MOAMBE 2002 volume 166 number 2 MathematicsMember of the Academy N. Berikashvili From Simplex to Cube Presented June 18, 2002Abstract. Interplay of simplex-cube contained in Serre map of cube to simplex is formalized. Tower of cubical CW-complexes between simplex and cube is constructed and a preparing result for stable obstruction theory is given. Key words: simplex, cube, CW-complex, fibration, cross section, obstruction.
V. Baladze, M. Dzadzamia
On Retracts of Compact Transformation Groups Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy D. Baladze, March 19, 2002
Abstract. In this paper we develop a geometric theory of compact transformation groups. Here are established properties of equivariant retracts and equivariant shape retracts.Key words: equivariant shape category, retract, extensor, shape retract.
MathematicsI. Bukhnikashvili
On One Variant of Richardson's Cyclic Iterative Method Presented by Member of the Academy I. Kiguradze, July 23, 2002
Abstract. For the corresponding iterative scheme, in the Richardson's cyclic iterative method instead of
zeros of the raised in power lk Chebyshev polynomial
Gogi R. Pantsulaia
On the Sierpinski-Erdös Duality Principle and Steinhaus Property in Infinite-Dimensional Topological Vector Spaces Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy E. Nadaraia, January 25, 2002
Abstract. For infinite-dimensional Polish topological vector spaces, it is shown the validity of the classical Sierpinski-Erdos duality principle for continuous s-finite Borel measure. It is proved that in such spaces no quasifinite Borel measure satisfies the Steinhaus axiom.Key words: duality principle, Steinhaus property.
U. Goginava
Approximate Properties of Cesaro Means of N-dimensional Walsh-Fourier Series Presented by Member of the Academy L. Zhizhiashvili, February 19, 2002
Abstract. In this paper, we study approximate properties of
(C,a)-means with
N. Batsikadze
Local Compactness of Zero-Set Spaces and Algebraical Characteristics of Dimension Presented by Member of the Academy N. Berikashvili, January 9, 2002
Abstract. The notions of z-perfect and locally z-perfect mappings of zero-set spaces are introduced. Issues connected with extensions of locally compact zero-set spaces and locally z-perfect mappings are investigated. An algebraical characterization of a covering dimension dim of zero-set spaces is given.Key words: z-perfect, locally z-perfect mapping, locally compact zero-set space.
Z. Piranashvili
On the Generalization of One Interpolation Formula Presented by Member of the Academy V. Chavchanidze, February 19, 2002
Abstract. In the present paper the problems of subsequent generalization of Kotelnikov-Shannon's formula and its justification for random processes and fields are considered. The obtained formula one makes it possible to assess the values of the process and its derivatives in arbitrary point, on the basis of known values of the process and its derivatives up to some order computed in discrete points.Key words: Kotelnikov-Shenon's formula, entire function, random field, sampling function.
V. Dundua. N. Chikhladze
Synthetic Standard Samples with High Mechanic Strength Presented by Member of the Academy G. Kharadze, February 11, 2001
Abstract. The possibility of using the thermoplastic polymer as a plasticizer and an addition for pressing in the method of production of standard sample based on the phenol-formaldehyde resin has been investigated. It is shown that thermoplastic polymer chemically affects alkali, gives it fractionary linear structure and elasticity, engenders equable isolation of the particles of press powder and minifies adhesion, prevents appearing of the microcracks within pressing and temperature induration. It is researched that homogeneous disribution of introduced element is not upset, the thermodurability is not changed and the obtained material has high mechanic stability. It is found that standard samples are intended for determination of mass fraction of the chemical elements in the different materials by the methods of nuclear-physical analysis and also can be used as a meteorological provision of X-ray radiometer equipment.Key words: synthetic standard samples, neutron activation analysis, X-ray radiometer analysis, the phenol-formaldehyde resin, resol, resitol, functional group, polycondensation, polymerization. |
N. Dolidze, G. Eristavi, Z. Jibuti, B. Tsekvava
Charge State of Radiation Defects Created by Electron Radiation in GaAs Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy T. Sanadze, January 30, 2002
Abstract. It is shown, that in gallium arsenide by irradiation with high integral streams (F ³ 1016 cm-2) of the accelerated electrons (E=3Ìev) at T=300K, radiation defects in single-charge states are created. The fluctuative electric field strength and corresponding concentration of radiation defects which "destroy" exciton are estimated. The broadening parameter of exciton peak as a concentration function of radiation defects is determined.Key words: radiation defect, charge state, broadening parameter, exciton, fluctuative electric field.
