L. Zhizhiashvili
On Approximate Properties of Cauchy Kernel Integral Operator
Presented November 24, 2005
Abstract. In the
paper some approximate properties of Cauchy kernel integral operators for the
function of the class ,
, are asserted. © 2005 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: Cauchy kernel integral operator, modulus of continuity.
G. Giorgadze, R. Tevzadze
Scattering Matrices as the Gates for Quantum Computer
Presented by Member of the Academy G.Kharatishvili, September 22, 2005
ABSTRACT. We discuss the possible applications of 1-D direct and inverse scattering problem to design of universal quantum gates for quantum computing. The potentials performing some universal gates are described. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: scattering matrix, quantum computing, universal gates.
S. Topuria
The Generalized Laplace Operators on a Unit Sphere
Presented by Member of the Academy L. Zhizhiashvili, November 1, 2005
ABSTRACT. New notions of a generalized Laplace operator of an arbitrary order on a unit sphere are introduced and their connection with an ordinary Laplace operator is shown. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: Fourier-Laplace series, summation, a generalized Laplace operator, differentiation.
D. Gordeziani, E. Gordeziani, N. Gordeziani
On Finite-Difference Methods Developed for Solution of One Pluri-Schrödinger Equation
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy E. Nadaraya, October 25, 2005
Abstract. The algorithms of solution of classical initial-boundary value problem stated for pluri-Schrödinger equation via finite-difference method is offered; the error of approximation, stability and convergence conditions of constructed schemes are investigated. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words. Schrödinger equation, pluri-Schrödinger equation, uniqueness of solution.
T. Bokelavadze, A. Lashkhi
The Fundamental Theorem of the Projective Geometry for W-Power Groups
Presented by Memebr of the Academy H. Inasaridze, December 13, 2005
ABSTRACT. The fundamental theorem of projective geometry for nilpotent W-power proper groups is proved, when the dimension of the center is ³2. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: W-power group, lattice isomorphism, nilpotent group.
Z. Tevdoradze
The Groups of Canonical Homologies for the Poisson Manifolds of Constant Rank
Presented by Member of the Academy N. Berikashvili, November 21, 2005
ABSTRACT. In this paper canonical homology groups are constructed for the Poisson manifolds of constant rank. In this case, imitating the star isomorphism for Riemannian manifolds, we define analogical operator which establishes isomorphisms between the canonical homology groups and vertical cohomology groups. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: Poisson manifold, foliation, vertical cohomology, harmonic form, cohomology classes.
G. Todua
On Internal Tensor Structures of the Tangent Bundle of Space Lm(Vn) with a Triplet Connection
Presented by Member of the Academy N.Berikashvili, November 29, 2005
present work some internal tensor structures, generated by an object of linear
connection and
by some vector and covector fields, are considered and their integrability is
studied. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: vector fiber space, vector field, covector field, tensor field, linear connection, Nijenhuis tensor, covariant production, lift.
N. Rokva
Idempotent Elements of Semigroup BX(D), Defined by
X-Semilattices of Class S(X,6)
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy A. Prangishvili, October 18, 2005
ABSTRACT. Idempotent elements of one class of complete semigroups of being relations are studied in the work. Power of the class S(X,6), where X is final set, is found and formulae for estimation of the number of idempotent elements of the considered semigroups are introduced. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: semigroups, idempotent elements.
A. Chaduneli, Z. Tabagari, M. Zakradze
On Solving the Dirichlet Generalized Boundary Problem for a Harmonic Function by the Method of Probabilistic Solution
Presented by Member of the Academy N. Vakhania, October 21, 2005
ABSTRACT. Two ways of probabilistic solution of the Dirichlet generalized boundary problem for harmonic functions are considered: a) Direct application of the probabilistic method; b) Reduction of generalized problem to the ordinary problem and solution of the latter by the probabilistic method. Investigation showed the reliability of results of both methods, which in turn indicates the superiority of direct application. The simplicity and the possibility of direct application of this method also indicate the superiority against the other well-known methods. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: Dirichlet generalized problem, harmonic function, probabilistic solution.
D. Devadze
About One Numerical Method of Solution of the Problem
of Optimal Control
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy A. Prangishvili, November 15, 2005
Abstract. Problem of optimal control for nonlinear ordinary differential equations of the second order with Bitsadze-Samarskii boundary conditions has been considered. Necessary conditions of optimality in the form of maximum principle are received, conjugate equations of differential and integral forms are constructed.
With the help of necessary and sufficient conditions of optimality the solution of linear problem of optimal control is reduced to the solution of equivalent system of differential equations, for numerical solution of which difference scheme on convergences in the class of functions having totally continuous first derivatives is constructed and investigated. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: optimal control, numerical control, Bitsadze-Samarskii.
N. Macharashvili, I. Pochkhua
Summability of Differentiated Fourier Series over the System of Generalized Spherical Functions by Abel’s Method
Presented by Member of the Academy L.Zhizhiashvili, November 15, 2005
ABSTRACT. Laplace operator and Laplace generalized operator on the sphere are defined. Theorems on the summability of Fourier series over the system of generalized spherical functions are proved.
Key words: Fourier series, generalized spherical functions, summability, generalized Laplacians.
