Volume 172 number 2
Member of the Academy N. Vakhania, V. Kvaratskhelia
On Inequalities between Moments of Normed Measures Presented September 5, 2005
Abstract. The elementary proof of a relation between moments of measurable functions of different orders is given. This result can be used in the study of the connection of a.e. unconditional convergence of functional series in a Banach space with the geometry of the space. © 2005 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. Key words: moments of measures, converse inequality.
T. Kopaliani
Boundedness of Integral Operators on Banach Function Spaces Presented by Member of the Academy L.Zhizhiashvili, March 29, 2005
ABSTRACT. Characterization of the mapping properties such as boundedness, compactness of Hardy-type integral operators in some Banach function spaces are given. © 2005 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. Key words: Banach function space, Hardy-type operator, boundedness, compactness.
T. Aliashvili
On the Topology of Fibres of Proper Quadratic Mappings Presented by Member of the Academy N. Berikashvili, April 28, 2005
ABSTRACT. We estimate the number of components and Euler characteristic for the fibres of a stable quadratic map in low dimensions. The homotopy type of fibre is also determined. © 2005 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. Key words: stable mapping, connected component, Euler characteristic, Petrovsky number. Mathematics
N. Khatiashvili
On the Effective Solutions of a Boundary Value Problem for Periodic Analytic Functions in the Plane with Periodic Cuts Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy R. Bantsuri, April 5, 2005
ABSTRACT. The effective solutions of the boundary value problem for the periodic analytic functions in the domains of the special types are obtained by means of the conformal mappings and the singular integral equation. The solutions are given in the parametrical form. © 2005 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. Key words: analytic function, conformal mappings. | ||
G. Rakviashvili
Cohomologies of Lie p-Algebras with One Defining Relation Presented by Member of the Academy H. Inassaridze, May 24, 2005
Abstract. Periodicity of cohomologies, Identity and Freiheitssatz theorems for Lie p-algebras with one defining relation are proved. © 2005 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. Key words: Lie p-algebras, one defining relation, Identity theorem, Freiheitssatz.
V. Jaoshvili, O. Purtukhia
Stochastic Integral Representation of Functionals of Poisson Processes I Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy E. Nadaraya, June 21, 2005
ABSTRACT. The paper suggests the method which allows one to construct explicit expressions for integrands which take part in the stochastic integral representation for polynomial functionals of Poisson processes and for these functionals the formulas for calculation of the predictable projection of their Malliavin derivatives are given. © 2005 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. Key words: Poisson process, Malliavin derivative, predictable projection.
P. Babilua, M. Shashiashvili
The American Put Option in a One-Dimensional Diffusion Model Presented by Member of the Academy E. Nadaraya, June 28, 2005
ABSTRACT. A new result is obtained on the vanishing of the local time of a nonnegative semimartingale. Based on this result, a representation of a value function of the American put option is obtained in a one-dimensional general diffusion model. Using this representation, the existence and continuity of a partial derivative of a value function with respect to x is proved, which automatically yields the well known smooth fit condition. © 2005 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. Key words: American put option, Snell envelope, local time, value process, optimal stopping.
Mathematics R. Grigolia Coproducts of Three-Element Heyting Algebras Presented by Member of the Academy H. Inassaridze, July 26, 2005
Abstract. Description of a coproduct of three-element Heyting algebras is given by means of Kripke frame objects. © 2005 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. Key words: coproduct, Heyting algebras.
T. Bokelavadze One some Properties of W-Power Groups Presented by Member of Academy H. Inassaridze, May 7, 2005 ABSTRACT. Some properties of commutators of
W-power groups are considered. It is proved that for any simple commutator
of the elements of the lower central chain of the W-group G the
comparison |
G. Chikoidze
Evolution of Language Model Representation from Computer Dependent toward Object Oriented Presented by Member of the Academy M. Salukvadze, June 14, 2005
ABSTRACT. Evolution of language model representation means is illustrated by examples of three consecutive steps of their development ("virtual automaton", ßÇÀË algorithmic language and net representation), which is directed towards the most possible congruence with the modeling object, i. e. language. © 2005 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. Key words: language model, model representation, algorithmic language, net, bi-directional processor.
