V. Baladze
On Shape Retracts
Presented by Member of the Academy N. Berikashvili, April 19, 2006
ABSTRACT. In this paper necessary and sufficient conditions for which the spaces are absolute (neighborhood) shape retracts or have the trivial shape are found. Besides, the theorems about extensions of shape maps are obtained. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: shape, absolute (neighborhood) shape retract, extension of shape map, movable space.
A. Okuashvili, G. Tkebuchava
Fourier Series in Separable Orlicz Spaces
Presented by Member of the Academy L. Zhizhiashvili, August 1, 2006
ABSTRACT. We study the influence of a) multiplication by a unimodular measurable periodic function and b) the Lebesgue measure-preserving invertible transformation of the argument on the convergence in norm of the Fourier series for a function from any separable Orlicz space. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: Fourier series, Orlicz spaces, convergence in norm.
T. Kupreishvili
On the Behavior of Solutions of the Equations of Nonhomogenious Plane Elasticity Theory in the Neighborhood of Boundary Points
Presented by Corr. Member of the academy R. Bantsuri, August 1, 2006
Abstract. In the present article validity a priori energetic estimates, analogue of Saint-Venant’s principle in theory of elasticity, for solution of “Equation of nonhomogeneous elastic plane body” is proved. On the basis of these estimates asymptotic behavior of solutions of the corresponding boundary value problem is studied. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: a priori estimates, elliptic equations, asymptotic behaviour of solutions.
A. Elashvili, G. Khimshiashvili
Derivation Lie Algebras of Isolated Binomial Singularities
Presented by Member of the Academy N. Berikashvili, September 25, 2006
ABSTRACT. We compute Lie algebras of derivations of moduli algebras for isolated hypersurface singularities defined by binomials in two variables. We indicate explicit bases in these algebras and show that they classify the singularities considered up to analytic isomorphism, except just one pair of singularities. It is also shown that, in our setting, the analytic isomorphism class is completely determined by the canonical representation of derivation Lie algebra on the moduli algebra. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: isolated hypersurface singularity, moduli algebra, derivation, solvable Lie algebra, Lie algebra representation, fewnomial.
G. A. Oniani
Integral Representation of Functions of the Class (0<p£1) in the Unit Disk
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy R. Bantsuri, July 25, 2006
The integral representation of functions of the class (0<p£1) is obtained, by means of which a
simple proof is given for the existence almost everywhere of angular boundary
values of order
of fractional integrals of
functions from the above-mentioned class. ©
2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: analytic function, Bergman space, Taylor coefficient, majorant function, minimal type function, angular boundary value, fractional integral, Hardy space.
M. Shubladze
On an Invariant of Real Nonisolated Hyperplane Singularities
Presented by Member of the Academy N. Berikashvili, March 2006
ABSTRACT. We study real nonisolated hyperplane singularities of finite codimension. For deformations of these singularities the formula expressing the algebraic number of Morse points through the signature of certain bilinear form is given. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: hyperplane singularity, transversal type, Milnor fibre, Morse point.
T. Tadumadze, A. Arsenashvili, I. Ramishvili
Optimization of Two-Stage Neutral Controlled System with Continuous Initial Condition
Presented by Member of Academy G. Kharatishvili, October 3, 2006
ABSTRACT. Optimal control problem for two-stage system described by linear neutral differential equation on each stage is considered. The necessary conditions of optimality are obtained: for the optimal control in the form of pointwise maximum principle; for the optimal final and structure changing moments in the form of equality and inequality. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: neutral system, optimization, necessary conditions.
G. Avalishvili, M. Avalishvili
Investigation of Dynamical One-Dimensional Models for Elastic Rods with Variable Cross-Sections
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy R. Bantsuri, October 3, 2006
ABSTRACT. In the present paper initial boundary value problems for elastic rods with variable non-rectangular cross-sections are considered. Three-dimensional dynamical problem is reduced to a hierarchy of one-dimensional problems. The obtained problems are investigated in suitable spaces; the convergence of the sequence of vector-functions restored from the solutions of one-dimensional problems to the solution of the original problem is proved and the rate of approximation is estimated. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: dynamical problems for elastic rods, Fourier-Legendre series.
