volume 153 number 3 May-June
On the Question of Strong Differentiability of
Integrals Along Different Directions
Presented by Academician L.Zhizhiashvili,
Abstract. The theorem referring to the
question of strong differentiation of integrals in various directions is given.
On the Differentiability of Integrals with Respect to
Differential Bases Formed of Rectangles
Presented by Academician L.Zhizhiashvili,
Abstract. Functions with integrals having
various differential properties with respect to different bases B2(q ) (B2(q ) denotes basis formed of all rectangles having frame
q ) are
constructed. Moreover for constructing functions of mentioned types it is
enough to take any function fÎ L\Lln+L(I2)
and rearrange its meanings respectively.
On Closeness of Kernels of Potential Type Integral
Presented by the Corr.-Member of the Academy N.Vakhania,
ABSTRACT. The integral equations
corresponding to potentials of double layer are considered along the boundaries
of e -close (in a certain sense), simply connected
domains, belonging to a concrete Liapunov class.
The order of closeness of kernels of the
corresponding integral equations are established in respect to e .
On Approximate Representation of One Integral Operator
and its Application
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy N.Vakhania,
March 14, 1996
Abstract. An approximate scheme for
solution of the integral equation (2) based on the certain approximation of the
integral operator is considered. The question of the error estimation is
Generalized Derivatives and Boundary Properties of
Differentiated Poisson Integrals for a Disk and a Half-Plane
Presented by Academician L.Zhizhiashvili, January 30,
ABSTRACT. Generalized derivatives and
boundary properties of differentiated Poisson integrals for a disk and a
half-plane are studied in this paper.
On the Extension of Selfadjoint Operators from Hilbert
Spaces to Frechet-Hilbert Spaces
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy N.Vakhania,
July 18, 1996
Abstract. The paper deals with symmetric
and selfadjoint operators in Hilbert and Frechet-Hilbert spaces. A sufficient
condition for such operators defined on Hilbert spaces to be extendible as
operators of the same kind to Frechet-Hilbert spaces is given.Moreover, the
domains of definition of operators are extended essentially and in some cases
the obtained operators are continuous although they were unbounded in the
initial Hilbert spaces.
Szász', Hardy's and
Littlewood's Classes and Trigonometric Fourier Series
Presented by Academician L.Zhizhiashvili, April 5,
Abstract. The paper deals with the
theorems which establish some new properties of (c, a ) (-1 < a £ 0) means of trigonometric Fourier series of functions
from the Hardy's and Littlewood's and Szász classes
On a Multiplicative Model of a Fibration
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy
N.Berikashvili, February 1, 1996
ABSTRACT. The paper reports the general
algebraic situation when in a twisted tensor product strictly associative
multiplication appears.
On the Boundedness and Convergence of Partial Sums of
Fourier Series in the Weighted Orlicz Classes
Presented by Academician L.Zhizhiashvili, August 22,
Abstract. The necessary and sufficient
condition is derived in order that a strong type weighted inequality be
fulfilled in Orlicz classes for partial sums of trigonometrical Fourier series.
Problems of covergense of Fourier series in Orlicz classes are also concidered.
T.Burchuladze, R.Rukhadze
Fourier Method in Three-Dimensional Boundary-Contact
Dynamic Problems of Moment Elasticity Theory
Presented June 7, 1996
Abstract. The basic boundary-contact
dynamic problems are considered for a three-dimensional piecewise-homogeneous
isotropic medium with the central symmetry. Combining Fourier method with that
of Laplace transform the posed problems are proved to be solvable in the
classical sense under sufficiently general assumptions.
of Elasticity
Problem of Elasticity and Plasticity for the Square
Plate Weakened by the Hole with Partially Unknown Boundary
Presented by Academician T.Burchuladze, April 18, 1996
Abstract. We consider a problem of
elasticity and plasticity for the square plate which is weakened by square hole
with rounded off vertexes. Region of plasticity contains only unknown rounded
part of the hole contour and isn't spread inside the plate. We contract
solutions and get equation of unknown part of the hole contour when the normal
displacement is constant on the linear parts of the boundary and there is no
normal stress on unknown part of the hole contour.