G. Surguladze, L. Petriashvili, O. Shonia, Gr. Surguladze
Visual Modeling and Dynamic Analysis of Distributed Business-Processes on the Basis of Net-Technologies and Petri Networks Presented by Corr.Member of the Academy A.Prangishvili, June 3, 2005. Abstract. The problems of organization, designing and realization of commercial objects are considered with integrated use of modern object-oriented methods and instrumental means. Based on open and closed models of mass service, the analysis of the developed network commercial control system indices is done. Using Markovian processes the model of service organs optimum number determination of user-server architecture and algorithmic schemes of its solution are worked out. The problems of internet commercial systems functioning realized with NET technology (C#, ADO.NET, ASP.NET) and instruments of visual modeling and programming are described. © 2005 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. Key words: NET technology, Petri networks.
T. Sukhiashvili
The Ascertaining of Classes during the Object-Oriented Projecting Presented by Member of the Academy A. Prangishvili, June 31, 2005
Abstract. Among the existing problems, which occur during automation of systems by the object-oriented approach, class-formation is very important. It reflects abstractions of the problem field and is used for solving its objectives. In the article, the means of class identification is discussed considering the precedent analysis and semantics of system behavior. The given approach to the class-formation has been used in the civil law-making automated system. © 2005 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. Key words: Object-oriented system, model of precedents, diagrams of consistency and cooperation, generalization and association relationship, class diagrams, attributes and operations.
M. Pkhovelishvili, L. Shetsiruli
On Automation of Distance Education Presented by Member of the Academy V.Chavchanidze, May 17, 2005
ABSTRACT. In the present paper, we deal with the problems of technical and educational aspects of distance learning. Distance teaching provides instruments for creation of learning courses and online testing by them, i.e. gives possibility to teachers to transfer the process of teaching via internet. The problems of automation of distance learning organization as well as the possibilities of organizing the testing process have been considered. © 2005 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. Key words: programming, distance learning, distance education course, testing. | ||
A. Mikaberidze, M. Namtalishvili, P. Magalashvili, Z. Razmadze, M. Gabeskiria, N. Tsotskhalishvili
Photolysis Processes in AgCl Crystals and Crystal Growth with Preliminary Defined Properties
Abstract. Silver chloride crystals doped by mercury have been grown using vertically directed crystallization. Photolysis processes caused by light were considered. Influence of concentrations of Hg and temperature was studied. © 2005 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. Key words: silver chloride, crystal growth, photolysis processes, heat treatment.
G. Meskhi, B. Gorgiladze, A. Sichinava
Fluorescence Yield During Vacancies Decay in Quasimolecule Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy A. Khelashvili, June 22, 2005
Abstract. In the present work on the basis of energy distributions of Auger-electrons and x-ray photons during vacancies decay in quasimolecule were estimated. Using the proportional counter and electrostatic energy analyzer in wide range of collision energy of Auger-electrons and x-ray photons spectra in a Kr-Kr case are experimentally investigated. For the first time, the top limit of the fluorescence yield for quasimolecule Kr-Kr is experimentally determined. © 2005 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. Key words: quasimolecule, vacancy, fluorescence yield, x-ray, Auger-electrons.
M. Tagviashvili
Plasmon Resonances in Metallic and Dielectric Clusters Presented by Member of the Academy J. Lominadze, May 6, 2005
ABSTRACT. Excitation and damping of plasmons of different modes by light are studied. It is showed that the resonance occurs at the defined set of the real and imagines parts of the complex value of the cluster's dielectric permittivity, the cluster radius R and wavelength e of the light. The numerical investigation of optical controllability of plasmon resonance for nanoparticles is presented. © 2005 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. Key words: laser plasma, Mie resonance, surface plasmon, dielectric permittivity, cluster.
A. Guldamashvili, G. Bokuchava, R. Kutelia, T. Nebieridze
High Effective Ion-Implanted Semiconductor Neutron Detector Presented by Member of the Academy G. Tsintsadze, September 24, 2005
Abstract. An ion-implanted semiconductor silicon detector of thermal neutrons with p-n junction to detect and record the intensity of the flow of thermal neutrons with high efficiency has been created. The detector has an inversion layer of hole conductance, which coincides with the neutron absorber. The recording efficiency of the set of two detectors is 10 %. © 2005 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. Key words: ion implantation; semiconductor, p-n junction; isotope 10B; detector, thermal neutrons, efficiency, sensitivity. | ||
maximum at noon. The analysis of the data of radio wave absorption in the D region, foE and foF2 indicate that the role of solar activity decreases with decrease of an altitude from the F-region down to the D-region that agrees with opinion of several investigators [1]. The model of yearly values of foE at cosc=0.2 as function of F10.7 have been drawn up. There is no trend of declination of experimental points from model by data of Tbilisi during 1964 1986 period. The question about "greenhouse" (or other anthropogenic) trends is still open [2]. © 2005 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. Key words: Sun's activity, trend, ionosphere.