M. Namtalishvili, N. Basharuli, Member of the Academy T.
P. Magalashvili, Z. Razmadze
Effect of Thermal Treatment upon Scintillation and Background Characteristics of LSO:Ce Single Crystals
Presented July 6, 2006
ABSTRACT. The influence of thermal treatment upon decrease of background characteristics of LSO:Ce crystals and the dependence of afterglow on the concentration of Ce has been studied . Compared analysis has shown that the absolute value of the light output did not change within less than 5% from the data received at the beginning of the experiment. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: thermal treatment, background, light output, single crystal, scintilallator.
N. Metreveli, B. Bochorishvili, Z. Kachlishvili
Volt-Ampere Characteristic of Hot Electrons at Transverse Runaway
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy A. Khelashvili, July 28, 2006
Abstract. In this study volt-ampere characteristic at transverse runaway (TR) of hot electrons is studied in quasielastic scattering approximation. Considering dependencies of mobility and free carriers on applied field the general form of volt-ampere characteristic is defined. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: semiconductors, hot electrons, transverse runaway.
M. Tagviashvili
Mie Scattering for Arbitrary-Sign-Refractive Index Small Spherical Particles and their Surrounding Medium
Presented by Member of the Academy N. Tsintsadze, September 29, 2006
ABSTRACT. The scattering is studied for small spherical particles and their surrounding medium with arbitrary sign of the refractive indexes. It is shown that for the negative refractive index areas Mie resonance peaks appear at the same meanings of the refractive index’s absolute values as the ones for the positive sign refractive index areas. However the resonance peaks for the given value of the refractive indexes’ imagine part are damping in the positive refractive index areas are gaining at the negative refractive index areas and vice versa. The well-known radius and wave length dependences of the scattering efficiency in Rayleght limit are exhibited. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: Mie scattering, Mie resonance, electric permittivity, magnetic permeability, positive refractive index materials (PIM) and negative refractive index materials (NIM).
M. Tarasashvili
Recently Discovered Exoplanets Suitable for Life (Calculations and Discussions)
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy N. Aleksidze, September 24, 2006
Abstract. Astronomical and ecological parameters of more than 150 extrasolar planets have been investigated. Bodies able to harbor earth-kind life have been revealed. Material is proposed for further detailed research in Astrobiology. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Keywords: extrasolar, astrobiology, ecosphere, eccentricity, semi major axis, transit method, inter-ferometry, wobbling method.
Corr. Member of the Academy R. Kiladze, N. Kachakhidze, G.
M. Kachakhidze, V. Kukhianidze
Caucasus 4.5£M£5.9 Earthquakes Regime Changing as a Possible Precursor of the Large Earthquakes
Presented October 3, 2006
ABSTRACT. The initial area of the stress accumulation is more than the coming earthquake focus area for such little spreading region as it is the Caucasus. In these cases the whole region may response on the process of the large earthquakes preparing by the anomalous changing of the seismicity.
We consider the character of the 4.5£M£5.9 earthquakes quantity changing in the time towards the large (M³6.0) earthquakes occuring moments. From considered 28 earthquakes in 25 events the anomalous changing of the Caucasus regions 4.5£M£5.9 earthquakes quantity are fixed as a earthquakes precursors.
There are determined the duration of the aseismic average period which is equal to 9.8 months. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: earthquake, anomaly, aseismic, precursor.
O. Varazanashvili, N. Tsereteli, B. Sumbadze, T. Mukhadze
Seismotectonic Conditions and Seismic Risk in Gori
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy T. Chelidze, 25 July, 2006
ABSTRACT. The seismic history and seismotectonic conditions of earthquake initiation are investigated in Gori and surrounding area. The main parameters of the newly discovered past earthquake at Takhtisdziri are estimated. The levels of seismic risk of 7, 8 and 9 intensity scenario earthquakes are estimated in Gori. Also damage of city caused by destroying Kartli earthquake of 1920 is estimated. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: earthquake, intensity, probability, seismic risk.
