assemblages, Rosa spp., Georgia.
L. Edilashvili The Peculiarities of Fall Webworm Development in Georgia Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy I. Eliava, December 26,2001
Abstract. The fall webworm, Hyphnatria cunea Drury (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae) is an important pest of variety of plants. At present it is spread in the Black sea region of Adjaria where it damages the green belt of the coast. The insect produces two generations in Adjaria. The larvae of the first generation cause a damage in the spring (May-July), while the second one in the early autumn (August-September). The phenological calendar of the fall webworm biological peculiarities in Adjaria was made.Key words: insect development, damage, green belt, phenological calendar, fall webworm, effective temperature. |
G. Japoshvili, I. Karaca Two New Subspecies of the Genus Coccophagus (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) From Turkey Presented by Corr. Member of theAcademy I. Eliava, February 5, 2002
Abstract. Coccophagus proximus spartanus subsp. n. and C. scutellaris kvavadze subsp. n. from Turkey are described and illustrated as parasitoids of the scale pests. Features, which should serve to separate the subspecies from another allied species are given. The host of Coccophagus proximus spartanus subsp. n., Globos Scale, is a serious pest of Prunus spp. and the host of C. scutellaris kvavadze subsp.n., Eriopeltis sp., for Graminae in all Holarctic region.Key words: Chalcidoidea, Aphelinidae, Coccophagus, spartanus, kvavadze, new subspecies, Sphaerolecanium prunastri, Eriopeltis.
M. Tvaradze, A. Supatashvili, B. Todua The Role of Entomophagous Insects in Number Regulation of Gypsy Moth (Lymantria dispar L.) in Forests of Georgia Presented by Member of the Academy G.Gigauri, April 23, 2002Abstract. The complex of entomophagous insects of Lymantria dispar L. is presented by 36 species. The qualitative-quantitative peculiarities of insects' spreading in pest foci are discussed. It is established that the efficiency of entomophagous insects in pest number regulation is ununiform and changes according to the rise of pest number and focus age. Key words: entomophagous insect, parasitoid, predatory insect, mass reproduction, number regulation, pest focus.
Quantitative Description of Avifauna in the Didi Liakhvi Riverside Forest Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy I.Eliava, June 14, 2002
Abstract. In 1998-2001 the structure of population of nesting birds in the Didi Liakhvi riverside forest was studied. In conditions of anthropogenic transformation of riverside forests (cutting the tree-plants and bushes, cattle pasture, etc.) density of the bird population and number of species greatly reduced. Emergent measures are to be taken; otherwise, this unique complex will be lost.Key words: anthropogenic transformation, forest conservation, birds protection.
Experimental Medicine
M.Tsabadze, Sh.Japaridze Visual Control of Surgical Intervention on Inferior Turbinated Bone's Presented by Corr.Member of the Academy T.Dekanosidze, December 13,2001
Abstract. In present paper, we report on perfection of ultrasonic disintegration method of inferior turbinated bone's in the regime of optimal individual depth of disintegration in conditions of maximal protection of mucous discharge without any complications.Key words: inferior turbinated bone's. |
Experimental Medicine
D. Baghaturia Doppler-Echocardiography Diagnostics of Hemodynamic Characteristics of Total Anomalous Drainage in Pulmonary Veins Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy T. Dekanosidze, April 31, 2002
Abstract. Twenty one patients from 10-month to 2-year old with total anomalous drainage in pulmonary veins and central interatrial septal defect were investigated. By means of the Doppler echocardiography (DECG) and catheterization of cardiovascular system (CV) the degree of the arterial and venous (AV) shunt, volumetric flows in big and small circles, systolic pressure in pulmonary arteries and the degree of pulmonary hypertension were defined.Verification of the results obtained by invasive and noninvasive methods showed high correlation r=0.8 - 0.87, n=21, p<0.05. The analysis of the haemodynamic data permitted to determine the optimal periods of surgical correction. Key Words: Doppler echocardiography, pulmonary veins, total anomalous drainage, hemodynamic data, pulmonary hypertension.
Experimental Medicine
M. Javakhadze Diphtheria in Children
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy N.Tatishvili, December 26, 2001
Abstract. The analysis of diphtheria epidemic of 1993-2000 in Georgia shows that formation of antitoxic, anti-diphtheria immunity in the patients recovered of diphtheria significantly depends on the status of vaccination before disease. One-time vaccination after the disease could not provide to develop protective immunity in the individuals who had had no concern with diphtheria anatoxin before disease, and it did not have any action on the immunity of the patients vaccinated before disease.Key words: diphtheria, children disease, antitoxic immunity.
Experimental MedicineE.Rodonaia External Breath Function and its Correction in Children Suffering from Bronchial Asthma Presented by Member of the Academy N.Javakhishvili, June 24, 2002Abstract. Influence of lithium on external breath function indices has been studied in children suffering from bronchial asthma. Pathogenically reliable scheme of introduction lithium carbonate in basic therapy complex for treatment of the children with bronchial asthma has been worked out. Key words: external breath function, bronchial asthma, lithium.
Kh. Gabunia, L. Kardava, N. Kulikova, Ts. Jordania, L. Burjanadze, L. Sereda, N. Porakishvili Phagocytosis and the Regulation of Apoptosis in B-Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy G. Tumanishvili, June 27, 2002.