B. Gulua
The Method of the Small Parameter for the Non-Shallow Cylindrical Shells
Presented by Member of the Academy R.Bantsuri, November 15, 2005
ABSTRACT. In the present paper we consider the non-shallow cylindrical shells for I.N. Vekua N=0 approximation. Concrete problem using complex variable functions and the method of the small parameter has been solved, when the components of external force are constant. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: non-shallow cylindrical shells, small parameter.
M. Tutberidze
The Comparison Theorems for one System of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
Presented by Member of the Academy I. Kiguradze, December 6, 2005
ABSTRACT. In this paper one system of nonlinear partial differential equations is investigated. The questions of comparison of solutions of problems with different data are considered. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: system of nonlinear partial differential equations, comparison theorem.
D. Rogava
On the Convergence of an Iteration Method for the System of
I. Vekua’s Equations with a Split Operator for a Spherical Shell
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy E. Nadaraya, December 14, 2005
ABSTRACT. An iteration process is proposed for an approximate solution of the system of I. Vekua’s equations with Dirichlet boundary conditions for a spherical shell. The process consists in that at each iteration step we solve separately a system of equations of plane elasticity and Helmholtz's equation. It is proved that the proposed iteration process converges for arbitrary admissible values of the sphere radius, shell thickness and Poisson’s coefficient. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: shell, iteration, splitting, operator.
Theory of Elasticity
N. Zirakashvili, R. Janjgava, M. Mosia, M. Narmania
The Numerical Solutions of some Boundary-Value Problems of Binary Mixture Plane Theory by Boundary Element Method
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy R. Bantsuri, October 13, 2005
ABSTRACT. In this paper a version of linear theory for a body composed of two isotropic materials suggested by Green-Naghdi-Steel is considered. Kelvin problem is solved when in the point of domain of binary mixture point force acts in case of plane deformation. By integration of solution of this problem the problem for infinite domain when the constant stresses distribute on the segment is solved. On the basis of obtained singular solution using the boundary element method numerical solution of different boundary-value problems is realized for both finite and infinite domains. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: binary mixture, boundary element, numerical method.
Corr. Member of the Academy R. Khurodze, T. Sharashenidze, I. Badagadze, R. Mania
Determination of the Effect of Renewal Methods on the Value of Time-Redundancy
Presented October 18, 2005
ABSTRACT. A simplified model of computer network with time-redundancy is proposed. It is shown that in order to achieve equal probability of unfailing information communication the usage of SRP renewal method needs less time-redundancy value than ABP, SWP and GBN methods. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: time-redundancy, computer network.
I. Kakubava, N. Svanidze, M. Gabidzashvili
Closed Queuing System with Relative Priority
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy A. Prangishvili, December 13, 2005
ABSTRACT. Multi-element standby system is investigated. Analytical model is constructed in the form of closed queuing system where two types of services are taking place: renewal of a failed element and replacement of the main failed element. The durations of both services are the random values distributed according to general law. Replacement operation has a relative priority. Probability characteristics of series length are received for an important particular case in the terms of Laplace transform. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: renewal, replacement, standby system.
G. Chikoidze
Interpreter for Net Representation of Morphologic Processors
Presented by member of the Academy V. Chavchanidze, Jule, 19, 2005
ABSTRACT. Net representation of language models was reached as a result of development, which was directed from utter dependence on computer toward orientation, in first instance, to the object itself, i. e. natural language. However, briefly characterized here translator should witness that this shift of orientation has not greatly complicated relation between mode of representation and computer as its material basis. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: language model, net representation, interpreter, C-programming language, C-structures.
S. Gotoshia, L. Gotoshia
Laser Raman Spectroscopy of B- and Ar-implanted GaAs
Presented by Member of the Academy T. Sanadze, July 26, 2005
Abstract. When implanting GaAs with boron and heavier argon ions, severe distortion of crystal structure occurs. Raman scattering has shown that with implanted ions’ dose change crystal structure gradually transforms into disordered state, in which coexistence of crystalline, microcrystalline and amorphous phases is possible. At the certain stage of implantation formation of continuous amorphous layer of GaAs takes place. The critical doses of amorphization of GaAs at implantation with B and Ar ions have been defined. The graph of dependence of LO phonon’s halfwidths upon implantation doses is also a characteristic of amorphization. We suggest a possible mechanism for structural transition dynamics in GaAs caused by ion implantation. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: Raman Scattering, implantation, amorphization, microcrystalline.
N. Kuchava, E. Ginturi
Application of Neutron Multiplicator for Instrumental Activation Analysis of Biological Materials
Presented by Member of the Academy N. Tsintsadze, October 11, 2005
Abstract. The method of instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA), performed with neutron multiplicator of average power, is employed to determine zinc content in freeze-dried biological materials (Spirulina platensis). Neutron flux in vertical channel amounts to 2.3´106 n/cm2 sec. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: instrumental neutron activation analysis, neutron multiplicator, freeze-dried biological samples.
N. Shatashvili, V. Berezhiani, N. Papuashvili, R. Salukvadze
On the Generation of Generalized Vorticity and Quasistatic Magnetic Fields in Dissipative Plasmas
Presented by Member of the Academy N. Tsintsadze, July 26, 2005
ABSTRACT. The generation of generalized vorticity and quasi-static magnetic field by short relativistically strong laser pulse propagating in dissipative under-dense cold unmagnetized plasma is considered. It is demonstrated that due to dissipation the generated quasi-static axial current becomes the source for azimuthal quasi-static magnetic (QSM) field leading to the helical structure of magnetic field (exists even in weakly relativistic case). The latter is not sensitive to the scale of plasma inhomogeneity. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: quasi-static magnetic field; vorticity; dissipation; drag current; helical structure.