J. Kharchilava, E. Kekenadze, G. Chkhaidze, K. Mchedlishvili
Analysis of Weather-Dependent Variations of Ozone Concentration in Near-Earth Air in both Pollution-Free and Polluted Parts of Tbilisi
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy T. Chelidze, October 31, 2006
ABSTRACT. Character of weather-dependent variations of near-earth ozone concentration (NEOC) in pollution-free and polluted parts of Tbilisi is revealed. The study has shown that the metcast allows prediction of near-earth ozone concentration in the zones under study. This is of a great importance for residential population as excess of ozone concentration as well as its deficit is harmful for the biosphere. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: atmosphere, stratosphere, troposphere, near-earth ozone concentration (NEOC), weather conditions.
T. Gegechkori, N. Tutberidze, S. Gogmachadze, Z. Kvatadze
First Results of Seismic Surface Wave Tomographic Investigations for the Caucasus Lithosphere
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy T. Chelidze, July 25, 2006
ABSTRACT. The work presents results of lithosphere lateral structure determination carried out for the first time in Caucasian region. Investigations were realized according to data on surface seismic waves tomography. Tomographic study of the environment structure is the most effective research method in modern seismology. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: lithosphere, tomography, seismic surface waves.
Physical Chemistry
V. Gverdtsiteli, G. Chachava, M. Gverdtsiteli
Investigation of Radical Elimination Reactions within the Scope of Quasi-ANB-Matrices Method
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy Sh. Samsonia, August 11, 2006
Abstract. Within the scope of quasi-ANB-matrices method the correlation between the energies of perturbations and the quasi-ANB-matrices for corresponding radical elinimation reactions for chloralkanes components of the processe was investigated. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: quasi-ANB-matrices, energies of perturbations.
E. Kvaratskhelia, R. Kvaratskhelia
The Peculiarities of Dissociation of Quinolinic Acid
Presented by Member of the Academy J.Japaridze, October 16, 2006
ABSTRACT. The equations for exact and approximate calculation of the degrees of dissociation of quinolinic acid for various concentrations and pH values of its dilute solutions are suggested. The values of a1, a2, pH, [H2A], [HA–] and [A2–] for 0.0001– 0.01M solutions of quinolinic acid were calculated. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: degree of dissociation, dissociation step, hydrogen ions concentration, acid, dissociation constant, quinolinic acid.
L. Gvazava, G. Tvaliashvili, G. Zaalishvili
Antifungal Steroid Saponins of Digitalis ciliata Leaves
Presented by Member of the Academy E. Kemertelidze, Iuly 18, 2006
ABSTRACT. Steroidal saponins isolated from the manufacturing waste of cardiac glycoside acetyldigitoxin from the leaves of Digitalis ciliata revealed fungicidal activity against Microsporum canis, Trichophyton rubrum and T. gypseum. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: Digitalis ciliata, acetyldigitoxine, steroids, fungicidal activity.
Physical Geography
R. Samukashvili, L. Kartvelishvili, M. Ukleba
Bioclimatic Resources of Resorts of Georgia’s Mountainous Regions
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy Z. Tatashidze, July 11, 2006
ABSTRACT. Peculiarities of climate have been identified for mountainous resorts of Georgia, especially those of radiation climate.
Studying of this issue is very important for daily activities of balneologists and sanitarians. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: bioclimatic resources, infrared radiation, climatic-therapy, ultraviolet radiation.
T. Jikia, L. Tsertsvadze, Sh. Petriashvili
New Method of Eroded Slope Stabilization
Presented by Member of the Academy I. Gamkrelidze, October 3, 2006
ABSTRACT. The objective of this article is to describe the new bioengineering technology for stabilization and revegetation of slopes in different settings. The method is ecologically absolutely safe due to use of natural binding materials. As shown by preliminary field experiments carried out at several sites, as well as by laboratory studies at the Georgian Technical University, the results, if implemented on a large scale, will be promising not only in terms of saving the land, but also in terms of preventing heavy metals and other hazardous pollutants from washing out and spreading around. The slopes develop a topsoil and grass cover of controllable thickness quite quickly after treatment, gaining not only stability but aesthetical value as well. Grass cover is formed starting from 2-3 weeks to 2-3 months depending on climate conditions. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: eroded slope, bioengineering technology, stabilization, revegetation, binding materials, grass cover, clayey soil.