of Elasticity
Problem of Elasticity and Plasticity for the Plate
Weakened by Two Holes
Presented by Academician T.Burchuladze, June 17,1996
Abstract. We consider the problem of
elasticity and plasticity for inifinite plate weakened by two identical holes,
when the region of plasticity envolves only contours of holes. We construct the
solutions and get the equation of unknown contours of the holes when the plate
is stretched by the main stresses effecting infinity and a constant normal
force effects unknown contours of the holes.
L.Kopaliani, M.Gogiashvili, G.Tevdoradze
Research of the Process of Gradual Increase and
Decrease of the Glow Intensity of the Line l = 6300 Å under the
Influence of the High-Power Radiowave on the Earth Ionosphere
Presented by Academician J.Lominadze, March 19, 1996
Abstract. The investigation of processes
of decrease and increase of glow intensity of wave lenght of oxygen atom l = 6300 Å
wave under the influence of high-power radiowaves on the Earth ionosphere are
The mechanisms of this radiation are
presented, corresponding physical and mathematical models are worked out.
N.Metreveli, Z.Kachlishvili
On the Possibility of Static Negative Differential
Conductivity Suppression in Order to Observe High -Frequency Radiation in
Triple Compounds such as GaAs
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy T.Sanadze,
May 20, 1996.
Abstract. We investigate current-voltage
characteristic (CVC) of hot electrons under intervalley transition in materials
such as Ga1-xAlxAs in strong cross fields ^
. For the first
time it has been studied the simultaneous influence of magnetic field and
smooth change of energy gap (D E ) between central (low) and upper valleys of conductivity zone both on
the quantity of static negative differential conductivity (NDC) and critical
field of NDC appearing. It has been illustrated that along with the increasing
of magnetic field and decreasing of D E the module NDC decreases. As a result of summary
action of these effects the maximum on CVC decreases and moves towards large
electric fields.
P.Kervalishvili, Academician R.Salukvadze
Study of High-Temperature Thermo-Emissive Converter
Characteristics Dependence on Collector's Material
Presented May 30, 1996
ABSTRACT. This paper presents the
experimental results of the cylindrical cesium-plasma thermo-emissive converter
(TEC) heat-power characteristics. The tungsten layer served as an emitter with
preferable orientation (110)."Oxygen-containing" niobium or
polycrystalline tungsten performed collector functions. The emitter and
collector temperatures during TEC functioning in a converting regime were TE
= 2000-2200 K and TC = 1000-1300 K correspondingly. In comparison
with the "oxygen-containing" niobium the use of the polycrystalline
tungsten plated layer as collector in the TEC with tungsten emitter is more
prospective because of simplification of device producing technology. Converter
parameters and resource remain immutable on high level.
B.Balavadze, L.Latynina, R.Karmaleeva, V.Abashidze
Results on Harmonic Analysis of Tidal Deformations for
Inguri Region
Presented June 17, 1996
Abstract. Harmonic analysis of tidal
deformations has been carried out on the basis of data obtained in Inguri
region. Length of the material comparatively exceeds length of series used in
the previous works. The analysis confirmed conclusion inferred earlier that the
massif on which the dam lies, is not weakened and easily deformable zone. It
appears that the massif experiences general contraction. The same was noted by
means of geodetic measurements
Comparative Embryology of Some Astragalus Species
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy
G.Nakhutsrishvili, May, 2, 1996.
