volume 153 number 2 March-April
On the Summability of Multiple Trigonometric Series by
the Bochner-Riesz Method
Presented by Academician L.Zhizhiashvili,
Abstract. The problem conserning the
unimporovement of the author's early statement (Theorem A) on the uniform
convergence of Bochner-Riesz spherical means of multiple trigonometric series
is studied.
Member of the Academy N.Berikashvili, T.Kadeishvili, S.Khazhomia, D.Makalatia,
M.Mikiashvili, S.Saneblidze
On the Obstruction Functor
Abstract. The Obstruction Functor, which
contains higher obstructions for the existence of a cross section of a
fibration, was defined and constructed earlier by the first author for the
particular case, when just two homotopy groups of the fiber are nontrivial. In
this article we present the construction of obstruction functor in general case
in terms of Moore-Postnikov towers.
On the Convergence of the Difference Schemes on for One
Mixed Boundary Value Problem of Theory of Elasticity
Presented by Academician T.Burchuladze,
Abstract. The paper deals with the mixed
boundary value problem for the system of Lame's equations with variable
coefficients. It is proved that the difference approximation convergence in the
discrete norm to the exact solution u(x)Î
(W ) with the rate O(|h|S_1),
sÎ [2,
About Minimax Problem and Mapping Coincidence Theorem
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy Kh.Inasaridze
Abstract. The theorems which strengthen
K.Fan's, M.Sion's and Ha's appropriate results about Minimax problem are
discussed in the article. The mapping coincidence theorem is considered which
generalizes A.Gurnevich's and G.Skordev's results.
On the Formal Groups of the Type
Presented by N.A.Berikashvili, Corr.Member of the
Abstract. It is proved, for the foronal
groups to 0f thr type be reduced to the type F(X,
Y) =
. Coefficients' description is known.
Obstructions in a Fibration with a Weak Formal Base
Presented by Corr.Member of the Academy
Abstract. Computable obstructions of any
order are defined to the section problem in a class of Serre fibrations.
Some Properties of Hw Class
Functions Coefficients
Presented by Academician L.Zhizhiashvili,
Abstract. In this article, Lorentz's and
Pak's results are generated for functions of class Hw .
To the Plane Theory of Dynamic Problems of Generalized
Couple-Stress Thermoelasticity
Presented by Academician T.Burchuladze,
Abstract. Generalized Betti formulae are
derived for non-stationary and stationary systems of partial differential
equations of generalized Green-Lindsay couple-stress thermoelasticity. These
formulays have an essential application in the theory of boundary-value
An Algorithm for Reduction of the Feasible Solution
Set for the Generalized Scheduling Problem
Presented by Academician G.Kharatishvili,
Abstract. An extension of the Job Shop
Scheduling Problem with non-identical parallel processors and with arbitrary
precedence relations is considered. Stage-by-stage reduction of this problem to
some hypothetical problem (without parallel processors) is accomplished: at
each stage of task allocation all processors are ignored except the one
specially determined. This yields an efficient contraction of the set of
feasible solutions. The modification of the standard graphical approach (with
the so-called disjunctive graph) which meets the requirements of the extended
model is described.
To the Theory of Mathematical Problems of Generalized
Abstract. In the present paper the Lord-Shulman
theory is generalized to the dynamical problems of elastothermodiffusion.
Theory of Elasticity
On one problem of elasticity and plasticity of the
plane theory of elasticity
Presented by Academician T.Burchuladze,
Abstract. We consider a problem of
elasticity and plasticity for a plate with a shape of rectilinear n-angle which
is weakened by n cyclic symmetric holes and a region of plasticity contains
only contours of holes and doesn't spread inside of the plate. We construct the
I solutions and get the equation of unknown contours of holes, when the normal
displacement is constant on outer boundary of the plate and a constant normal
force (power) acts on unknown contours of holes.
Monitoring of Technoevolution Processes
Presented by Academician V.Chavchanidze,
Abstract. The technoevolution concept is
elaborated and its motive causes are discovered. The selforganization processes
in patent information collection are revealed and the instrumentality of
technoevolution processes investigation is developed. The principles of the
picked out technical direction development monitoring and technology objects
generation change optimization are formulated.
N.Metreveli, Z.Kachlishvili
On the Possibility of Creation High-Temperature Maser
in the Submillimeter Range of Spectrum
Presented by Academician L.Buishvili, May 13, 1996
Abstract. It has been investigated and set
the possibility of realization of submillimeter dynamic negative differential
conductivity (DNDC) at the cyclotron frequency in strong transverse electric
and magnetic fields (^
) in materials of n - Ga1-xAlxAs
under conditions of ballistic (dynamic) intervalley transition of electrons.