T. Shengelia
Petrological Peculiarities and Conditions of Middle Eocene Volcanogenic-Sedimentary Formation in Adigeni Region (Georgia)
Presented by Member of the Academy D. Shengelia, September 19, 2006
ABSTRACT. The Adigeni region is mainly made of the Middle Eocene volcanogenic-sedimentary formation, which is subdivided into (from bottom to top) Likani, Kvabiskhevi and Dviri suites. Effusives forming these suites are represented by subalkaline, limestone–alkaline and, sometimes, high alkaline series of rocks. Serial distribution of rocks in ascending section indicates that at the end of the formation of this series the alternation of geodynamic situation took place – i.e. the process of a moderate expansion gradually changed into a moderate compression. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: hornblende, trachyandesites, dellenite, petrochemistry.
Power Engineering
M. Keburia, O. Kintsurashvili, A. Chichinadze
New Method of Investigation of Wind Aggregate Parameters
Presented by Member of the Academy R. Adamia, May 8, 2006
Abstract. Main parameters of wind aggregate have been studied when the number of wind-wheel rotations is regulated by means of loads fixed on the blade axis. With account of certain assumptions theoretical results of load and braking coefficients, moments of forces acting on the blade, wind usage have been calculated. These results reflect the dynamics of regulation of the wind-wheel rotation number and physical essence of the coefficient of efficiencies of utilization of wind power. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: wind aggregate, wind-wheel, moment of force.
Plant Growing
N. Shengelia, L. Mosiashvili
Breeding of Grafted Seedlings of Walnut (Juglans regia) and Jujube (Ziziphus jujube) with Covered Root System
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy T. Urushadze, July 11, 2006
ABSTRACT. A new method of planting material production with covered root system of perennial fruit crops is prospective for its high output (80-85%). The method provides high survival rate of transplanted grafts (90-95%). Grafted seedlings are grown on nutrient substrate of the following composition: humus content more than 6.72%, total nitrogen not less than 0.33%, contents of hydrolyzed nitrogen, motile phosphorus and exchange potassium in 100 g of soil, correspondingly 10.7; 8.8; 55.7 mg., CaCO3 – 7.2%, pH of the medium 7.0. The main components of the substrate are sod and burned manure at a ratio 1:1.
Grafted saplings planted into polyethylene pots intensively grow in optimum conditions created in greenhouse (warm, humidity, illumination, aeration, nutrition). A month later seedlings achieve 25-30 cm height and they can be transplanted to the constant habitat before the beginning of the second wave of growth at the end of June/beginning of July. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: walnut, jujube, stock, graft, grafting, callus.
Plant Growing
M. Meladze, G. Meladze
Agroclimatic Zones of Kvemo Kartli Region (Georgia)
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy T. Urushadze, July 11, 2006
ABSTRACT. Evaluation of agroclimatic resources of Kvemo Kartli region has been carried out to choose crops suitable for cultivation in local farms. The Tables illustrating provision (%) with atmospheric precipitation and total air temperatures above 10oC are presented. The map of agroclimatic zones is compiled. The results of investigation point to high potential yield of agricultural crops in the studied region, which makes basis for sustainable development of agriculture in the region. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: total air temperature, sum of atmospheric precipitation, crops, agroclimatic zones, moisture provision.
M. Churgulia-Shurgaia
New Data on Mycobiotic Complexes of Woody Legume Plants
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy G. Nakhutsrishvili, September 11, 2006
Abstract. The paper deals with 11 species of fungi (Botryosphaeria dothidea,Cladosporium macrocarpum, Cucurbitaria amorphae, Dinemasporium decipiens, Didymosphaeri sp., Eutypella scoparia, E.stellulata, Hendersonia sarmentorum, Microsphaeropsis olivaceae, Sphaeropsis malorum, Rosellinia conglobata,) recorded on woody legumes for the first time in Georgia. It must be noted that Gleditsia sinensis is not listed among host plants of fungi of Georgia till now.
Key words: Fungi, Woody legumes, Georgia.
I. Chkhetiani
Resources of Groundsel (Senecio rhombifolius) in South Georgia
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy G. Nakhutsrishvili, September 26, 2006
ABSTRACT. Distribution of groundsel (Senecio rhombifolius) in south Georgia has been studied. It was established that the plant grows fragmentally at 0.4-1ha area, in middle and upper zones of forest belt, occupying mainly biomes of dark-needle and pine forests, rarely beech-wood, sub-alpine forests and meadows. Senecio rhombifolius is the characteristic species of sub-alpine tall-grasses of south Georgia.