A. Gerasimov, N. Gochaleishvili, I. Lomidze, E. Maziashvili, Z. Samadashvili, R. Kazarov, L. Vardosanidze, M. Klibadze
Photostimulated Diffusion of Argentum and Cadmium in Epitaxial Structures of GaAs Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy T. Sanadze, May 13, 2002
Abstract. Photostimulated diffusion of argentum and cadmium in epitaxial GaAs has been studied. The coefficient of photostimulated diffusion at room temperature is shown to be greater by many orders than extrapolated coefficients of thermal diffusion. Variation of the volume and spatial distribution of free carriers concentration can change the volume and direction of the photostimulated diffusion coefficients.Key words: diffusion, photostimulation, epitaxial GaAs.
K. Tavartkiladze, G. Mestiashvili, E. Sajaia, L. Beroshvili
Climate System Changeability in Possible Regions of Desertification in Georgia Presented by Corr.Member of the Academy Z.Tatashidze, February 12, 2002
Abstract. In this work four principal elements, which determine climate - water steam elastisity, relative humidity, general cloudness and wind speed connection with principal parameters of desertification such as soil surface temperature and sediments are discussed in case of climate regime in Georgia, which helps desertification.Key words: desertification, climate change.
T. Shalamberidze
The Calculation of Vertical Velocity of the Air Using Nonlinear Model of the Atmosphere Boundary Layer Presented by Member of the Academy B. Balavadze, February 26, 2002
Abstract. We have studied down-up motion of air masses in one of the most complex physico-geographical regions of Georgia such as Kutaisi-Zestafoni section. Vertical velocity of the air has been calculated on the basis of hydrothermodynamic system of equations obtained by nonlinear model. The results of calculation were compared with the observed values and there was a good agreement. Absolute error was not more than 12%.Key words: vertical velocity, nonlinear layer. |
Physical Chemistry
Ts. Goliadze, G. Makharadze, G. Supatashvili, A. Khaiauri
Study of Acid-base Properties of Humin Acids Isolated from Natural Waters Using Chemosorption and Potentiometric Methods Presented by Corr.Member of the Academy D. Ugrekhelidze, April 16, 2002
Abstract. We have studied acid-base properties of humin acids isolated from the natural waters and bottom sediments using potentiometric titration and chemosorption methods. It has been established that pKa-1 is changed from 4.45 to 4.80 and pKa-2 from10.46 to 10.60. It is shown that the amount of carboxylic groups changes within 2.06 mg ekv/g _ 2.37 mg ekv/g and that of phenolic hydroxyl groups within 5.07 mg ekv/g - 6.22 mg ekv/g.Key words: humin acids, natural waters.
Organic Chemistry
G. Papava, I. Chitrekashvili, N. Dokhturishvili, N. Gelashvili, M. Gurgenishvili, N. Khotenashvili, Sh. Papava, K. Ebralidze
On Some Kinetic Regularities of Paraform and Carbamide Interaction Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy Sh. Samsonya, February 12, 2002
Abstract. We have obtained carbamide-formaldehyde oligomer in solid phase within the range of 50-90oC during the molar ratio of carbamide and formaldehyde. The formed methylol groups are characterized with high reaction ability and they form dimethylated bonds which is evidenced from IR spectroscopic analysis.Key words: paraform, formaldehyde, carbamide.