G. Gordadze, A. Gordadze, P. Imnadze, K. Megrelishvili, Ts. Kvirikashvili, T. Getsadze
Possibilities of Controlling Nutritious Wheat Flour by the Method of Neutron Activation Analysis
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy A.Khelashvili, October 12, 2005
ABSTRACT. Possibilities of controlling nutritious wheat flour by the method of neutron activation analysis are studied. It is established, that detection of contents of As, Cd, Hg, Cu and Zn in wheat flour is possible using this method and a neutron multiplier. The results of measurements were worked out by polycomparative method. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: nutritious wheat flour, neutron multiplier, activation analysis, polycomparative method.
A. Guldamashvili, R. Kutelia
Strength Loss of Irradiated Boron Carbide
Presented by Member of the Academy N. Tsintsadze, December 6, 2005
Abstract. During the irradiation of boron carbide samples in the temperature range 300-900 K and during their testing at 300 K relative decrease of their microhardness was observed. Strength loss in the crystals was caused by decrease of the brittle failure limit due to the accumulation of the radiation defects, mainly of the interstitial type. Helium ion provides higher strength loss than Lithium and Boron ions do, their ability to change the target composition, and thus low damage rates being similar. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: nuclear reactors, irradiation, neutrons, ions, boron carbide, 10B.
N. Kapanadze, V. Kulijanishvili, R. Apriamashvili
The Corona Electropolarimetry during the August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy R. Kiladze, December 28, 2005
ABSTRACT. The results of the white-light polarization measurements performed during the total solar eclipse of the August 11, 1999 are presented. An electropolarimeter of original design controlled by PC was used. In each 7 concentric rings up to 2.58 solar radii measurements of the total radiation of the solar corona at 90 positions were made. Subsequent calculations of the polarization degree P and the direction of plane of polarization ö were fulfilled. All measurements are given in units of the Sun’s average surface brightness. Then the measurements were corrected for the instrumental scattering and polarization, as well as for the sky background. A well-known technique for separation of the F- and K- coronae was used. For most features of the K-corona the degree of polarization ranging between 15-45% is rather typical. The polarization plane is radial everywhere except for a small deviation that does not exceed ± 1º. Assuming hydrostatic and isothermal corona, the electron temperature and density were derived from the radial profiles of the surface brightness of the K-corona. The empirical formula of the density variation is given. Our data were compared with previous measurements. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: solar eclipse, corona, polarization.
Corr. Member of the Academy A. Kiknadze, A. Kordzadze, D. Demetrashvili, A. Surmava
Simulation of the Black Sea Hydrological Regime under the Forcing by Nonstationary Atmospheric Processes
To the 80-anniversary
of Academician
G. I. Marchuk is devoted
Presented September 9, 2005
ABSTRACT. A 3-D baroclinic prognostic model of sea dynamics is used to simulate the inner-annual hydrological regime of the Black Sea by alternation of different types of winds above its surface and seasonal variability of atmospheric thermohaline forcing. The problem is solved by the two-cycle splitting method with 5 km horisontal spacing. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: baroclinic model, numerical experiment, splitting method, atmospheric forcing.
T. Matcharashvili, G. Japaridze, N. Kutaladze, L. Megrelidze, D. Miqautadze
Trends and Long-Range Correlations in Daily Temperature Records in Georgia
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy T. Chelidze, September 25, 2005
Abstract. Daily maximal and minimal temperature records of Samtredia and Tbilisi meteorological stations in 1936-1992 are analyzed by means of detrended fluctuation analysis techniques. Positive long-range correlations and persistent behavior extending up to about 1.2 years are detected for each case.
The character of fluctuations of daily maximal and minimal temperature records exhibits clear antipersistent trends for time periods larger than 1.5 years. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: surface air temperature, durnal temperature range, detrended fluctuation analysis.
I. Rekhviashvili
The Uniform Nature of Mountain Impacts and Earthquakes
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy T. Iamanidze, October 4, 2005
Abstract. Generalized results of the researches executed by the author on a problem of the mountain impacts allowed to reveal comparability of the processes occurring in a massif of rocks, anticipating mountain impacts, and processes of accumulation and realization of energy in the center of impact with the similar processes being previous and accompanying earthquakes. The author considers mountain impacts as the reduced model of earthquakes and to sees the opportunity of the earthquakes forecast on one of the features peculiar to mountain impacts. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: mountain impact, earthquakes forecast.
G. Agladze, G. Tsurtsumia, V. Kveselava, N. Koiava, I. Kakhniashvili, G. Gorelishvili
Water Purification from the Impurities of Nitrate, Nitrite and Ammonium Ions in Dispersed Electrode Reactor
Presented by Member of the Academy J. Japaridze, September 27, 2005
ABSTRACT. Water electrochemical purification from NO3-, NO2- and NH4+ ions has been studied in the packed bed electrode reactor, where the titanium grids, modified by the surface layer of catalytically active oxides TiO2-RuO2-IrO2 are used. Anodic and cathodic areas are divided by separator and the packed graphite bed is placed between current feeder and separator. The total purification of the water contaminated by NO3-, NO2- and NH4+ ions is reached in the mentioned reactor by using 0.1 M NaCI solution as an electrolyte. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: water, purification, NO3-, NO2- and NH4+ ions, electrodes, packed bed, graphite particles, sodium chloride, electrolyte.