The commercially important resources of above-ground parts (shoot, leaf and flower) of groundsel in Akhaltsikhe region make 5-6 tons, and in Adigeni region – 8-10 tons per year.
Because of high demand for Senecio rhombifolius raw material, its resources may be increased by growing plantations in upper and sub-alpine mountain zones. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: raw material, resources, Senecio rhombifolius, south Georgia.
M. Eristavi, L. Kobakhidze, Z. Gamtsemlidze
Biological Characteristics and Reproductive Abilities of Cyclamen vernum Sweet. (Primulaceae)
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy G. Nakhutsrishvili, July 19, 2006
ABSTRACT. Cyclamen vernum Sweet. is an ornamental early-flowering species of Mediterranean origin with medicinal properties. Its flowers are overcollected, tubers gathered for medicinal and commercial purposes. From year to year it causes decrease in the further propagation as well as the number of existing individuals.
Biological peculiarities and reproductive abilities of C. vernum were studied for the purpose of its ex-situ conservation. A number of appliances for its good adaptation to the environmental conditions were revealed. Seeds outcome and quality are quite high. Therefore, C. vernum is threatened by extinction mainly because of human impact. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: Cyclamen vernum Sweet., flowers, seed, species.
R. Partenadze
Rhythm of Flowering and Fruiting of Eastern Maple in Batumi Botanical Garden
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy V. Papunidze, October 3, 2006
ABSTRACT. Bioecology and peculiarities of seasonal development (flowering, fruiting) of Eastern maple in conditions of Batumi Botanical Garden have been investigated. Collection of maple introduced in Batumi Botanical Garden counts 64 species, varieties and forms. It was found, that the generative period of Eastern maple mainly coincides with the rhythm of seasonal development of local flora. This indicates good adaptation of introduced varieties of maple to the conditions of Batumi Botanical Garden and makes this species prospective for using in green construction of the region. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: maple, introduction, adaptation.
I. Mikeladze
Peculiarities of Growth and Annual Shoots Development of Rose Plant in Batumi Botanical Garden
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy V. Papunidze, September 26, 2006
ABSTRACT. Peculiarities of growth and development of roses introduced in Batumi Botanical Garden have been studied. Indices of annual gain of shoots and reguliarities of branching are established. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: vegetation, shoot, annual gain, branching.
M. Bregvadze, L. Jibuti, M. Metreveli, N. Lomtatidze
Some Physical and Colloidal Properties of Epidermal Cells of
Evergreen Exotic Plants Grown in Batumi
Botanical Garden
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy V. Papunidze, June 6, 2006
ABSTRACT. Annual dynamics of osmotic pressure and viscosity has been studied in epidermal cells of leaves of 14 evergeen exotic plants introduced in Batumi Botanical Garden. It was established that these properties determine resistance of plants to unfavorable conditions of winter season. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: osmotic pressure, viscosity, physical-colloidal properties, introduction, adaptation.
M. Kikvidze, Sh. Chanishvili
Nitrate Reductase as one of the Indicators of Stress Tolerance
Presented by Member of the Academy N. Nutsubidze, September 19, 2006
ABSTRACT. Data on influence of acidic precipitations on nitrate reductase activity in some cultivated plants are given. Also the activity of nitrate reductase in leaves of one and the same species of herbaceous plants, growing in two different mountain regions of Georgia (Kazbegi and Bakuriani, both about 1800m a.s.l.) has been studied. According to received data supposition on enzyme’s possible role in acid stress adaptation of plant was made. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: nitrate reductase, acidic precipitations, high altitude.
Plant Physiology
L. Antadze
Peroxidase Isoenzyme Spectra Alterations in Different Forms of Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) Affected by Acidic Spraying
Presented by Member of the Academy N. Nutsubidze, September 25, 2006
Abstract. By means of electrophoresis in polyacrilamide gel the isoenzyme spectra of peroxidase was studied in the leaves of green and red forms of basil Ocimum basilicum L. The plants were sprayed in field experiment with water solution of H2SO4 Ph=2.5 before and during flowering. In both phenophases the difference in forms between the peroxidase spectra did not occur in control plants while it became evident in sprayed ones. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: peroxidase, isoenzyme spectra, basil, spraying.