N. Begalishvili, G. Robitashvili, M. Tatishvili
The Investigation of Precipitation Efficiency of Convective Cloud Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy T. Chelidze, May 3, 2005
ABSTRACT. One and a half-dimensional time-dependent cloud model has been proposed to investigate precipitation efficiency with parametric temperature-dependent equations. Calculated by the model the condensate water vapor and precipitation amounts have been used. The radio balloon data have been used for initial conditions. The dependence of efficiency on time has to be rectilinear and maximal value is 62%. The obtained result is in a good agreement with calculations carried out by other investigations. © 2005 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. Key words: cloud model, precipitation efficiency, parametric equation, condensate water vapor.
J. Gvelesiani, T. Lezhava, Ts. Gagnidze, M. Mamporia
The Integrated Processing of Quarry Water of Madneuli Polymetallic Deposit Presented by Member of the Academy J. Japaridze, June 28, 2005
ABSTRACT. For purification of quarry water, refining from copper and its utilization the three-sectional electrochemical percolator is constructed providing the extraction of 90-95% copper as a self-loosing powder from the quarry water running by a steady flow. The four variants of the integrated processing of quarry water are developed and their relative technical and economical parameters are calculated. The detailed technological scheme is given for the variant that is most profitable for Georgia. © 2005 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. Key words: polymetallic deposit, quarry water electrochemical percolator, integrated processing, water purification, new technology.
Physical Chemistry
F. Basaria, A. Sarukhanishvili, G. Bokuchava, G. Darsavelidze, V. Sherozia
The Method of Improving Antisublimation Properties of Protective Coatings for Semiconductor Alloys Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy I. Baratashvili, July 18, 2005
ABSTRACT. We have determined antisublimation coating effect on duration of the resource and stability of thermoelectric generators (TEG) characteristics. The method of enhancing these properties is offered. We investigated thermophysical properties of glass/enamel as the most effective agent of enhancing antisublimation properties of protective coating for semiconductor alloys which occured to be the base for TEG resource duration. © 2005 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. Key words: thermoelectric alloys, antisublimation properties, glass enamel coating, viscosity. | ||
V. Tsomaia, T. Tsintsadze, L. Kaldani
Future of Paleohydrology in the Caucasus Presented by Member of the Academy Ts.Mirtskhoulava, June 25, 2005
Abstract. Based on measured precipitation and air temperature data as the basic parameters of heat and moisture the new approaches for the definition of basic parameters of moisture exchange cycle in the atmosphere are offered. © 2005 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. Key words: paleohydrology.
Corr. Member of the Academy D. Shengelia, T. Tsutsunava
On Metamorphic Complexes of the Miskhan Crystalline Massif (Armenia) Presented April 19, 2005
Abstract. Allochthon-imbricate structure of metamorphic complexes of the Miskhan massif has been established. © 2005 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. Key words: metamorphism, paragenesis, allochthone.
S. Urotadze, T. Kvernadze, N. Osipova, N. Burkiashvili, M. Burjanadze
Influence of Laumontite Containing Rocks Applied into the Soil on the Raise of Wheat Crop Yield Presented by Member of the Academy T. Andronikashvili, June 4, 2005
ABSTRACT. According to the experimental results, it has been shown that the introduction of natural zeolites laumontite containing rocks into the soil reduces the weed growth and positively affects the wheat crop yield. The effects of laumontite containing rocks on the wheat disease such as sheet rust-fungi, were revealed by phytopathological control. On the fields where the above rocks have not been used into the soil, the quantity of the sick plants was 10-25 %; on the fields where laumontite containing rocks have been used separately or in combination with mineral fertilizers the above quantity did not exceed 10 %. © 2005 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. Key words: seedling emergence, wheat, laumontite, soil, mineral fertilizers.