ABSTRACT. The embriology of two species of
Astragalus A.microcephalus and A.denudatus is investigated
for the first time. The general embriological characteristics and species
specific peculiarities are determined for A.caucasicus A.microcephalus
and A.denudatus on the basis of comparison of the obtained embryological
R.Chikvinidze, I.Gverdtsiteli
Algebraic Investigation of Radical Elimination
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy
L.Khananashvili, February 4, 1996
Abstract. Correlation between the energies
of perturbations for the radical elimination reactions and the determinants of
ANB - matrices for chloralkanes, components of these processes, was
L.Kortava, I.Edilashvili
Mass-Spectral Studies of Aromatic Fragments of
Tar-Asphaltene Compounds of Oil
by Academician T.Andronikashvili, April 8, 1996
Abstract. Hydropyrolizates of
tar-asphaltene compounds of Norio, Supsa and Samgori oils obtained by the
authors' method previously studied due to mass-spectral analysis. As a result
aromatic fragments of molecules of the compounds were determined.
Phenanthrene, pyrene and chrysene
structures were identified together with the trace amounts of more
high-condensed aromatic structures.
Study of Several Metal-Containing Applied Catalysts by
Hydrogen Adsorption Method
Presented by Academician T.Andronikashvili, June 13,
Abstract. Hydrogen adsorption-desorption
processes on Pt-, Pd-, Ni-, Ni-Cu, and Ni-Cr-containing applied catalysts with
gumbrin supporter have been studied.
For Ni-, Ni-Cu, and Ni-Cr- containing
samples hydrogen desorption takes place at low temperature with low activation
energy (region I) and with high activation energy at high temperature (II). Two
forms on bonded hydrogen with comparatively weak (I) and strong (II) coupling
with the surface of the catalyst are created during adsorption. Differences in
hydrogen desorption rate and Ni cristallite sizes (assessed by XPS method)
explain the different activity of mentioned catalysts in hydration of
Only strong-coupled hydrogen presents on
the supface of Pt- and Pd- containing catalysts.
Quantum-Chemical Study of Conformation of
Phenylhidrazone Ethylpyruvate
Presented by Corr. Memb. of the Academy
D.Ugrekhelidze, May 23, 1996
Abstract. In the MNDO AM1 quantum -
chemical method the enthalpy (D H) for conformers of phenylhydrazone ethylpyruvate
were calculated. It was shown that initial state Fischer's indolization of
phenylhydrazone ethylpyruvate has anti - S - trans - cis - trans conformation.
D.Turabelidze, N.Vulfson, Academician E.Kemertelidze
Deterpene Labden Diole from Shoots of Juniperus
Presented July 18,1996
Abstract. Diterpene diole is extracted
from Juniperus oblonga identified as (13E)-labd-13en-8x-15 diole and
lignine lactone (-) Khibalactone.
Collector and Petroleum-Gas Accumulation Zones of the
Eastern Georgia
Presented by Academician I.Gamkrelidze, June 3, 1996
ABSTRACT. Taking as a basis new criteria
in particular petrophysical and petrochemical investigations the petroleum
containing units and collector zones in Mesozoic - Cainozoic
sediments of Eastern Georgia have been separated and suitable recommendations
have been given.
The First Data of Gas Chromatographic Research in
Hercynian Granitoids of the Great Caucasus
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy G.Zaridze
August 3,1996
Abstract. Gas chromatographic research,
carried out in the hercynian granitoid of the Great Caucasus shows that all
genetic types of granitoids contain gases of different quality and composition.
Their main contents are represented by H2O, CO, CO2, CH4
and N2. According to N/C parameter the rocks of gabbro-plagiogranite
series belong to oceanic crust formations, but plagiogranite-granite and
granitoid alaskite - to continental. Granitoids of gabbro-adamellite series
represent both oceanic and continental crust formations.
Composition Features and Thermodynamic Conditions of
Amphibole Formation of Some Young (Neogen-Quaternary) Volcanites of the
Caucasian Transversal Uplift (in the Georgian Boundaries)
Presented by Academician N.Skhirtladze, May 27, 1996
Abstract. For the first time new data are
given on amphiboles from neogen-quarternary age volcanites of the Caucasian
transversal uplift in the Georgian boundaries.