Plant Physiology
N. Mangaladze, R. Tutberidze
Effect of Copper on Germination of Maize, Beans and
Soy Seeds
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy T. Urushadze, July 11, 2006
Abstract. Seeds of maize, beans and soy were treated by 0.02% solution of copper for 24 hours. Control seeds were kept in distillate for the same time. Seeds were placed in the Petri dish and germination was observed during 10 days. Copper was shown to promote the germination of maize and beans seeds, while control and experimental seeds of soy did not show any difference in the rate of germination. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: copper, seed germination.
N. Tsiklauri, M. G. Tsagareli
Study of Xefocam Antinociception in Rats
Presented by Member of the Academy T.N. Oniani, July 19, 2005
ABSTRACT. The study of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) analgesic effects on the latency of tail-flick (TF) reflex in rats has shown that intraperitoneal injection of xefocam (1.2 mg/kg) resulted in significant antinociception as compared with the control group of rats with saline. Repeated administration of this drug has revealed tolerance to xefocam and cross-tolerance to morphine. According to our preliminary findings, presented data support the hypothesis on close interaction between NSAIDs tolerance and endogenous opioid system. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: xefocam tolerance, morphine cross-tolerance, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, tail-flick reflex.
K. Jurkhadze, E. Davitashvili, G. Aleksidze,
Corr. Member of the Academy N. Aleksidze
Investigation of the Lectins from Rkatsiteli Variety of the Grapes at Different Stages of Fermentation
Presented August 21, 2006
ABSTRACT. In juice and wine of the Rkatsiteli grapes the proteins with lectin activity have been found. Specific activity decreases within the first five days of fermentation, while initial level following cleaning from the sediment returns . The grape juice and wine proteins with lectin activity manifest specificity against galactose, glucose, and D-manose. In a course of fermentation, specificity against D-fructose and N-acetyl-glucosamine does occur as well.
The protein preparations with lectin activity, obtained from the grape juice and wine, reveal sensitivity towards Mg2+, Mn2+, Cu2+, Ca2+, and Zn2+ ions and they seem to be identical. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: grapes, lectins, isolation, purification.
E. Kirtadze, V. Aplakov, E. Chikhladze, R. Aplakov
Some Peculiarities of Amino Acid Metabolism During Secondary Alcoholic Fermentation in Yeasts
Presented by Member of the Academy G. Kvesitadze, September 26, 2006
Abstract. Using labelled compounds, the possible role of carbon atoms of proline, lysine, isoleucine, arginine and histidine in the synthesis of main products of alcoholic fermentation was revealed.
The carbon skeleton of the examined compounds during secondary alcoholic fermentation as a result of viability of yeasts was shown to undergo complex conversions, it partially oxidizes to carbon dioxide and participates with low intensity in the biosynthesis of acetaldehyde, ethanol and acetic acid. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: secondary alcoholic fermentation, yeast, amino acids, acetaldehyde, ethanol, acetic acid.
T. Urushadze, R. Khvedelidze, L. Kutateladze, A. Berulava
Investigation of pH and Thermostability of Hydrolyzing Enzymes Produced by Micromycetes Growing in Extreme Conditions
Presented by Member of the Academy G. Kvesitadze, September 19, 2006
ABSTRACT. Strains of microscopic fungi, able to produce hydrolyzing enzymes (amylase, cellulase, and protease) in extreme conditions, isolated from different ecological niches of the Caucasus and belonging to the collection of micellar fungi of S. Durmishidze Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, have been selected. The optimal pH and temperature of activity of these strains have established and their pH- and thermoinactivation have been studied. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: cellulase, amylase, thermoinactivation.
MICROBIOLOGY and virology
M. Samadashvili
Influence of Maltose on Biosynthesis of Lipids and Fatty Acid Content in Fungus Entomophthora virulenta “E.INMI”
Presented by Member of the Academy D. Ugrekhelidze, October 3, 2006
ABSTRACT. Effect of maltose on synthesis of lipids and fatty acid (in particular arachidonic acid) content in fungus Entomophthora virulenta “E.INMI” has been studied. It was established that the maximal content of arachidonic acid (66.41%) was reached in the case of 6% maltose application, on the second day of cultivation. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: maltose, arachidonic acid, Entomophthora virulenta “E.INMI”.