Physical Geography
B. Beritashvili, R. Meskhia, N. Shavishvili, L. Kartvelishvili,
D. Mikautadze, N. Chikhradze
Research of the Landscape Structure of the Water Balance of the Trialeti Range Northern Slope according to the Natural Recreation Resources
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy Z. Tatashidze, October 11, 2005
ABSTRACT. The work deals with the landscape-differentiated analysis of the water balance elements of the rivers on the Northern slope of the Trialeti Range using the 1961-2000 years observation data.
Regularities of their variation are given according to the altitude. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: water balance, river flow, landscape, recreation resources, climate change.
O. Nanitashvili, V. Nanitashvili
Technology of Antierosion Sprinkling Irrigation
Presented by Member of the Academy Ts. Mirtskhoulava, September 27, 2005
Abstract. On the basis of the results of experimental study the values of erosion admissible rain intensity of the sprinkling device depending on soil type, relief and vegetation coverage, have been defined. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: sprinkling irrigation, erosion, rain intensity.
D. Kereselidze, V. Tsomaia, L. Kitiashvili, M. Pkhakadze
The Use and Perspectives of Variance Analysis according to Hydrometeorological Calculations and Forecasts
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy Z. Tatashidze, June 7, 2005
Abstract. Correlation coefficients (R) are widely used in evaluations of dependencies between two, three, etc. hydrometeorological variables. The dependencies are acceptable if their R³0.70. However there are cases when at high values of R, the calculation results and prognosis appeared insufficient. This happens when dispersion of the studied dependencies is not taken into account. The accuracy of calculations is considerably increased (up to 30%) with account of this dispersion. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: dispersion, correlation coefficient, error accuracy.
Exploitation and concentration of deposits
G. Abashidze, N. Chikhradze, G. Papava
Durability of the Composite Based on Copper and Tungsten
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy L. Japaridze, September 27, 2005
Abstract. In the paper the results of the study of durability of Cu-W composite developed for the purpose of improvement of high-temperature strength properties of copper are presented. The dependence of the strength on volume fraction of tungsten fibres and temperature-time dependence of composite durability are shown. Average conventional results of the forecasting of Cu-W composite durability are given. Dispersion of received data for durability, caused by composite non-uniformity must be taken into account in the calculations of durability and strength of constructions. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: copper, tungsten, durability, activation energy of decomposition, designed resistance.
Automatic Control and Computer Engineering
Member of the Academy R. Adamia, J. Dochviri, I. Dochviri, N. Mchedlishvili
Invariant Control Systems of the Elastic Electromechanical Drives
Presented November 21, 2004
ABSTRACT. The system of electric drives invariant to the values of load surge on the motor shaft are made. The schemes of the drives are constructed on the base of principles of subordinate circuits control with additional feedback. These connections imitate introduction of proportional signal at static load on the inlet of the current regulator. The results of computer investigations of dynamics for presented systems of electric drives are given. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: Control system, elastic electric drive, invariantness.
L. Dolidze
Variations of Taxation Stock of Beech Forests after Felling
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy T.Urushadze, December 27, 2005
ABSTRACT. Dynamics of the main indices of beech stands after felling of different systems is considered. On the basis of investigation data it is established, that dynamics of those taxation indices is inhomogeneous. It is shown that in some cutting areas principle of even and permanent utilization of forests has been destroyed. Recommendations for better renewal of forest stands are suggested. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: beech forest, cutting, stock.
G. Bolkvadze
Bioecological Peculiarities of the Genus Kalmia in Batumi Botanical Garden
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy V. Papunidze, November 8, 2005
ABSTRACT. Distribution, morphology and bioecological peculiarities (vegetation, blooming, fruiting, propagation, bioecology of bud development) of Kalmia latifolia in Batumi Botanical Garden are discussed. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: decorative plants, morphological peculiarities, propagation, bud structure, Kalmia.
I. Diasamidze
Bioecological Peculiarities of Arbutus andrachne L. in
Colchis, Ajara
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy V. Papunidze, November 8, 2005
ABSTRACT. The origin, areal of distribution, life form, bioecological peculiarities and the seasonal rhythm of development of strawberry tree - Arbutus andrachne L. are discussed. The studies of rhythm of development and other biomorphological peculiarities of Arbutus andrachne L. in South Colchis have shown, that by the rhythm of growth and development the tree resembles the plants of Ajarian and Mediterranean floras. This indicates the antiquity and originality of the flora of the river Ajaristskali gorge. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: relic, South Colcheti, hemixeophyte, hypsophilic bud, sprout.
N. Razmadze, E. Chkhubianishvili, S. Shamtsyan, S. Abramidze, L. Rapava
The Influence of Acidic Precipitation on the Total Protein Content and Transpiration Intensity of some Cultivated Plants
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy N. Nutsubidze, December 21; 2004
ABSTRACT. The effect of acidic precipitation on the total protein content and transpiration intensity of leaves of some cultivated plants has been studied using aqueous solutions of sulfuric acid of different concentration. Plants spraying with pH-2.0 and pH-3.5 solutions of H2SO4 caused stimulation of protein synthesis in leaves, which may be considered as a reply of plant organism to the stress. On the contrary, leaf transpiration intensity of plants, sprayed with acidic solutions, was reduced as compared with control ones.