The influence of solid solution composition and quantities
fields on creation of DNDC have been studied. Systems
of such kind can be applied for creation of solid-state masers, working in
submillimeter-range of electromagnetic spectrum (l < 1 mm) at liquid nitrogenous temperature.
R.N.Kutelia, V.S.Kulikauskas
Phase Transition During Low-Fluence Ion Irradiation
Presented by Academician R.Salukvadze, May 13, 1996
Abstract. The effect of the ion
irradiation conditions on the formation and growth of new phase in the layers
of molybdenum, bombarded with carbon and argon ions was studied.
Polycrystalline 60 nm thick films, produced by electron evaporation in vacuum
were bombarded. The cristalline structure was studied by high-resolution
microdiffraction and electron microscopy methods. The only phase, detected
experimentally, was high-temperature molybdenum carbide corresponding to the
first phase of the equilibrium state diagram. Nucleation and growth of the new
phase in concentrations (1 at.%) and temperature (300K) range, in which no
nucleation can be observed without bombardment, occur due to the
radiation-induced segregation of the dissolved implanted carbon atoms and
energy released by the ion during elastic collisions, the energy being much
higher than that of the molybdenum carbide formation.
P.G.Midodashvili, A.L.Tugushi
The Polarization Vector Relaxation of Neutron Beam
Passing through Polarized Nuclear Target
Presented by Academician L.Buishvili, March, 18, 1996
Abstract. In this paper we consider the
polarization vector relaxation of the neutron beam passing through orientated
nuclear target. The longitudinal and transverse relaxation times are found.
P.Kervalishvili, Academician R.Salukvadze
Prospectives of High-Temperature Thermoemission
Abstrarct. The paper deals with the
problems of modern state and prospectives of the hightemperature
thermoemission. The results of the work show that the high-temperature
thermionic reactor-converter has no alternative in solving the problem of the
electricity supply of the space vehicles.
and Inorganic Chemistry
M.Churadze, L.Metreveli
Synthesis and Studies of Trimecaine-Containing Mixed
Acidoligand Coordination Compounds of Transition Metals
Presented by Academician G.Tsintsadze, May 2, 1996
Abstract. The procedure of the synthesis
of coordination compounds of M(TmH)2 X2 Y2 -
type has been developed, where M-Cd2+, Cu2+, Zn2+;
X and
Y =Cl-, Br-, I-, NCS-.
The composition and identity of the
synthesized compounds are determined by an elementary analysis and measuring of
the melting points.
Studies of IR absorption spectra of the
synthesized compounds show the coordination of metals with acidoligands, while
trimecaine as protonated cation is in inter coordination sphere, thus the
structure of these compounds can be expressed by the corresponding formula.
Algebraic Characterization of Arsenic (III)
Presented by Academician T.Andronikashvili, March 14,
Abstract. It was established, that the
values of determinants of ANB - and EP - matrices change in parallel with the
values of some physico-chemical properties of arsenic (III) halogenides.
L.Kvantaliani, Corr.Member of the Academy G.Chivadze, N.Gogodze, D.Chipashvili,
A.Maglaperidze, M.Kantaria, M.Alelishvili, N.Mirdzveli, G.Sturua
Researach of Physico-Chemical Properties of Cu-, Ni,
and Cr-Containing Faujasites
Presented March 4, 1996
Abstract. Physico-chemical properties of
Cu-, Ni-, and Cr-containing faujasites obtained by direct synthesis, have been
investigated in the present work. Researches proved that Cu-, Ni-, and
Cr-containing faujasite samples reveal porous structure, which is typical for
zeolites; the low pressure water adsorption capacity grows in the following
sequence: NaCrY < NaCuY < NaNiY. Ni-containing form is characterized by
high adsorption properties, while Cu- and Cr- containing forms reveal
comparatively low adsorption properties. The thermostability of Cu-, Ni-, and
Cr- containing faujasites is proved by spectral. X-ray and DTA data.
I.V.Pisarevski, L.G.Chachkhiani, I.S.Giorgadze
Basic Acousto-Optical Properties of LAP Crystals
Presented by Academician G.Tsintsadze March 26, 1996
Abstract. LAP crystals were the object of
our investigation. The aim of our work was to determine primarily basic
acousto-optical characteristics of LAP and the possibility of using these
crystals in technology. We had determined magnitudes of P11, P13,
P21, P22, P23, P33
photoelastic constants. The results of our work show, that further research of
LAP acousto-optical properties has got scientific interest and can be also used
as acousto-optical resonators.