Chemical and minal content,
crystal-chemistry of mineral individuals are studied. On this base several
isomorphic types of amphiboles are distinguished. The main distribution of it
has pargasite-hastingsite. Thermodynamic parameters of mineral formation are
calculated by the content.
Study of Composite Antirust and Wear Resistant
Presented by Academician G.Gvelesiani May 27, 1996
ABSTRACT. The plasmatic and detonation
coatings from the composite powders NiCr + Cr3C2 and from
the mechanical mixture of powders of the same composition have been
investigated. The structures of coatings from the composite powders are more
dense, with regular distribution of carbide particles, which cause their higher
strength of adhesion and higher wear resistance
Parameters of Oscillating Aerial Rope-Way Carrier
Ropes and Dynamic Influence on the Draught Rope
Presented by Academician A.Dzidziguri, May 10, 1996
Abstract. Oscillating aerial rope-way
carrier ropes with the stretching load is presented by the equivalent spring.
While calculating bringing rigidity and mass of a rope the load magnitude as
well as the place of its activity are taken into account. The bringing rigidity
and mass calculation formula and draught rope generalized reaction calculation
methodology during the car oscillation are proposed.
W.Nanitashvili, A.Gogoladze
Definition of Parameters of Non-Stationary
Pressure-Flow Movement by the Method of Stochastic Approximation
Presented by Academician O.Natishvili, May 17, 1996
Abstract. The work is devoted to the
solution of inverse problems under the conditions of unstable head movement
parameters: hydraulic resistance coefficient, shock wave propagation velocity
in the given liquid and inner diameter of the pipeline.
The method of stochastic approximation
(method of Robbins-Monro) is used in this work.
Connection Groups of Transformers
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy Z.Kruashvili,
July 1, 1996
ABSTRACT. It is shown that standard rule
of definition of groups is based on the inadequate interpretation of
electromagnetic inertia law. It does not exclude errors and needs the
correction. Faraday experiment and the unambiguous mathematical models of
transformers are composed.
The Influence of Steel Property, Mass Deflaction and
Magnetic Conductor Core Length on DC Traction Motor Characteristics
Presented by Academician M.Salukvadze, June 13, 1996
Abstract. In the present study we
investigated the influence of electro-technical steels composition,
technological processes of cores assembling, their mass and length on output
characteristics of DC traction motors. It has been shown that deflactions of
core mass under constant length make less influence on change of motor
characteristics than the deflactions of length under constant mass.
On Calculation Scheme of DC Machines Magnetic Circuit
under Automatic Design
Presented by Academician M.Salukvadze, June 13, 1996
Abstract. Brief analysis of some works on
computer calculation of direct current machines magnetic circuit has been
reviewed. The method of magnetic circuit which is easily formalized and gives
satisfying accuracy is suggested. For small meanings of cogged layer armature,
magnetic tension is chosen from the magnetic table tabulated in computer
memory. As to the high meanings of induction magnetic tension is calculated
from linearized magnetization curve.
and animal Physiology
Power Parameters of General Equation of Enzyme and
Transport Velocity
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy V.Mosidze,
May 17, 1996
Abstract. General equation of the
transport and enzyme velocity is considered and the physical meaning of the
minimal and the maximal degrees of its numerator and denominator are deciphered
in the rapid and steady-state equilibrium. The minimal degree (n) of numerator
is the sum of sites for the substates and essential activators. The maximal
degree of numerator is (n + p),
p = l + q, where l is number of modifiers with the
partial effect. The value q depends on the complexity of molecular mechanism
therefore it is defined as parameter of "complexity". q = 0
under the rapid equilibrium conditions. The maximal degree of the denominator
is expressed by the following sum s = n + m + l + q,
where m is the number of sites of complete inhibition (dead-end and
product inhibition ). The physical meaning of the power parameters of the
general velocity equation requires modern interpretation in the transport case
in contrast to the enzyme system and their meaning has special sense in the
different transport mechanism case.