The obtained results point, that in conditions of optimum temperature and water supply the reply of plant physiological processes to different external factors is of specific character. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: acidic precipitation, total protein, transpiration intensity.
N. Keburia, G. Alexidze
On the Physiological Role of Galactose- Specific Lectins from Mistletoe (Viscum album L.)
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy N. Aleksidze, July 26, 2005
Abstract. Distribution of lectins in mistletoe (Viscum album L.) organs in different periods of plant life cycle has been studied. It is shown that lectin content is relatively enhanced in growing parts of mistletoe (young leaves, flower buds, fruits). The seasonal changes in the content of galactose-specific lectins in mistletoe is also revealed: in all parts of the plant it rises during the period from the spring to winter. It has been established that during the shoot development the lectin content in mature one-year-old leaves gradually decreases, but in young leaves it increases about 30-times and reaches the maximum in winter. It is considered that mistletoe galactose-specific lectins may involve in regulation of osmotic properties of “water parasite” plant tissues by means of its specific interaction with endogenic soluble complex polysaccharides and participate in the mechanism of water attraction and maintenance. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: mistletoe, lectin, hemagglutinating activity, polysaccharides, physiological role.
E. Kadagishvili, N. Baratashvili, A. Shatirishvili
Assessment of Genetic Activity of Fungicides (Melody-DUO, Anthracol) by the Test-System Elaborated for Soybean (Glycine max)
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy N. Aleksidze, November 29, 2005
ABSTRACT. Genetic activity of fungicides Melody-DUO and Anthracol has been investigated. Five different concentrations of these xenobiotics (0.02%, 0.04%, 0.06%, 0.08%, 0.1%) were tested. Melody-DUO, 0.1% concentration of which essentially increased the frequency of induction of point mutations, recombinations and reversions, turned out to be genetically more active. Frequency of induction of direct mutations was higher at the application of Anthracol. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: soybean, pesticide, mutation, somatic mosaicism, Melody-DUO, Anthracol.
G. Todua
Antidromic Identification of Efferent Units in the Cortico-Medial Part of the Amygdaloid Complex and their Responses to Basal Nucleus Stimulation
Presented by Member of the Academy T. Oniani, December 22, 2005
Abstract. In cortical [CN] and medial [MN] nuclei of the amygdaloid complex efferent units were identified and the effects of electrical stimulation of the basal nucleus (BN) were examined on them. Out of 36 output units 23 (63.8%) were excited and 13 (36.2%) inhibited. It was concluded that BN may be involved in control of efferent functions of the cortico-medial part of amigdaloid complex. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: efferent units, antidromic response, collision test, orthodromic response, latency.
Corr. Member of the Academy A. Asatiani, Kh. Shashurashvili, I. Kvachadze
Energetic and Metabolic Correlates of Female Organism in Conditions of Physiological Hunger and Satiety
Presented December 27, 2005
ABSTRACT. Intensity of metabolic processes in the female organism regularly changes in relation to the hormonal status. Optimal indices of energetic metabolism were noted in the phase of proliferation of the ovarian-menstrual cycle (OMC). It is supposed that the anabolic effect of estrogens in the phase of proliferation conditions adequate adaptation of the female organism to various loads. According to our data, one of such loads is concerned with the alimentary states. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: ovarian-menstrual cycle, hunger, satiety, estrogens, women.
V. Bregadze, I. Khutsishvili, K. Tsakadze
Double Proton Transfer in DNA: the Role of Ions, Ethanol, Polyethyleneglycol, Protamines and Histones
Presented by Member of the Academy M. Zaalishvili, December 27, 2005
Abstract. The effect of H+, transition metals and macroscopic change of its surrounding on DNA were studied with spectroscopic methods using a new methodological approach. Significant decrease of donor – acceptor characteristics of DNA causing double proton transfer (DPT) that takes place as a response of DNA double helix to the reduction of activity of hydrated water was found. Reduction of water activity surrounding DNA double helix stimulates keto-enol and amino – imine tautomerization of GC base pairs. Often this leads to intra-family B®C transition, which, depending on DNA type and the method of reduction of the activity, is completed by conformational transitions in A and Z forms or Y- conformation. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: DNA, double proton transfer, water, B®C, B®A, B®Z and B®Y conformational changes, UDS.
N. Varazanashvili
Ca2+ Binding Proteins of the Sarcolemma
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy N. Aleksidze, September 29, 2005
ABSTRACT. In every obtained membrane fraction of cardiomyocytes Ca2+: Ca2+ ATPase-binding proteins, calsequestin and actin were present.
In every membrane fractions of cardiomyocyte, obtained by the one-stage soft method, Ca 2+ binding proteins - Ca2+ ATPase, calsequestin and actin were present.
Meanwhile, in the most light membrane fraction, presented mainly by sarcolemma and T-tubules, actin was found to be the protein, which binds the most of calcium. In other, heavier, fractions enriched by triads and their fragments, the main part of 45Ca2+ radioactivity was associated with 92 kD proteins, corresponding to the Ca2+ ATPases, although the minor proteins of 66 kD (caldesmon) and 31 kD (ouabain receptor) had almost one order higher specific 45Ca2+ radioactivity. In the same three heavy membrane fractions the calciphobic (calcium-repellent) polypeptides of 40, 26 and 13 kD molecular weight were found, which presumably are trimer, dimer and monomer, respectively, of the fatty acid - binding protein. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: heart, sarcolemma, ca2+ binding proteins.