Zonal Division of Lower Jurassic-Aalenian Depozits of
Georgia according to Ammonites
Presented by Academician I.Gamkrelidze, May 14, 1996
Abstract. Ammonites from Lower Jurassic
and Aalenian deposits of Georgia have been distinguished with great variety in
composition. Significant part of species have been collected from Sinemurian,
upper Pliensbachian, Toarchian and lower Aalenian deposits. The presence of
archisrtatigraphic genera and species, with index species among them, enables
us to distinguish standard zones of general stratigraphic scale. In case, if
stratigraphic range of index-ammonites in Georgia differs from East European
analogues, the provincial zone - (Lona) is being distinguished.
l.Pantskhava, S.Pantskhava
Concrete Frost Resistance of Engineering Structures in
work is dedicated to the memory of the Corresponding Member
of the
Georgian Academy of Sciences Z.Tsilosani
Preserved by academ`ician T.Loladze, May 30, 1996
Abstract. On tile hasts of research of the
climate comlltions of Georgia and the investigation of the internal stresses
effect In the concrete structure caused by them the new approach to the
establishment of the frost-resistance mark of concrete for the being-built
engineer constructions In the humid climate subclass Is developed. The
frost-resistance mark ofconcreteofthe engineering structures are developed for
two exploitation regimes: for the zone surrounded by a fresh water (capillary
suction) and the conditions of the hiumidification of an air.
The Energy Dissipation "Negative" Hysteresis
Effect un the Modified Heavy and Light-weight Concretes under the Cyckic
(Preserved by academ`ician A.Dzidziguri, May, 27,
Abstract. The wirk deals with the
conditions of the "negative" hysteresis loop display in the melted
sulphur impregnated concretes as well as in the fine-grain and latex added
light-weight concretes.
It is noted, that in the concretes
mentioned above the aggregate or the zone in the form of internal nucleus is in
the compressed state.
It is concluded, that the
"negative" hysteresis effect in the concretes under cyclic loading
from the breaking of the structural connections in the part of the material
which compresses the aggregate or the nucleus of the concrete.
Development of Deposits and Concentration
T.Gochitashvili, V.Gamkrelidze
Production of the High Concentrated Watercoal
Presented by Academician A.Dzidziguri March 14, 1996
Abstract. Theoretical base of production
process of the high concentrated suspension is presented. The ability of
increasing of limited concentration suspension and its influence on the
rheological characteristics of system are investigated. The method of
increasing of limited concentration on the base of selection rational, polymodal
fractional content of solid phase is recommended.
The Preparation Processes of Composite Powders with
Nickel-Cromium Base
Presented by Academician G.Gvelesiani, May 17, 1996
Abstract. The structure and the phase
content of the composite powders with a pack of nickel-chromium alloy and with
reinforced solid phase of carbids of chromium and titanium are investigated.
Powders are prepared by joint magnesium-thermal reduction of nickel and
chromium chlorides in the presense of particles of corresponding carbides. The
mechanism of composite powder structure formation is discussed.
Mathematical Modelling of the Aquatic Erosion on the
Presented by Academician G.Svanidze, May 20, 1996
Abstract. Taking into account the
intensity of the rain the mathematical model is constructed. The
initial-boundary problem for forecasting of the aquatic erosion on the slopes
is solved.
Of the Correlative Classification of the High-Mountain
Soils and the Vegetation.
Presented by Corr. member of the Academy T.Urushadze,
April 25, 1996
Abstract. The article deals with
interrelation between classificational units of vegetation and soils in the
Central Caucasus highland area.
Member of the Academy T.Urushadze, K.Kiladze
The Comparative Characteristic of the High-Mountain
Presented April 11, 1996
Abstract. Comparative characteristic of
the Caucasian High-Mountain soils (mountain-meadow turf, mountain-meadow
humus-illuvial, mountain-meadow secondary, mountain-forest-meadow peat,
mountain-meadow dark and mountain-meadow steeps) is described in the paper.
and Animal Physiology
Z.Mchedlishvili, N.Dalakishvili
Anticonvulsant Effect of Water Extract of Aquilegia
Vulgaris on Audiogenically Evoked Seizures in Kroushinsky-Molodkina
Epileptic Rats.
Presented by Corr. Memeber of the Academy V.Mosidze,
February 12, 1996.