Microbiology and Virology
A.Tsereteli, L. Kutateladze, N. Zakariashvili, T. Aleksidze, M. Baramidze
Mycelial Fungi Pectinase Isolated from the Soils of Different Regions of Georgia
Presented by Member of the Academy G.Kvesitadze, September 7, 2006
Abstract. It have been isolated and purified 351 cultures of microscopic fungi from different soil-climate zones of Georgia (dry, humid, subtropical, forest-steppe, sub-alpine, alpine, semi-desert and continental). Dominating genera peculiar for the soils of these zones and their location have been determined. In the result of selection active producers of the enzyme pectinase were obtained from diverse fungi genera. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: pure culture, dominant, pectinase, Aspergillus.
L. Daushvili, L. Kutateladze, T. Burduli, E. Kvesitadze
Psychrophilic Microscopic Fungi of Subalpine Zone
(Oni Region) of Georgia
Presented by Member of the Academy G. Kvesitadze, July 25, 2006
ABSTRACT. It have been investigated 35 cultures of microscopic fungi, isolated from subalpine soil-climatic zone of Georgia (Oni region). 2 psychrophiles, 14 psychrotolerant and one thermophilic microscopic fungi were revealed. The extreme and optimal temperature ranges of growth for each culture have been established. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: subalpine zone, microscopic fungi, extremophiles, psychrophiles.
M. Tabagari, I. Khokhashvili, L. Kutateladze, M.Jobava, T. Aleksidze
Obtaining of Enzyme Preparations of Glucoamylase
a-Amylase and
Investigation of their Industrial Characteristics
Presented by Member of the Academy G. Kvesitadze, July 25, 2006
ABSTRACT. High-active technical preparations of glucoamylase and a-amylase have been obtained and their physical and chemical characteristics have been investigated. The temperature and pH-optimums of the enzyme preparations were established. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: amylase, glucoamylase, hydrolysis, technical preparations.
T. Arabuli
Quantitative Dynamics of Oribatid Mites (Acari, Oribatida) in Beech Forest (Gombori Range, East Georgia)
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy I. Eliava, September 26, 2006
ABSTRACT. Investigation of quantitative dynamics of Oribatid mites in the soil and moss cover of beech forest of Gombori range has shown that the quantity of Oribatid mites changes in opposite manner in these two different biotopes. In particular, when the quantity is high in the soil, it is low in the moss cover and vice versa. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: Oribatida, quantitative dynamics, Gombori range Georgia.
N. Zhukovskaia
Morphometric Description of Functional Status of Apodemus sylvaticus Testicles
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy I. Eliava, June 11, 2006
ABSTRACT. In order to characterize generative and endocrine activity of mice testicles, absolute and relative weight of testicles, size of seminiferous tubules, index of spermatogenesis and the volume of Leydig cells were determined. According to carried out measurements, differences in generative activity levels were observed. The process of seminiferous epithelium maturing in testicles of examined animals was accompanied by the increase of average volume of Leydig cells owing to growth in number of by longer size nuclei. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: testes, Apodemus sylvaticus, Leydig cells, seminiferous epithelium, morphometric.
M. Gogoladze, P. Tchelidze, M. Gogebashvili
Ultrastructural Features of Radiation Induced Nucleolar Inactivation in the Root Meristem of Allium cepa L.
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy G. Tumanishvili, September 18, 2006
Abstract. In present work we have focused on elucidation of the dose-dependent ultrastructural criteria in radiationally damaged meristem cells of onion (Allium cepa L.) root tip. Since expression of the r-genes is morphologically embodied into nucleolar organization the rearrangement of its ultrastructure has been traced in the course of inhibition of cellular metabolism by acute g-radiation. In order to discriminate dose-dependent nucleolar reaction we utilized medium (2.5 Gy) and high (5.0 Gy) doses of irradiation. 137Cs was used as a source of g-radiation.