Physical Geography
L. Matchavariani
Micromorphological Assessment of Texturally Differentiated Profile and Iron Neoformations in Subtropical Podsolic Soils of Georgia Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy Z. Tatashidze, January 15, 2002
Abstract. Experimental data on the basis of complementary methods: macro-, meso-, micro-, submicromorphology, micromorphometry, morphometry, morphochemistry, microchemistry, etc., show heterogeneity (pedo- and lithogenic microfeatures) of hydromorphic soils with the texturally differentiated profile of Western Georgia. The structure and compositions of the iron concretions in profiles shows their different genesis. Pedogenic (recent and residual) and lithogenic groups of the neoformations are set apart according to the micromorphogenetical criteria.Key words: microfeatures, texturally differentiated, heterogeneous, lessivage, iron neoformation, pedo- and lithogenic processes. |
Physical Geography
G. Meskhia
The Main Issues of the Caucasus Geomorphology Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy A. Vekua, June 6, 2002
Abstract. In contemporary geodynamic processes within the integrated forces, interconnection and interrelation are clearly shown by geoecological and geomorphological related changes in time and space, and therefore further geoecological prognosing, the whole geomorphological analysis, using morphostructural and morphosculptural approaches are necessary.Key words: geodynamic approaches, neomobilistic concepts.
S. Gorgijanidze
Prognostication of Dammed Lakes and Floods on the Example of the River Lukhuta (basin of the River Kvirila, Western Georgia) Presented by Member of the Academy Z.Tatashidze, March 12, 2002
Abstract. The results of the floods happened in May 31, 2001 in Baghdadi region of Georgia are presented. It has been established that currently the danger exists too, in case of the landslide. On the basis of field works analysis the prognosis of maximal discharge of water of the expected floods was done.Key words: flood, landslide, prognosis.
Machine Building Science
Member of the Academy R. Adamia, J. Dochviri
Optimal Control of Electric Drive of Windable Mechanisms with Dynamic Programming Presented February 28, 2002
Abstract. Using dynamic programming the optimal parameters of regulators for electric drive system with variable coefficients are defined. For continuous rearrangement of regulators interpolation polynomial is constructed.Key words: windable mechanisms, thyristorical drive, dynamic programming.
Machine Building ScienceR. Turmanidze, S. Khutsishvili, G. Sanadze Variable Geometry Rotor for Vertical Take-off and Landing Aircraft Presented by Member of the Academy R. Adamia, January 15, 2002
Abstract. One of the reasons of little spreading of Vertical Take-off and Landing Aircrafts (VTOL) is imperfectness of its power setting. Specifically for propeller driven VTOL problematic is the selection of optimal rotor as according to the aerodynamic requirement the rotor must have various geometry characteristics at different flight speeds. That is why it is expedient to apply the variable geometry rotor that at the vertical take-off mode provides a bigger diameter than at the cruise flight mode. Resolving contradiction problems of requirements of vertical and cruise flight modes of VTOL by means of application of the variable geometry rotor it will be possible to improve its flight and technical characteristics and to create entirely competitive fling vehicle, that open new horizons in aerospace technologies in future.Key words: Rotor, VTOL. |
T. Nadiradze
Peculiarities of Growth and Development of some Introduced Woody Plants in Lagodekhi Region Presented by Member of the Academy G. Gigauri, February 20, 2002
Abstract. In the present paper the peculiarities of growth and development of some introduced woody species in Lagodekhi region are discussed. The data on their age, height, diameter are presented. A total of 92 species of introduced plants are revealed in Lagodekhi region. Out of them 67 are trees, 25 - shrubs, 45- evergreens and 20 Gymnosperms. All of them grow well in conditions of Lagodekhi region and may be widely used in decorative gardening.Key words: introduced woody plants, decorative gardening.
Genetics and Selection
I. Kapanadze, G. Geladze
To the Problem of Origin of C. Limon Burm. L. Presented by Member of the Academy P.Naskidashvili, May 21, 2002
Abstract. At inbreeding European lemon (C.limon Burm. L.), (C. auranifolia Sw.) and citron (C. medica Linn.) repeat themselves in F4, generate their recombinates and new variations. In F4 intervarietal fertile hybrids: C. limon X.C. Medica, C.limon X. auranifolia and C. Meyer X C. daidai are segregated into initial (native), intermediate and new variations.Key words: inbreeding, genotype, segregation.
Genetics and Selection
I. Khorava, Corr. Member of the Academy D. Jokhadze
Effect of spirulina (Spirulina platensis) on Growth and Development of Some Microorganisms Presented April 10, 2001
Abstract. We have studied blue-green alga spirulina effect on growth and development of seven different microorganisms. The experiment shows that a certain dose of alga extract significantly stimulates the microbe's reproduction rate.Key words: spirulina, bacteria, mycobacterium, actinomyces, biomass.