Abstract. Leukocyte functions were studied in 15 patients with B chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (B-CLL) and in 10 healthy age-matched volunteers. Myeloperoxidase (MPO) and alkaline phosphatase (LAP) expression and IL-4- an IFNg induced-apoptosis were assessed. Our results show that the expression of MPO and LAP by B-CLL PMNs was not different from normal. IFNg and IL-4 inhibit apoptosis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from B-CLL patients.Key words: B-CLL, neutrophils, phagocytosis, cytokine, apoptosis. |
Influence of Anthropogenic Factors on the Atmosphere in the Imereti Region Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy Z. Tatashidze, June 11, 2002
Abstract. It has been established that the difference between the actual and computed values of the dangerous substances emitted from the Zestaphoni Plant of Ferroalloys and Tkibuli mine is very small, which proves that the emission of dangerous substances into the atmosphere can be computed according to the quantity of the output.Key words: anthropogenic, emission, dynamics.
G. Gavardashvili , G. Chakhaia Evaluation of Present Ecological Situation of the River Duruji Drainage Basin
Presented by Member of the Academy O. Natishvili, February 5, 2002
Abstract. We present the results of field expedition carried out in June -July, 2001 in order to make an effective protection for Kvareli city population from debris flow in the Duruji riverbed. In order to evaluate the ecological situation of the Duruji riverbed the values of mountain slopes erosion coefficients have been established with account of corresponding class of erosion rate. For the calculation of stability of the riverbed, as well as the amount of denuded solid debris flow mass accumulated in erosional hollows and in flood lends of riverbed the dependences have been obtained which make possible the precise forecast of debris flow formation.Key words: erosion coefficient, debris flow, drainage basin, debris flow mass.
Some Problems of Human Resources Management in Georgia
Presented by Corr.Member of the Academy A.Silagadze, February 19,2002
Abstract. In this paper, wå suggest some recommendations for human resources utilization in enterprises for perfection of accounting and economical analysis. Particularly, we propose to introduce in management accounting "personal accounts" of workers where all social information will be given in a chronological way. This makes possible to conduct factorial analysis of social position of each worker. For the study and analysis of social position of workers specific coefficients are given.Key words: human resources management,
EconomicsJ. Kharitonashvili State Protectionism and Market Economy Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy A. Silagadze, April 2, 2002Abstract. The development of the market economy during the transition period in Georgia is analyzed in the paper. In transition period market economy is lacking the ability to regulate needed processes. While forming market sectors the state sector should occupy a significant place, which has not yet been achieved in our country. Key words: state protectionism, transition period. |
EconomicsM.Kvaratskhelia On the Aspects of National Economy of Georgia Presented by Member of the Academy V.Papava, January 15, 2002
Abstract. Restoration and development of principles of material welfare of national economy of Georgia is one of the most important aims on the present stage. Restoration of old national traditions and formation of "big middle class" is to be a preamble of stable development. From historic point of view, the origin of national economy had always begun with the development of regional economics. But it is only the development of regional economics that should serve for the stable basis of national economy.Key words: Georgia, economics, social-economic development.
T. Babunashvili The Effectiveness of Industrial Economy in the over Crisis Period Presented by Corr.Member of the Academy A.Silagadze, April 2, 2002
Abstract. The peculiarities of effectiveness of industrial economy and the circumstances hindering the country to overcome the economic crisis are enunciated and analyzed, the ways of their reformation and perfection are suggested.On the ground of the carried out analysis the recommendations are proposed to attract the finances, to increase the profit and to carry out necessary activities for capital investments in industry. Key words: economic crisis, small and medium business, credit distribution.
PhilologyI.Ratiani Subjectivity of the Reality and V.Nabokov's Cosmology Presented by Corr.Member of the Academy E.Khintibidze, February 14, 2002
Abstract. We have analyzed subjective paradigm of perception of the reality as a problem of ontological importance in V.Nabokov's cosmogenic structure. The subjective tendency of awareness of reality in the creative works of V.Nabokov is clearly reflected in the aspect of space-time categories as inner compositional elements where the structures of time and space hierarchy are the inner form of external world and inevitably connected with individual consciousness.Key words: V.Nabokov's cosmology, space-time, spiral.
V. Sukhomlinsky about the Relationship between the Mother and Child Presented by Member of the Academy A. Gvakharia, April 30, 2002
Abstract: The psychology of relations between mother and children has been long of a great interest for scientists. Sukhomlinsky suggested his own system of special behavior successfully introduced in school programs, which we followed at teaching process and had good results.Key words: Sukhomlinsky, bring up, Mother, love. |
PolitologyV.Dolidze The Sources of Economic Nationalism Presented by Member of the Academy B.Khoshtaria, March 5, 2002
Abstract. Development of the economic group of Georgian industrialists with the processes of economic integration forms the conditions for the development of economic nationalism. Researches show that sources of economic nationalism are different for different groups of population of Georgia. Short analyses of some of these sources are given.Key words: industrialists, economic nationalism.
History of Art
G. Gvindjilia Intonational Sources of the Georgian Secular Professional Music Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy P. Zakaraia, September 2, 2001
Abstract. New Georgian professional music, distinguished with its original uniqueness, carries a voluminous historical memory. A vivid testimony thereof is the participation of many Georgian and foreign sources from various fields of creative art which bear romantic tendencies in the formation of the intonational character of the secular composer music.Key words: secular music, intonation sources.
History of ScienceG. Peradze Warlam Tcherkezishvili in British Libraries and Archives (Dedicated to the 155-th anniversary of Warlam Tcherkezishvili) Presented by member of the Academy G.Tevzadze, October 21, 2001Abstract. Warlam Tcherkezishvili could be considered a unique phenomenon in the history of Georgian political thought. His life and activity are exceptionally remarkable in the recent history of Georgia, showing how an internationally celebrated politician succeeded in service both his country and humanitarian ideas. Key words: patriotism, empire, censorship, history of socialism, marxism. |