E. Gubeladze
Peculiarities of Apical Growth of Nectariferous Woody Legumes in Conditions of Kutaisi (West Georgia) Presented by Member of the Academy G. Gigauri, September 27, 2005
ABSTRACT. Peculiarities of growth of 9 species of woody plants have been investigated in different hydrothermal regimes. In conditions of Kutaisi one gain in linear growth is characteristic to the following plants: Caragana arborescens Lam. (Siberian peashrub) - duration of growth - 59 days; Gleditschia triachanthos L. (nectarferous locust) - 128 days; Wisteria chinensis (Sims.) Sweet (Chinese wisteria) - 175 days. Two periods of growth or double gain was marked in the following species: Robinia pseudoacacia L. (black locust) - duration of growth 138 days; Laburnum anagyroides Med. (golden chain tree) - duration of growth 93 days; Cercis chinensis (redbud)- duration of growth 93 days; Lespedesa bicolor Turcz. (shrubby lespedeza) - duration of growth 165 days; Amorpha fruticosa L. (leadplant) - duration of growth | ||
N. Kublashvili, A. Shalashvili, Corr. Member of the Academy D. Ugrekhelidze
Antioxidant and Free-Radical Scavenging Activity of Tea Polyphenol Complex Presented May 16, 2005
ABSTRACT. Antioxidant and free-radical scavenging activity of Camelphen a standardized preparation of polyphenol complex from green tea - is investigated. The free-radical scavenging activity of a Camelphen preparation basically is caused by a polyphenol complex contained in it. © 2005 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. Key words: tea polyphenols, antioxidant and free-radical scavenging activity.
Corr. Member of the Academy T. Zaalishvili, D. Kharadze, T. Khostaria, N. Arabuli, K. Kolkhidashvili, K. Kutalia, T. Omiadze, L. Kirmelashvili, L. Edilashvili, G. Zaalishvili, Z. Tsetskhladze
Design of Indole Derivatives and Studying their Inhibitory Ability of Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation Reaction Presented June 7, 2005 Key words: PARP, poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation, indole derivatives, inhibition.
Ts. Chikhladze, D. Danelia
Chromatographic Analysis of Phenols in Biological Liquids Presented by Member of the Academy T. Andronikashvili, July 2, 2005
Abstract. Concentration of phenols in biological tissues and liquids (fluids, liver, blood serum) of white mice has been investigated. Universal method in gas chromatography by means of which qualitative and quantitative analyses of phenols in concrete structures of organism of white mice are conducted has been eelaborated. The possibility to study the degradation process of xenobiotics on cell and subcell levels has been used. © 2005 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. Key words: gas chromatography, phenols, biological liquids.
B. Arziani
Biodegradation of Aromatic Ring of Exogenous Simple Phenols in Living Organisms Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy D. Ugrekhelidze, May 24, 2005
ABSTRACT. Biodegradation of an aromatic ring of some exogenous simple phenols in living organisms is investigated. It is shown, that biodegradation of an aromatic ring proceeds by various intensity. This way of transformation is the basic for microorganisms, while this process proceeds with low intensity in animals, and especially in plants, and is of minor importance. © 2005 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. Key words: phenols, detoxification, biodegradation, living organisms. | ||
ages activation occurs and at the same time collagen lysis is marked which makes easy the moving of insular granules towards cappilar which is revealing of compensatory adaptation process. © 2005 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. Key words: pancreas islet, alloxan, diabetes, Plaferon, connective tissue, fibroplasts, macrophages.
Experimental Morphology
L. Shanidze, Z. Zurabashvili
Analysis of Pharmacokinetics of Haloperidole by Chromatographic Methods Presented by Member of the Academy T. Dekanosidze, July 6, 2005
Abstract. Under conditions of chronic experiment (12 sexually mature dogs were treated by 0.5% 1 ml of haloperidole during 10 days) simultaneous analyses of invariable form of the preparation, its metabolits in blood plasm, and of supernatante washed from the surface of erythrocytes were carried out. It is shown, that maximum concentration (Cmax) of unchanged form of haloperidole exists in supranatant washed from the surface of erythrocytes 30 minutes earlier, than in blood plasm. In the a-phase and b-phase of elimination process of haloperidole, its invariable form, bound with protein
fractions of supernatant, gradually moves from supernatant to the plasms, and its oxidized form is less mobile than
invariable form. © 2005 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Experimental Medicine
M. Lomia, R. Ratiani, T. Chelidze
Severe Persistent Bronchial Asthma: High Efficacy of Carbamazepine Presented by the Member of the Academy T. Oniani, July 12, 2005
Abstract. A 7-yr-old male patient had severe persistent bronchial asthma last 3 years. Therapy by beta-agonists and inhaled hormones caused unstable and non-complete short-term remissions. Every spring and autumn our patient had severe exacerbations, and i.v. injections of prednisolone were necessary to suppress severe asthmatic attacks, with following continuation of peroral indication of hormones. After receiving of carbamasepine asthmatic attacks completely disappeared. For three years patient received only carbamasepine as antiasthmatic medicine. Now he is 11 yr-old, and he does not receive any medication and has no asthma he is practically healthy person. This case supports our earlier published data concerning high antiasthmatic efficacy of monotherapy by some antiepileptic agents. © 2005 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. Key words: bronchial asthma, carbamazepine, high efficacy.