L. Gulua, M. Shalamberidze, T. Khutsidze, N. Omiadze, N. Mchedlihvili, M. Abutidze
Investigation of some Biologically Active Compounds and Antioxidant Activity of Green Tea Dry Extract from Kolkhida Tea Leaves
Presented by Member of the Academy G. Kvesitadze, December 6, 2005
Abstract. Some biologically active compounds of green tea dry extract from Kolkhida tea leaves have been studied. Green tea dry extract was shown to be rich in phenolic compounds, pectin substances and free amino acids. It is characterized by high antioxidant activity. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: tea dry extract, phenolic compounds, pectin substances, free amino acids, antioxidant activity.
T. Bolotashvili, M. Kobeshavidze, Corr. Member of the Academy N. Aleksidze
Purification and Characterization of Human Placental Amnion
Lectin-Like Proteins
Presented January 31, 2006
Abstract. The lectin-like proteins isolated from human placental amnion have been studied. It was determined, that the specific activity of extracted from amnion AmnS1 and AmnS2 proteins was 354.9 and 1183 units correspondingly per 1 mg protein, and specific activity of lectins AmnS1-Gal and AmnS2-Gal was 149.3 and 50.7 per 1 mg proteins. By studying the bivalent ions it was determined that Ca2+ (0.4 mM) and Mg2+ (0.2 mM) influence the activity of AmnS2-Gal protein. The maximum activity of lectins is manifested at + 370C and + 400C, and at + 550C the lectin activity is absent. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: human placenta, amnion, chorion, lectin-like proteins.
MICROBIOLOGY and virology
N. Zakariashvili, L. Kutateladze, T. Iashvili, T. Burduli, N. Glonti
Halophilic Microscopic Fungi from Soils of Humid-Subtropical, Continental and Subalpine Climatic Zones of Georgia
Presented by Member of the Academy N. Nutsubidze, October 11, 2005
ABSTRACT. The extent of halophilc qualities of micromycetes, distributed in soils of different climatic zones of Georgia has been studied for the purpose to reveal the microscopic fungi, able to grow at high concentrations of salt.
Growth characteristics of 102 microscopic fungi at different concentrations of NaCl (from 0.5M till 4M) were investigated. 38 extremophils have been selected (6 extreme, 19 moderate and 13 weak halophil).
Among the three studied climatic zones, the soils of continental climatic zone are distinguised by the abundantce of halophils: 74% of the selected halophils belonged to microflora of this region.
It was established that the microscopic fungi from Ascomycetes and Deuteromycetes classes were resistant to high concentrations of NaCl. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: microscopic fungi, extremophils, halophils.
I. Antia, A Gholijashvili, M. Natidze, M. Balanchivadze, M. Kereselidze, T. Natidze
Influence of Environmental Factors on Intestibacteriophages
Presented by Member of the Academy T. Chanishvili, December 20, 2005
ABSTRACT. Manifestation of curative-prophylactic features of a bacteriophage greatly depends on the composition of a medium - concentration of hydrogen ions, proteolytic enzymes and the presence of antibiotics.
The present invetigation was aimed at establishing the influence of the above mentioned factors on Staphilococcus phages, Coli-phages and Salmonella-phages.
Our investigations have proved that optimum effect of phages was obtained within the range of pH 6.0-7.0. Acid or alkaline medium negatively affected morphology of negative colonies - small patches, different from the typical ones were obtained.
Pepsin had insignificant influence on phages. After incubation with pepsin for 6 hours quantity of inactivated phages was 9.0-9.3% and after 18 hours of incubation it made 4.6-11.7%. The antibiotic Enrofloxacin commonly used in poultry farming had practically no effect on phage viability. This gives the possibility of using their combination for curative purposes. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: bacteriophage, intestibacteriophage, negative colonies.
M. Varshanidze
Content of Heavy Metals in the Body of Mytilaster lineatus Gmel.
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy I. Eliava, December 27, 2005
ABSTRACT. Content of the following metals - Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe, Pb, Cd - in the body of the Black Sea mollusk Mytilaster lineatus Gmel. has been determined using the method of atom-adsorption spectroscopy. Concentration of metals in mussels of different size-groups was determined during the same season. According to the coefficients of metals’ accumulation in mussels it is possible to judge about the range of metals concentration in the waters of South-Eastern coast of the Black Sea. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: bivalve mollusk, heavy metals, south-east coast of the Black See.
N. Mikaia
Survival of Entomopathogenic Nematodes Exposed to Desiccators (K2SO4, KNO3) and Room Temperature
Presented by Member of the Academy B. Kurashvili, October 25, 2005
ABSTRACT. There is considerable variation in desiccation tolerance among different strains of Heterorhabditid nematodes. The nematode strain HP88 was distinguished by the highest tolerance to desiccators K2SO4 and KNO3. Survival rate of nematodes was low - 72-75% in water suspension of the strain HIS-10. The maximum desiccation survival of nematodes, exposed to desiccators at different humidity - 97 and 93%, made correspondingly 80% and 66% for the strain HP88, 77% and 58 % for the strain HIS-9 and 72% and 52 % for the strain HIS-10. Experiments carried out during 30-180 minutes at room temperature revealed high desiccation tolerance of the studied nematodes -79-52%. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: entomopathogenic nematodes, desiccation survival, Heterorhabditid nematodes.