Abstract. Water extract of Aquilegia
Vulgaris was shown to displace completely rat brain membranes-bound [³H] muscimol and increase binding of [³H] flunitrazepam. The activity is associated with low
molecular weight fraction of the water extract. Either single or multiple
injections of both whole extract and the low molecular weight fraction result
in significant decrease of absolute duration of secondary, generalized
tonic-clonic convulsions in Kroushinsky-Molodkina strain of rats. It is
suggested that antiepileptic effect of the substances is mediated by their
action on GABAa-ergic neurotransmission.
R.Kotaria, G.Davitaia
Influence of Prostaglandins on the Composition of
Phospolipids and Lipid Peroxidation in the Microsomal Membranes of the Tumour
Cells Irradiated by X-ray
Presented by Academician N.Nutsubidze, May 27, 1996
Abstract. This work investigates the
influence of prostaglandins on the peroxidate oxidation in the microsomal
membrane of the cells from the mice tumour-bearing liver and Ehrlich ascyte
carcinome effected by X-ray irradiation. It has been shown that, ionizing
radiation at the doze of two grey, causes the intensification of peroxidate
oxidation, both in tumour-bearing liver and in Ehrlich ascyte carcinome in
comparing with intact tests. The insertion of the PGE2 and PGF2a 10-9 M in mice and five minutes of incubation with them
causes the decrease of peroxidate oxidation in comparison with irradiated
tests. It is suggested that stabilization of the peroxidate oxidation with
prostaglandins is the early adaptive reaction of organism to irradiation.
Corr Member of the Academy N.Aleksidze
The Phosphate Buffer and Triton X-100 Solution Soluble
Lectin-Binding Proteins from Rat Brain Isolated Cellular Nuclei
Presented February 29, 1996
Abstract. The exictence of lectinbinding
glycoconjugates, soluble in PBS and extractable by triton X-100, in rat brain
cellular nuclei have been indicated. They show galactose and mannose-(glucose-)
specific lectin-binding capacity. The triton X-100 extractable proteins,
compared to the PBS soluble proteins, have a lower lectin-binding activity. The
lectins with specificity may be disposed in the following order:
PVA>SNA>PNA>STA>PSL>SBA> Con A> RCA (PBS soluble protein)
and PVA> Cjn A > SNA = PNA>SBA>PSL>RCA>WGA>STA (tritone
X-100 extractable proteins).
R.Goglidze, G.Gigolashvili
Blue-Green Algae Spirulina Platentis and its Influence
Upon the Growth and the Development of Chickens
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy D.Jokhadze,
March 21, 1996
Abstract. Optimal conditions for the
growth and development of blue-green algae Spirulina platensis have been
determined. The optimal temperature of its growth is 25-28° C; pH of nourishing area-8,0. Period for maximum
growth of culture was 8-10 days. Due to halfindustrial experiments, carried out
by us, we can conclude that addition of Spirulina in chicken's diet might be
one of the most effective means of increasement of their productivity.
Spontaneous and Induced Changes of Chaetomium
Presented by Academician G.Kvesitadze, April 28, 1996
Abstract. Microorganisms of various
taxonomic groups possess the ability to cellulose biosynthesis. Among them,
microscopic fungi are the most active cellulose producers. Recently, a large
amount of strains of microorganisms - cellulose producers have been chosen by
the selection methods, and the strains providing high level of biosynthesis of
these enzimes have been obtained.
and Virology
M.Baramidze, A.Tsereteli
Selection of Optimum Nutrient Medium for
B-Galactosidase Biosynthesis by Bacterium Thermoanaerobacter sp.
Presented by Academician G.Kvesitadze, May 27, 1996
Abstract. From the hot springs of
Kamchatka was isolated extrathermophilic strain Thermoanaerobacter sp.
2905. Bacterium is growing well at 70-72° C and at pH 7,0 assimilates well various sugars and
generates intracellular B-galactosidase.
By means of through the modification of
nutrient medium content
B-galactosidase synthesis was increased by 100 %.
Redescription and Areal of the Earthworm Eisenia
lagodechiensis Michaelson, 1910 (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae)
Presented by I.Eliava, Corr.Member of the Georgian
Academy of Sciences
Abstract. Redescription of E.lagodechiensis
endemic for the Great Caucasus is illustated. The areal of above mentioned
worm is specified and described.
and Helminthology
Corr. Member of the Georgian Academy, A.Kvesitadze, N.Ramazashvili
Study of Microelements Content in Animals Invased with
Parasitic Worms and in Animals Abiding in Soil
Abstract. The study of microelements
content showed that manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn) are microelements involved in
redox processes; the first - with trichinellosis, while the second - with
The content of zinc ions in the body of
earthworms of Kvareli Region was found to be three times the content of that in
the earthworms of Tbilisi neighbourhood.