T.Bolotashvili, G.Alexidze, Corr. Member of the Academy N.Aleksidze
The Lectin-Binding Proteins from Rat Brain Cellular
Presented March 5, 1996
Abstract. An attempt has been made to
separate the plant lectin-binding proteins soluble in phosphate buffered saline
(PBS) and extractable by triton X-100 from rat brain cellular nuclei. It was
determined, that the PBS soluble protein fractions (F1 - 602 kD, F2 - 104 kD,
F3 - 38 kD) display lower lectin-binding activity, than proteins (F1 ³ 660 kD, F2 - 52 kD, F3 - 18kD), extractable by triton
X-100. It is notable, that these protein fractions (F1, F2, F3) have a high
affinity to lectins SNA (D Lac, D Gal) and Con A and PSL (a D Man >a D Glc > D GlcNAc). The tracing relationship
between the lectins RCA and SBA and protein fractions
soluble in PBS and extractable by triton
X-100 was observed. The affinity of PNA, WGA and STA to separate protein
fractions in above mentioned conditions were not observed either.
Corr. Member of the Academy N.Aleksidze, N.Porakishvili, M.Tevzadze,
The Influence of CS-Gal-Lectin on the Immunoregulatory
Cells Function in Various Immunopathological Models
Presented March 14, 1996.
Abstract. The influence of galactose _ specific CS-Gal-lectin isolated from Coriandrum
sativum has been studied on functional state of lymphocyte proliferation in
insulindependent diabetes model. The lymphocyte migration index calculation
indicates to dual action in respect to pathological state. In the model with
systemic lupus erithematosus and Alzheimer disease the
strengthenation of lymphocyte migration inhibition factor synthesis has been
observed. As to acute streptococcal glomerulonephritis model the lymphocyte
migration activation factor synthesis is increasing. It seems to be perspective
to use CS-Gal-lectin as immunocorrector in the mentioned diseases.
L.Rusia, R.Kupatadze, M.Simonidze, Corr. Member of the Academy V.Bakhutashvili
Investigation of Polypeptide Contents of Plaferon LB
Presented April 18,1996
Abstract. Using the methods of the
SDS-gel-electrophoresis and bidimensional thin-layer chromatography it was
determined that Plaferon LB contains polypeptide fractions with molecular
weights 66, 45, 36, 29, 25, 18, 14, 12, 9 kDa and free amino-acids: Ser, Thr,
Gly, Pro, Ala, Phe, Val, Ile, Asp, O-Tyr.
Metabolism of Deoxyaldonic Acids in Plants
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy N. Nutsubidze,
May 23, 1996
ABSTRACT. It has been shown that
deoxyaldonic acids formed in plants at photosynthesis, actively participate in
respiration process and during their conversion different compounds are formed.
D.Dzidziguri, P.Chelidze
The Influence of Partial Hepatectomy on
Morphofunctional Activity of Nephrocyte Nuclei in White Rats
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy
G.Tumanishvili, July 25, 1996
ABSTRACT. The influence of partial
hepatectomy on transcription activity of nephrocyte nuclei in white rats has
been studied. Also, morphofunctional changes of nucleoli in epitheliocytes of
nephron proximal tubuli have been investigated. It has been shown that 6 hours
after partial hepatectomy, transcription level in nephrocyte nuclei increases.