Human and Animal Physiology
K. Chichinadze
Chemical Bases of Aggressive and Submissive Behaviour Presented by Member of the Academy N. Javakhishvili, May 28, 2002
Abstract. The analysis of adrenalin and noradrenalin concentration in the blood of animals and, noradrenalin and serotonin in their hypothalamus showed that to a classification of organisms into dominant, submissive and low aggressive according to the level of aggressiveness, corresponds their classification of noradrenergic, serotoninergic and adrenergic type of responding on stress.Key words: aggressive behaviour, submissive behaviour. |
M. Gongadze, T. Chikovani, T. Sanikidze, Member of the Academy V. Bakhutashvili
Correction of LPS-induced Nitric Oxide Synthesis Presented October 2, 2001
Abstract. The study of regulatory role of nitric oxide (NO) is one of the most urgent problems of modern biology and medicine. It is constantly produced in human and animals' organisms by fermentative way, as the universal metabolism regulator. The aim of the present investigation was to study the influence of Plaferon LB on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced nitric oxide synthesis. From the experimental results we can conclude, that Plaferon LB is characterized by dose-depended modulatory action on LPS-induced synthesis of NO.Key words: NO, iNOS, LPS, Plaferon LB.
B. Tsereteli, Sh. Shatirishvili
Influence of Treatment with Zeolites on Content of Colloid Substances in Wine Materials Presented by Member of the Academy T. Andronikashvili, November 30, 2001
Abstract. The influence of treatment with zeolites on main chemical indices of wine materials has been studied. It is revealed that treatment with modified clinoptilolite does not affect the content of low-molecular components in wine materials, while the number of precipitate forming high-molecular substances significantly decreases. Possible regularities of wine components' adsorption on the surface of modified zeolite are explained. The usage of zeolite sorbent prepared on the cliniptilolite basis in filters for wine purification is recommended.Key words: zeolite, clinoptilolite, colloid substances. wine materials.
Sh. Abashidze, T. Jariashvili, Z. Kometiani
Effect of Dopamine on Na, K-ATPase System Presented by Member of the Academy T. Oniani, January 22, 2002
Abstract. Regulation of the Na, K-ATPase obtained from synaptic membranes of the rat brain by dopamine (DA) as well as in a case of noradrenaline (NA) is represented by several mechanisms. These mechanisms are: DA-dependent Na, K-ATPase inhibition and DA-dependent Na, K-ATPase activation elicited by simultaneous action of DA and synaptosomal factor (SF) of protein nature, the unity of which makes the whole regulatory system for Na, K-ATPase. At the same time Ca2+ and DA modificatory action mechanisms on Na, K-ATPase are independent from each other.Key words: Na, K-ATPase, synaptosomal factor (SF), neurotransmitters (NT), noradrenaline (NA), Dopamine (DA), Synaptic membranes (SM), regulation. |
G. Papunidze, A. Kalandiya, M. Vanidze, M. Papunidze
Sweet Diterpene Glycosides of Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) Presented by Member of the Academy N. Nutsubidze, June 18, 2002
Abstract. Diterpene glycosides of stevia grown in Western Georgia were studied by the method of thin-layer chromatography. Stevia leaves mostly contain stevioside and rebaudiosode which generally accumulate up to 10% in mature leaves.Key words: sweet diterpene glycosides, thin-layer chromatography, stevioside, rebaudiosode.
V. Aplakov, E. Kirtadze
Lysine Biosynthesis during Natural Alcoholic Fermentation Presented by Member of the Academy G. Kvesitadze, February 12, 2002
Abstract. Using radioactive compound the basic wine organic and amino acids participating in lysine biosynthesis were revealed. The lysine formed during biotransformation of the studied compound was identified in the fractions of yeast proteins, free amino acids and wine amino acids. During natural alcoholic fermentation a-ketoglutaric acid, acetic acid, glutamic acid and proline carbon atoms were shown to be the chief participants in the formation of the lysine carbon skeleton. Lysine biosynthesis under conditions of alcoholic fermentation is accompanied mainly by the yeast Saccharomyces vini-39 through the aminoadipinic pathway.Key words: lysine, alcoholic fermentation, organic acids, amino acids.