Our results are indicative to specific changes which are certainly related to morphological signs of the radiation induced inhibition of entire nuclear/cell metabolism. Moreover, the responses of extremely sensitive machinery involved in ribosome biogenesis are of particular interest. Therefore the nuleolar reaction fits perfectly all requests to be served as adequate criterion of plant cells and tissues functional state in prostradiation period. Aditionally, it is important to underline that intensity of developing postradiational nuclear/nucleolar damages correlates nicely with the dose impact. Thus, most likely these alterations are certainly doze-dependent. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: g-radiation, plant cell, ultrastructure, nucleolar organization.
M. Emukhvari, M. Akhvlediani, T. Vakhtangadze, D. Gachechiladze
Association of Chlamidial Respiratory Infection Occurred at Early Age with Carotid Atherosclerotic Lesion in Adults
Presented by Member of the Academy F. Todua, October 23, 2006
Abstract. The present investigation was aimed at determining the role of chlamidial infections in childhood in the development of atherosclerotic lesion of carotid arteries in adults. Patients diagnosed as having atherosclerosis of carotid arteries have been divided into 2 groups: group I -16 patients with 3-4 incidence of pneumonia (at the age of 7-15) in anamnesis and group II -19 patients without incidence of pneumonia in anamnesis. Group I was shown to have increased levels of lipids, triglycerides, glycogen, Apo-B and HDL as well as higher levels of myeloperoxidaze activation and neutrophilia as compared to Group II. Frequent pneumonia in anamnesis suggests the presence of Chlamidia pneumoniae infection at early age in Group I. Presumably, chlamidial infection in childhood is a risk-factor for atherosclerosis which causes complication of ahterosclerotic lesion in carotid arteries in adult patients.
Key words: chlamidial pneumonia, early age, atherosclerosis.
Experimental Medicine
L. Koiava, L. Tokhadze
Prophilaxis and Treatment of Pneumonia Developed after Operation on Organs of Abdominal Cavity in the Nearest Postoperative Period
Presented by Member of the Academy T. Oniani, September 30, 2006
ABSTRACT. We have elaborated the scheme of treatment of postoperative pneumonia with priority given to modern antibacterial medications. However, our experience shows that additional physiological treatment is also necessary. One of the elements of treatment is restoration of airway conductance. With this aim we have used mucolytic and bronchodilator inhalation, vibratory massage, curative gymnastics and respiratory exercises, physiotherapy. During treatment we recommend stimulation of immunogenesis, vitaminotherapy, desensitization of an organism. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: postoperative pneumonia.
R. Mitaishvili, B. Rurua
Heuristic Selection of the Unit Rate
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy V. Papava, September 12, 2006
ABSTRACT. For the calculation of the unit rate of Air Navigation Services a heuristic approach has been designed. Its means the quest of a unit rate by the iterative approach which selecting the starting rate. It aims to provide a minimum of the sum of squared difference between of existing revenue and revenue calculated according to the EUROCONTROL formula. Thus it covers total costs and reasonable revenue, which is essential for the development of the infrastructure. The selection of the rate is realized both according to the estimated costs and according to the proposed price level of different countries as well. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: unit rate, EUROCONTROL, factors, air navigation services.
The Mechanism of Anticipation as the Basis for Musical Intonation Continuity
Presented by Member of the Academy Sh. Nadirashvili, September 12, 2006
Abstract. The role of anticipation in the process of thinking and musical perfomance has been studied. Anticipation is the basis of intonation continuity. In case of performing another author’s piece, if a performer’s attention is not centered upon anticipation, it is not perceived as a whole. While in the process of composing, the said phenomenon acts as necessary condition. On the one hand, it is directed by anticipation, formulated by inner ear, and, on the other hand, by the readiness of the playing pianist for its intonational realization. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: Anticipation, performance, intonation, operative memory, sub-sensor, sensor-motor.
T. Sharabidze
Christian Motives in the 19th Century Poetry of Georgian Classics
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy E. Khintibidze, December 22, 2005
ABSTRACT. The 19th century gave birth to six Georgian classical poets: Aleksandre Chavchavadze, Grigol Orbeliani, Nikoloz Baratashvili, Ilia Chavchavadze, Akaki Tsereteli and Vazha Pshavela. The study of their works shows that the above poets did not simply use christian motives, but the latter have inspired their artistic imagery. Artistic creativity of the poets complies with the christian imagery. © 2006 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Key words: Christian motive, imagery, artistic creativity.