N.Papiashvili, E.Kharadze
Age-Dependent Influence of the Hematopoietic
Microenvironment on the Proliferation and Differentiation of Early and Late
Clonogenic Hematopoietic Precursors
Presented by Corr. Member of Academy, G.Tumanishvili,
July 2, 1996
Abstract. To study the effect of
hematopoietic microenvironmental age on regulation of CFU differentiation the
experiment was carried out on heterotopic transplantation of bone marrow
specifically bone marrow of (2 month) young and (2 years) old mice were
injected into different young mice recipients separately under their kidney
capsule. Using the spleen colony assay it has been ascertained that CFU in
control as well as in experimental mice groups gives all the types of histological
colonies. Thus it was concluded, that the age of hemopoietic microenvironment
doesn't change CFU differentiation direction. Furthermore morphological study
indicated that quantitative regulation of CFU differentiation is age-dependent
and after co-operation of CFU-s with old hematopoietic microenvironment,
produced mixed and megakaryocytic progenitor cells, have more proliferative
capacity than in control
U.Zviadadze, N.Chabukiani, L.Svanidze
Toxical Influence of Cadmium on Human Body and
Original Methodics of its Determination in Biological Objects
Presented by Corr.Member the Academy V.Backutashvili,
March 14, 1996
Abstract. The toxical influence of Cadmium
on human body and original method of determination the mentioned element in
biological systems, based on the literary sources are considered in the present
V.G.Gondzhilashvili, A.A.Mikaberidze
Experimental Study of Laser Welding in Liver Surgery
Presented by Corr. Member N.Tatishvili, July 4, 1996
Abstract. The possibilities of laser
welding on liver tissues have been studied in acute experiments on rabbits.
Welding of incized wounds was performed by contact and noncontact methods, with
power setting at 1 to 10 watts. The strength of the welded suture was
determined by the dinamometric method, measuring the tensile strain of suture,
at which the suture was destroyed. The most stable suture was obtained at
1,5-3,0 watts, though hemostasis was perfect and reliable in all cases.
Morphological and Morphometric Peculiarities of
Compensatory Hyperplasion Rat's Kidney after Unilateral Nephrectomy
Presented by Academician N.Javakhishvili, May 13, 1996
Abstract. Morphofunctional phenotypes of
regenerative, energogenerative, detoxifying, absorptive, secretive nephrocytes
have been singled out. Their relations determine pathogenesis and nephropathy
prognosis. The latest stages of observations reveal the signs of exhaustion of
functional potential and growth of senile involution of all intracellular
organelles. Only single peroxysomes and lipofuscine granules retain
electrodensity and integrity in nephrocytes. This support the hypothesis of lipofuscine
granules being involutional form of peroxysomes. The inner structure of
peroxysomes of a cross section is also described. The second hypothesis has
been formulated that peroxysomes are the seat of formation, storage and
excretion of highly toxic oxidants being well-known harmful factors of
phagocytes and killer lymphocytes.
.Sci V.Bakhutashvili, B.Korsantia
The Interferon System in Patients with Destructive
Lung Tuberculosis
Abstract. Significant decrease in the
activity of interferon synthesis in patients with destructive lung tuberculosis
was revealed. The relationship between the clinical form of lung tuberculosis,
the degree of intoxication and the interferon values were demonstrated. The
rise of a- and g- interferon activity was correlated with
efficient therapy. The lack or absence of positive dynamics of above mentioned
indices correlated with unfavourable course of the process and indicated that
the use of immunomodulators along with antituberculous therapy was advisable.
Morphological Factors Determining Fixed Accent
Presented by Academician Th.Gamkrelidze, April 18,
Abstract. In recent literature,
determining word accent assigment more attention is paid to phonetic and
phonological factors: syllable weight, syllable closure and etc. This paper
deals with morphological factors determining accent placement in the fixed
accent languages. In these languages distribution of lexical morpheme in a word
seems sensitive to accent assignment.
of Science
Definition of "Chemistry" According to David
Presented by Academician G.Tsintsadze, February 13,
Abstract. Two original definitions of the
subject chemistry are given in D.Bagrationi's (1766-1819) "Short
Physics". On the ground of these definitions a conclusion is made that the
author of the manuscript regards "Chemistry" as a science with
theoretical trend, the main goal of which is to explore the properties of the substances.