E. Chikvaidze, I. Kirikashvili, T. Gogoladze, L. Chikvaidze
Free Radical Products of Bilirubin Photooxidation Presented by Corr.Member of the Academy N.Aleksidze, February 5, 2002
Abstract. Irradiation of bilirubin with blue (lmax=450nm) and green (lmax =510nm) light led to photosensitized formation of free radicals. It was shown that the products of bilirubin photosensitized oxidation are accumulated quite rapidly. The ESR method was demonstrated for registration of the radical products of bilirubin-photooxidation and for determination of purity of bilirubin samples. One of the possible methods for the protection of the newborns treated with phototherapy from radical products of bilirubin photooxidation was suggested.Key words: bilirubin, photosensitization, free radical, phototherapy, ESR.
L. Beriashvili, R. Gakhokidze, T. Chigvinadze
Metabolism of Lysine in Plants Presented by Member of the Academy N. Nutsubidze, February 5, 2002
Abstract. The carbon of 14CO2 assimilated by leaves of soya and maize seedlings during photosynthesis among other substances actively incorporated into lysine. Radioactive carbon of 114C-lysine from leaves of the mentioned plants isolates mainly as CO2. Experiments with 214C-lysine showed that the carbons of lysine participate in formation of amino acids, organic acids and sugars.Key words: 114C-lysine, 214C-lysine, 14CO2, metabolism. | ||
L. Sakvarelidze, V. Tabidze
Sequence-Dependent Bending in Chloroplast DNA Presented by Member of the Academy T. Beridze, February 12, 2002
Abstract. Sequence-dependent DNA bending and curvature in spinach chloroplast DNA(cpDNA) have been studied. The existence of bending in spinach genome was analyzed by two different computer programs, which were compiled to build DNA bending models on the basis of the DNA sequence analysis. After these studies approximately 50 significant bending regions were found in a spinach cpDNA, which can be divided into three major groups: intragenic bends, intergenic bends and bends inside the introns.Key words: chloroplast DNA, DNA-bending, curvature.
BiochemistryT. Devdariani, T. Dolidze, V. Tabidze, I. Devdariani Influence of Carcinogenic Benz(a)pyrene on some Enzymatic Systems of Plants Presented by Member of the Academy T. Beridze, May 28, 2002
Abstract. The influence of various concentrations of benz(a)pyrene on oxidoreductases of maize roots and leaves (Zea mays) (o-diphenoloxidase, peroxidase, catalase) was investigated. It was established that BP considerably influences catalytic activity of oxidizing enzymes and depending on carcinogene concentration and time of exposition their activity strongly changes. This in its turn is connected with the processes of BP biotransformation in plants.Key words: carcinogen, oxidoreductase, enzymatic activity, biotransformation, radioactivity.
T. Kuprashvili, E. Akhalaya
New Data about Fungi Developed on the Beet (Beta vulgaris L.) in Georgia Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy G. Nakhutsrishvili, June 4, 2002
Abstract. In this paper, we present the data on eight species of fungi developed on the table beet in Georgia, which have not been revealed earlier.Key words: table beet, fungi.
Experimental Medicine
E. Misabishvili, I. Jikia, G. Gogichadze
Influence of Oleic and Linoleic Fatty Acids on Nuclear Erythrocytes Presented by Member of the Academy N. Javakhishvili, January 22, 2002
Abstract. Linoleic and oleic fatty acids may induce perforations of definite size or modifications of plasma membranes of somatic cells in several conditions. This may be premise for cells fusion and hetero-and homokaryons formation.Key words: fatty acids, carcinogenesis, fusion, homokaryons. | ||
Experimental Medicine
D. Sigua, M. Devdariani, M. Kokhia
The Functional State of Fetus and Newborn during Influenza Presented by Member of the Academy N. Javakhishvili, January 15, 2002
Abstract. A total of 180 fetuses and newborns of mothers having influenza during the pregnancy have been examined. From the 20-22 weeks of pregnancy the functional state of fetuses was studied by the method of external cardiotocography (CTG) using the functional loads. All newborns were investigated clinically and electroencephalographically (EEG) on the first or second days from the birth and before the discharge from the clinics (on the fifth or sixth days from the birth). The results of investigation have shown that the flu virus has a negative effect on the central nervous system of fetus and newborn, especially in the second trimestre of pregnancy.Key words: influenza, pregnancy, cardiotocography (CTG), electroencephalography.