L. Boeva
Cytochemical Study of Medial Intestine of Adult Nematode Syngamus skryabinomorpha after the Influence of Anthelminth Preparation “K”
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy I. Eliava, October 25, 2005
ABSTRACT. The fine structure of medial area of intestine and changes in a number of enzymes of the helminth Syngamus skryabinomorpha after the action of anthelminth preparation “K” were observed.
The changes of enzymatic activity indicate significant destructive effect of the preparation “K” upon the structure and metabolism in the intestine cells, which leads to the death of the helminth. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: intestine, helminth, ATP, AP, anthelminth preparation “K”.
E. Orjonikidze, T. Khokrishvili
The Insecticides Effective against Pest Insects of Medicinal Plants and Dynamics of their Decomposition in Plants
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy I. Eliava, October, 4, 2005
Decomposition in plants of insecticides Talstar, Fury and Marshal
recommended against pest insects of medicinal plants has been studied in
dynamics. The time intervals needed for the complete decomposition of these
pesticides in plants are established. ©
2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: medicinal plant, pest insects, insecticides, dynamics of decomposition.
G. Gunia, L. Tskvitinidze
Peculiarities of Mineralization of Atmospheric Precipitations in the Caucasian Region
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy T. Chelidze, October 4, 2005
ABSTRACT. The levels of mineralization of precipitation fallen over the separate stations of the Caucasian region have been identified by the results of many years observations. A number of parameters, to the values of which mineral admixtures can be divided into three groups: urban, mountain and costal, have been identified. Transboundary motion of these admixtures is revealed. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: Caucasus, atmosphere, precipitation, mineralization.
D. Zurabashvili, I. Kirtadze, T. Talashvili, M. Mchedlishvili
Inhalants, Trombocytes and their Connection with Aggresion in Youngsters
Presented by Member of the Academy, T. Chanishvili, November, 2005
Abstract. Trombocytes of street youngsters, who use and those who do not use inhalants in relation 7:6, have been studied. All the youngsters were taken blood from the fingers, smears done and stained by Anders. Thrombocytes were investigated by the method of light microscopy. Investigation shows that first group, i.e. those who use inhalants, have great number of gigantic forms of thrombocytes in their blood which confirms the presence of catecholamines and serotonin. It evidences about constant aggression in youngsters using inhalants. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: inhalant, aggression, thrombocyte.
L. Gabunia, L. Ratiani, T. Vardosanidze, G. Khutsishvili, T. Changelia
Influence of Nebivalole and Carvedilole on Rheologic Properties of Experimental Rabbits’ Blood, Aggregation-Adhesion of Thrombocytes and Osmotic Resistance-Hemolysis Degree of Erythrocytes against a Background of Electrical Stress
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy T. Dekanosidze, July 12, 2005
ABSTRACT. The present article deals with one of the most important issues of modern cardiology - the effect of b-adrenoblockers of the 3rd generation Carvedilole and Nebivalole on rheologic properties of blood, aggregation-adhesion of thrombocytes and degree of osmotic resistance-hemolysis of erythrocytes in experimental rabbits against a background of electrical stress.
Carvedilole and Nebivalole have been shown to reduce aggregation-adhesion of thrombocytes caused by stress. They also reduced the activity of different parameters of coagulation system of an organism, caused the increase of the degree of osmotic resistance and decrease of hemolysis degree of erythrocytes. Antiaggregation effect was more pronounced at the application of Nebivalole, while anticoagulation effect was more evident in case of Carvedilole.
Thus besides the antihypertension, antiarrythmic, antiischemic and antiproliferative properties Carvedilole and Nebivalole are characterized by positive action on rheologic properties of blood and aggregation-adhesion of thrombocytes. This conditions special efficiency of these preparations in pharmacotherapy of diseases of cardiovascular system. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: b-adrenoblockers, Carvedilole, Nebivalole, time of thrombin, prothrombin index, concentration of fibrinogen, b-fibrinogen, aggregation-adhesion of thrombocytes.
Experimental Medicine
G. Turashvili
Simple Method of Selecting Antianginal Drug Therapy in Dispensary Conditions
Presented by Member of the Academy N.Kipshidze, November 22, 2005
Abstract. Simple method of selecting antianginal pharmacological agents during the treatment of chronic forms of ischemic heart disease in dispensary conditions is presented. Patients are classified into 5 groups according to their main hemodynamic parameters (heart rate and arterial blood pressure). Selection of drugs or their combinations are envisaged according to the group the patient belongs to. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: chronic ischemic heart disease, antianginal pharmacological agents, classification of patients.
L. Akhvlediani, N, Chikadze, N. Janikashvili, M. Kartvelishvili,
M. Nagervadze, D. Baratashvili
Level of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin at Malignant Tumors of Female Reproduction System
Presented by Member of the Academy T. Oniani, December 28, 2005
ABSTRACT. Immunofluorimetric determination of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in peripheral blood of women with malignant tumors of reproductive systems has shown, that the level of hCG is significantly increased in patients with malignant tumors of this system. This allows to use hCG as an oncological marker and target for immunotherapy. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), malignant tumor, uterus, cervix, ovaries.