At the same time in kidney cortex proximal tubuli the number of epitheliocytes
containing active nucleoli has been demonstrated to increase. However 22 hours
after the operation decrease of RNA synthesis in nephrocyte nuclei coincided with
the reduction of the number of epitheliocytes containing active nucleoli in
proximal tubuli. The obvious correlation between functional activity of
ribosomal genes and nucleolar polymorphism has been established.
and Virology
L.Kvachadze, T.Aleksidze
Searching of Micromycetes-Cellulase Produce
Presented by Academician G.Kvesitadze, April 28, 1996
Abstract. Microorganisms of different
taxonomic groups have the ability to synthesize. Among microorganisms
cellulases produce micromycetes most actively. The investigation of cellulases
of this group of microorganisms, showed that Trichoderma, Aspergillus,
Penicillium, Geotrichum, Fusarium, Sporotrichum and
many other representations of species produce various components of
extracellular cellulases. Thermophilic micromycetes produceres of cellulase
cause a great interest as the enzymes produced by these micromycetes are as a
rule thermostable.
and Virology
G.Sukhiashvili, L.Ramishvili, G.Rukhadze, Corr. Member of the Academy
The Isolation and Serial Passage of Cattle Coronavirus
in Cell Culture in Vitro
Presented April 28, 1996
Abstract. The work is devoted to isolation
and serial passage of cattle coronavirus in cell culture.
This article analyses the following
optimum conditions for accumulation of cattle coronavirus in cell culture:
preliminary treatment of the virus inoculum with trypsin (50 mcg/ml), trypsin
maintenance in the culture media (10 mcg/ml) and incubation in roller culture
at a temperature of 37° C for 24-36h.
and Helminthology
Member of the Academy B.Kurashvili
The Part of Wild Birds in Spread of Infections and
Invasive Diseases in Georgia
Presented June 6, 1996
Abstract. Wild birds play a considerable
part as carried and disseminators of contagious diseases, parasites and vermin.
It is known that birds make ecological
contacts with representatives of various groups of disease excitants among
humans and farm animals. Among excitants there are virus, spirochates,
rickettsiae, fungi, chlamydiae, mycoplasma, spirelli, cocci, bacilli, bacteria,
protozoa, heiminths. They cause various diseases in humans and farm animals.
A man contacts birds and is exposed to
attacks of mosquitoes and mites -
carriers of virus. Being the reservoir of infection excitant in the nature,
birds transport the excitants from one area to the other, especially during the
During the migration birds can easily
spread helminths invasion from one place to another and from one type of birds
to others. They play a considerable part in spread of helminths invasions.
This should be taken into consideration
while forming new poultry farms and taking measures to prevent helminths among
Laser Beam Treatment of Chronic Prostatites
Presented by Academician T.Ioseliani, July 18, 1996
Abstract. The patients with a severe form
of chronic prostatites and those who had been treated with no success were
subjected to laserotherapy with a complex of traditional methods of treatment
that in 96% it gave a complete recovery. Infra-red impulse laser beam radiation
was carried out by means of laser stimulator "TCP Georgia". The
results were estimated by statistical treating of a special diagnostic
V.Gondzhilashvili, Z.Topuria, A.Mikaberidze
The Morphologic Aspects of Regeneration of Liver
Wounds Operated by Laser Welding
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy N.Tatishvili,
August 5, 1996
ABSTRACT. The possibilities of laser
welding on liver tissues have been studied in acute experiments on rabbits.
Welding of incised wounds was performed by contact and noncontact methods. Most
stable suture was obtained at 1.5-3.0 watts.
In chronic experiments the course of
reparation process of the welded wounds of the liver has been studied by
morphologic research and also the hemostasis, biliostasis and adhesions in
peritoneal cavity have been observed.
The Main Results and Prospective of Study of the
Caucasian Fossil Snakes
Presented by Academician L. Gabunia 03.05.1995
Abstract. The paper sums up the study of
fossil snakes of the Caucasus. No- wadays only 11 localities are known.There
are 14 species (5 genera of 3 families) from the Neogene and Pleistocene
Poem "The Knight in the Panther's Skin"
within the Context of Comparative Studies
by Academician G.Tsitsishvili July 18, 1996
ABSTRACT: According to the principles of
comparative studies on the basis of analysing scientific literature it has been
concluded that "The Knight in the Panther's Skin" belongs to the West
European type of literature. The most important in solving the problem is the
conception of the woman in Rustaveli's poem.