Experimental Medicine
A. Gogelia
Low Level Laser Therapy in Treating Schlatter's Disease Presented by Member of the Academy T. Dekanosidze, February 26, 2002
Abstract. Patients with Schlatter's disease have been treated with Low Level Laser Therapy. In one group the knee-joints and painful areas were anointed with the treatment ointment "Traumeel" before each Low Level Laser Therapy seance. The rest patients have been treated only with Low Level Laser Therapy. The painful areas have been irradiated with the magnetic-laser fiber waveguide and trigger zones - with the waves of 0.85 mkm length.Key words: Low Level Laser Therapy, Schlatter's disease.
Experimental Medicine
G. Mamaladze, N. Chagiashvili, M. Kuparadze, G. Kavtaradze, Z. Pagava, I. Maisuradze, D. Gordeladze, T. Kandashvili
Autonomic Nervous System Tone and the Level of Depression in Patients with Exercise-Induced and Cold Test Provoked Myocardial Ischemia Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy N. Tatishvili, January 15, 2002
Abstract. The aim of our investigation was to evaluate the psychovegetative regulation and its role in the development of different forms of exercise-induced ischemia.We investigated patients with exercise-induced myocardial ischemia. The vegetative system was evaluated with Kerdo Index and Minute Blood Volume (MBV) - indirect method and level of depression with Depression Questionnaire (The Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale). According to the Kerdo Index and MBV exponents the patients with exercise-induced silent myocardial ischemia demonstrated an initial activation of parasympathetic tone, manifesting in prolonged and late hemodynamic reaction to cold, and patients with angina pectoris demonstrated activation of sympathetic tone. Patients witn silent myocardial ischemia screened lower level of depression, than patients with angina, that points to the possible connection between the depression level and vegetative function. Key words: autonomic nervous system, depression, silent ischemia, exercise- induced ischemia, cold provoced ischemia. | ||
Experimental Medicine
N. Mamamtavrishvili, R. Abashidze, Sh. Mekvabishvili
Some Aspects of Pathogenesis of Chronic Heart Failure Presented by Member of the Academy V. Bakhutashvili, February 12, 2002
Abstract. It is established that endothelial dysfunction stimulates development of a number of diseases of the cardiovascular system.The causes of endothelial dysfunction development during the heart insufficiency are various and in the first instance are connected with the hyperactivity of renin-angiotensine-aldosterone and sympatho-adrenal systems, long haemodynamic overload of arteries, a great number of free radicals, an increase of endothelin I production. Nitrates (donators of NO) and ACE-inhibitors are effectively used for the correction of endothelial dysfunction. The positive effect of ACE-inhibitors is connected not only with the decrease of angiotensin II synthesis, but also with retardation of bradykinine degradation and restoration of the function of receptor apparatus. On the other hand they enhance synthesis of NO, which has a vasodilatation effect. Key words: vessels' endothelial function, vascular dilatation, endothelial relaxation, nitric oxide (NO), bradykinine system, NO-synthase, NO-donators.
Experimental Medicine
N. Khotenashvili
Application of Laser Photocoagulation as Simple and Moderate Method in Chronic Anal Fissure Surgical Treatment Presented by Member of the Academy V. Okujava, March 7, 2002
Abstract. The method of laser coagulation has been applied to 147 patients for surgical treatment of chronic anal fissure. To evaluate the effectiveness of laser radiation together with clinical analysis morphological and histochemical methods of investigation were used. The obtained results show that laser photocoagulation is simple, moderate and effective method for treatment of chronic anal fissure. The method may be also applied to chronic anal fissure and other proctologic diseases in complex. Application of laser photocoagulation results in early activation of patients, reduces post-operation complications and duration of stationary treatment.Due to its simplicity laser photocoagulation can be successfully implemented in ambulatory surgical practice. Key words: laser photocoagulation, chronic anal fissure.