Corr. Member of the Academy F. Todua, G. Svanidze, G. Tsivtsivadze, R. Kharadze
Dynamic Helical Biphasic CT in the Detection of Intrahepatic Arterioportal Shunts Presented May 17, 2005
ABSTRACT. The increased use of dynamic helical biphasic CT of the liver has demonstrated the frequent occurrence of arterioportal shunts (APS) within both the cirrhotic and non-cirrhotic liver. Recognition of APS can suggest the presence of previously unsuspected disorder and false-positive diagnosis (hypervascular tumors) or overestimation of the size of liver tumors (e.g. hepatocellular carcinoma) can be avoided. From our experience, the helical CT findings of APS are as follows: early and marked enhancement of the main portal vein, segmental branches, or major tributaries with an attenuation approaching that of the aorta without enhancement of the superior and mesenteric and splenic veins; and the transient, peripheral, wedge-shaped hepatic parenchymal enhancement during the HAP. © 2005 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. Key words: liver, shunts, blood flow, arterioportal, CT, helical. | ||
the distribution of old and new information in semantic cases. The linguistic functional conception is characterized by combination of logical and linguistic-structuralistic euristics. It divides the sentence components into smaller units and determines correlation between their communicative dynamism and prosodic marking. © 2005 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. Key words: theme-reme, sentence, division, linguistics.
L. Urushadze
Some Questions of History of Georgia in the Georgian Emigrant Literature Presented by Member of the Academy D. Muskhelishvili, October 11, 2005
ABSTRACT. Research of Georgian political emigration and different issues reflected in the literature of emigrants is extremely significant for the Georgian historical science. It will contribute to the correction of those gross "mistakes" which had been made by the so-called "Soviet historiography" during 70 years of the soviet domination. The objective of the present work is to fill the existed gap. We have studied how the issues of the history of Georgia and the Caucasus of the XVIII-XX centuries were presented in the Georgian emigrant literature. © 2005 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. Key words: Georgia, history, emigrant, nation, political, turkey, russia.
E. Zurabashvili
Ivane Machabeli and Main Principles of Georgian Translations Presented by Member of the Academy Sh.Nadirashvili, September 9, 2005
ABSTRACT. The author studied traditions of Georgian translations and ascertained differences between Georgian translations of earlier and later periods. In the article there are considered translations of Shakespeare's plays by Ivane Machabeli (1854-1898), Georgian public men and translator and his special role in the development of Georgian translation literature is shown. © 2005 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. Key words: I. Machabeli, I. Chavchavadze, Shakespeare, "King Lear", Georgian translations.
T. Mebuke
Freedom of Choice as Mythological Archetype Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy R.Gordeziani, June 28, 2005
ABSTRACT. The article deals with one of the central archetypes of literature - the problem of freedom of choice. Symbolically this archetype is represented as two triangles: the triangle of evolution and involution, together composing a hexagon. As example of reflection in literature of the triangle of involution convergence into the matter is used a myth about Narcissus. The reflection of the triangle of evolution ascending to the good and spiritual origin is traced on the examples of tales by T.Mann "Law", R.Bach "Jonathan Livingston Seagull", Herman Hesse "Sidhartha", and Paolo Coelho "The Alchemist". The destructive effect of incapacity to make the right choice or prevention of other people to follow their chosen way of life is studied on the example of the tales by Thomas Mann "Exchange Heads", "The Deceived", "Mario and Magician" and S.Maugham novel "Magician". © 2005 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. Key words: mythology, mythological archetypes, freedom of choice, archetypes in literature. | ||