G. Megrelishvili, D. Dzidziguri, E. Bakuradze, T. Berulava, D. Kordzaia, B. Mosidze
Effect of Cholestasis on the Transcription Activity of Kidney Epitheliocytes’ Nuclei after Unilateral Nephrectomy
Presented by Member of the Academy G. Ioseliani, October 4, 2005
ABSTRACT. Effect of cholestasis on gene expression in kidney epithelocytes after unilateral nephrectomy has been studied in white rats. It is shown that after 6 hours from the ligation of common bile duct and unilateral nephrectomy RNA synthesis is stimulated in the nuclei of nephrocytes. The increase of transcription activity in nephrocytes after the mentioned interval of time points to the growth of functional load on kidney and switching of compensatory reserve mechanism in nephrocytes due to cholestasis. Transcription activity of nuclei does not change in kidney epitheliocytes stimulated to proliferation against the background of 4-day cholestasis (unilateral nephrectomy). It can be supposed on the basis of obtained results that compensatory activation of nephrocytes does not take place in conditions of long-term jaundice. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: unilateral nephrectomy, cholestasis, nephrocytes.
Experimental Medicine
D. Tevdorashvili, G. Tevdorashvili, N. Kurashvili, M. Tsiklauri
To the Question of Perinatal Death Rate of the Embryo
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy, T. Dekanosidze, November 22, 2005
Abstract. Generalizing results of the studied by us material on the analysis of structure of perinatal death of prematurely born babies according to a morphological placentary tissue picture, the following data have been obtained: the absolute form of chronic placental insufficiency was met in 69.81±2.62 % cases, the secondary chronic form of placentary insufficiency in 18.81±2.23 % cases, the sharp form of placentary insufficiency in 11.36±1.81 % cases. On the basis of the presented data the authentic difference emphasizing the share of the absolute chronic form of placentary insufficiency in formation of perinatal death rate is received. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: perinatal death rate, asphyxia, an embrio.
P. Chaganava
A Model of Regional Efficient Building Market
Presented by Member of the Academy L.Chikava, December 21, 2005
ABSTRACT. Criteria of efficiency of a regional construction market are studied. The author considers a market effective if it has financial resources and other stimuli for technological development. The conditions of the existence of a regional efficient building market are established. The work is based on the modern theories existing in the field of microeconomic and regional economic analyses.
The results of investigations consist of both theoretical and practical conclusions, applying of which is possible in the corresponding fields while planning State policy. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: static efficiency, dynamic efficiency, market of a potential competition, inverted U-theory.
S. Mujiri
Functional Perspective of Text and Distribution of its Components
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy E. Khintibidze, November 21, 2005
Abstract. An attempt to link theme and reme boundaries with oral, spontaneously produced text intonation unit, i.e. with pausal group, has been done. Complex of criteria was used to determine the following components of functional perspective of the text: text theme, theme, theme commentary, modal transmission, reme and focus commentaries, reme and focus. Each component of functional perspective has its own semantic mission in the text. Their “mobile” and “fixed” positions in the text, the ability to create their own pausal groups and prosodic marking depend on significance and topicality of the information they express. The components of text functional perspective together with intonation are each other’s actualizators, by which the interconnection of their lexical and prosodic meanings occur both within the sentence and text boundaries. It has been established that there is close connection between semantic and emphatic units. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: pausal group, theme, reme, text perspective.
I. Gvelesiani
Comparative Analysis of the Terms Denoting ”Heir”
(according to Civil Code of Georgia and Montana Code)
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy M. Shanidze, December 27, 2005
ABSTRACT. Problems associated with the law of succession have acquired pressing urgency with the change of the political system in Georgia. Therefore, it is of particular importance to formulate the system of basic concepts and clarify their precise meanings. In this article we offer comparative analysis of the respective basic terms in Georgian and English. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: heir of an intestate, devisee, beneficiary.
T. Sharabidze
Symbolic Connotations in Ilia
Chavchavadze’s Poem
“The Mountains of Kvareli”
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy G. Sharadze, December 8, 2003
ABSTRACT. The article offers an analysis of Christian imagery in Ilia Chavchavadze’s poem “The Mountains of Kvareli”. Ilia Chavchavadze was outstanding Georgian writer and public man of the latter half 19th c. The analysis focuses on the images and motives that are particularly important to this approach.
The mountains of the poet’s native land emerge as a medium of symbolic union of the Heaven and the World below. The subject matter of the poem, the sorrow of the separation with his homeland, unites the lyric persona’s religious worldview, his ethical values and his ethnic self-perception. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: time, space, worldview, homeland.
History of Art
T. Belashvili
Scenography of Premiere of the Opera 'Abesalom and Eteri'
by Z.Paliashvili
Presented by Member of the Academy G. Tevzadze, November 11, 2005
Abstract. New archival earlier unknown material devoted to the most interesting period in the history of Georgian art has been studied. The premiere of the opera 'Abesalom and Eteri' took place in 1919. Stage director was A.Tsutsunava and scenery artist - A.Zaltsman. Characteristic feature of A.Zaltsman’s scenography was simplicity of the forms. Tsutsunava-Zaltsman’s performance gave rise to Georgian opera and opera scenography became a significant part in the history of Georgian art. The present paper deals with the scenography of the first staging of the opera 'Abesalom and Eteri' by Z.Paliashvili, leading representative of the Georgian music. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci.
Key words: scenography, Georgian opera, performance.