Experimental Medicine
A. Chkhotua, H. Schelzig, Corr. Member of the Academy L. Managadze, D. Abendroth
Increased Expression of p21(WAF1/CIP1) and p27(Kip1) CDKI Genes in a Concordant ex-vivo Hemoperfusion of Primate kidneys Presented September 10, 2002
Abstract. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the influence of ischemia/reperfusion and anti-LFA-1 mAb treatment on tissue expression of p21(WAF1/CIP1) and p27(Kip1) CDKI genes using an experimental model of ex-vivo hemoperfusion of primate kidneys. From 13 resected Macaca cynomolgus monkey kidneys 9 were perfused with human blood and 4 were kept under-80°C without reperfusion. In 5 out of 9 perfused kidneys anti LFA-1 mAb (ANTILFA, Merieux Ltd, 2mg/L) was added into the perfusate. Expression p21 and p27 genes was studied immunohistochemically in different kidney tissue structures (glomeruli, tubules, interstitial cells and blood vessels). Expression of both genes was significantly higher in glomerular, tubular and interstitial cells of reperfused kidneys. Addition of anti LFA-1 mAb has significantly influenced the gene expression profile in none of the renal cells. For the first time to our knowledge, it has been shown by the results of the current study that renal ischemia followed by concordant hemoperfusion is associated with an over expression of p21 and p27 CDKI genes. Anti LEA-1 mAb treatment does not protect kindey tissue from the damage caused by I/R. | ||
Key words: hemoperfusion, kidney, ischemia/reperfusion.
EcologyL. Bachiashvili, B. Beritashvili, L. Intskirveli On the Possibility of Reduction of Traditional Fuel Use in Georgia Applying Renewable Energy Resources Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy G. Nakhutsrishvili, January 22, 2002Abstract. The real opportunity for substitution of fire-wood by renewable energy resources for application in the warm season by rural population for different household purposes is demonstrated. The potential of such energy recources in Georgia is shown. Key words: greenhouse gases, emission reduction, fire-wood, renewable energy resources.
K. Mirianashvili, T. Davitashvili
The Effect of some Components of Atmospheric Pollutants on Human Health Presented by Member of the Academy B.Balavadze, April 2, 2002
Abstract. The effect of air-polluting substances on mortality rate has been studied on the basis of real statistical and hydrometeorological materials for 1980-1999. Harmful ingredients, which stimulate the development of the most widespread diseases causing mortality have been revealed. Correlation links of some ingredients entering in communal boiler rooms and fumes from the traffic with the increased frequency of such diseases as cardiovascular system, blood and hemopoietic organs, respiration organs and appearance of new diseases have been studied.Key words: atmospheric pollutants, mortality, health, correlation.
EcologyG. Gunia, Z. Svanidze, Sh. Ogbaidze On the Monitoring of the Environmental Abiotic Factors Causing Desertification Presented by Member of the Academy Ts. Mirtskhulava, May 5, 2002Abstract. It is proved that one of the main reasons of desertification processes in Georgia is the deteriorated ecological condition. Authors' invesigations show that ecological condition of biosphere is beyond the dangerous limits. Monitoring of the environmental abiotic factors is offered. Key words: environment, desertification, abiotic factors, monitoring.
EcologyE. Abashidze Study of Biological System Using Structural Matrices Presented by Member of the Academy G. Nakhutsrishvili, March 7, 2002
Abstract. A new approach to the nature of population dynamics of biological object is presented. Study of the population dynamics of grapevine moth-Lobesia botrana Schiff. using the structural matrix method allowed to construct structural model of the system "Lobesia botrana population dynamics in ecosystem", to determine the main variables and their interactions, to evaluate basic factors influencing on the population dynamics of grapevine moth. The peculiarity of the method is in its universality. It can be used on other biological organisms.Key words: system analysis, structural matrix, ecosystem, population dynamics, symbolic model. | ||
L. Chagelishvili
Georgia's Share in the World Communication System Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy L. Chikava, February 19, 2002
Abstract. Economic and financial conditions of Georgian telecommunication and postal services have been considered. New structures in order to improve the whole Communication system of the country have been offered. It is noted that with the help of innovations Georgia may become a part of the world Communication System.Key words: communication system, Georgia.
L. Kokiauri
The Influence of Market Infrastructure on the Activization of Investment Processes Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy L. Chikava, March 19, 2002
Abstract. The structure and importance of the infrastructure in the formation of investment market in Georgia has been studied. The problems of functioning of bank and off-bank financial institutions are analysed. It is shown that bank system has got leading position in the infrastructure of investment market.Key words: investment institutions, market infrastructure, bank system, investment activity.
M. Bliadze
Development of Forest Resources in Georgian Tourist Market Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy A. Silagadze, May 13, 2001
Abstract. The region of Meskhet-Djavakhety (Georgia) is special with variety of wood resources, relief and climate. Numerous climate and balneological resorts of Abastumani, Bakuriani and Borjomi are of world significance. Maximal development and rational use of resort wood resources require special selection of resort woods, which is one of the crucial problems of forest manufacture in the researched region. The problem of regulation of frequency of wood-stand is considered in the paper.Key words: resorts, wood resources, resort facilities, climatic and balneal resorts.
L. Mamulashvili
Principal Macroeconomic Parameters and Ratios Presented by Corr.Member of the Academy L.Chikava, May 13, 2002
Abstract. Principal tendencies of development of leading economic fields of Georgia are considered in the paper. On the basis of investigation a conclusion is drawn that in recent decade the economy of the country developed in unequal rate. Spectial attention is paid to foreign-economic relations.Key words: macroeconomic parameters. | ||
B. Mghebrishvili
Ethical and Social Aspects of Marketing in Medicaments Trade Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy L. Chikava, March 12, 2002
Abstract. The process of service in medicaments trade has been analyzed. The author makes the conclusions that the proper norms of ethics have not been observed by pharmacies while selling the pharmaceutical goods, which is quite dangerous for people of Georgia living in hard economic conditions.Key words: marketing, medicine, ethics, pharmacy, consumer.
A. Sulaberidze
Formation of Macro Socio-Demographic Environment in Georgia at the Transitional Stage Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy L. Chikava, April 2, 2002
Abstract. For formation of optimum and desired demographic behavior in Georgia weak and strong sides of socio-demographic behavior have been discussed in this article. The author has given his opinion about macro, meso and micro demographic environment, goals and tasks. He considers that without their formation the separate measures of conducted socio-demographic policy will have rather low effect.Key words: macro socio-demographic environment, socio-demographic behavior.
N. Inauri
Collective Nouns in Modern English Presented by Member of the Academy G. Tsitsishvili, May 28, 2002
Abstract. Collective nouns are represented by lexical unit, which denote different unity in general. They are characterized by high degree of generalization. Concretization of these lexical units is verbally determined by the words which act as their determiners. Definition analysis of collective nouns enables us to distinguish their meaning alongside with denotational and significative semes evaluating modal sem, which adds connotational meaning to word.Key words: collective noun, semantics, multitude, non-discrete unit, denotatum.
S. Peikrishvili
Miguel de Unamuno _ Innovator Presented by Member of the Academy A. Gvakharia, February 26, 2002
Abstract. The article deals with the innovative style of Miguel de Unamuno (1864-1936), Spanish writer and thinker, who came to literature at the end of XIX century. Unamuno's novels demonstrate an extraordinary skill in intertwinning grotesque, humour, existentialism, metaphysics, buffoonery and tragedy. That is why literary critics often call them grotesque tragedies or tragic buffooneries.Key words: esperpentos, catastrophe generation, spanish existentialism, realism, "nivola". | ||
I. Tsuladze
The Factors Influencing Geopolitics in the Caucasus Presented by member of the Academy G. Tevzadze, May 13, 2002
Abstract. The center of gravity of the world politics has moved from Europe to Asia. The Caucasus is one of the important regions of power redistribution. The geopolitics of the Caucasus is influenced by political, economical and, especially, religious factors. Analizing the situatiation the author considers that the interests of world states must be balanced in equal participation of economic projects, joint antiterrorist processes in the Caucasus.Key words: the Caucasus, geopolotics.
History of ScienceK. Kereselidze, Corr. Member of the Academy Sh. Samsoniya, D. Tugushi, R. Chagunava The Issues of Cosmetic Chemistry in "Magnificent Carabadine" Presented January 29, 2002Abstract. The study of the 10th century Georgian medical book "Ustsoro Carabadine" shows that the issues of cosmetic chemistry are widely considered. The most important cosmetic formulae are considered in the present paper. Such formulae have no analogues in the foreign literature. Key words: "Magnificent Carabadine". |