volume 154 number 3 November-December
On the Iterated Bar Construction
Presented by Corr.Member of the Academy
ABSTRACT. For one-connected space X
the },
k=1, 2,..., n is constructed, such that for each k£ n
there exists an isomorphism of graded algebras
H*(W kX) @ (H(B(...(B(B(C*(X);{mi1});{mi(2)});...);{mi(k-1)}));m2(k)*).
An Oblique Derivative Problem for a Second Order
Elliptic Equation with a Parabolic Degeneration on a Part of Boundary
Presented by Academician I.Kiguradze,
Abstract. The oblique derivative problem
is considered for a second order elliptic differential equation which is
degenerated on some part of a boundary. The uniqueness and existence of
theorems are proved.
Member of the Academy N.Berikashvili, D.Makalatia
The Multiplicative Version of Twisted Tensor Product
ABSTRACT. A version of Brown's twisted
tensor product theorem is given where the model carries the multiplicative
General Theta-Functions with Characteristics and Exact
Formulae for Binary Quadratic Forms
Presented by Academician G.Chogoshvili,
Abstract. The exact formulae for the
number of representations of positive integers by the forms +
, 4
+ 2x1x2 + 5
and 4
- 2x1x2 + 5
are obtained.
Weighted Norm Inequalities for Maximal Functions
in Orlicz Spaces
Presented by Academician L.Zhizhiashvili,
Abstract. The necessary and sufficient
condition is derived to fulfill a strong type weighted inequality in Orlicz
classes for Hardy-Littlewood maximal function with respect to a nonnegative,
continuous Borel measure.
General Darboux Type Problem for a Third Order
Equations with Dominated Lower Terms
Presented by Academician T.Burchuladze, July 23, 1996
ABSTRACT. General Darboux type problem for
a third order equation with dominated lower terms is considered in the case of
two independent variables. The Banach space , a ³ 0, is introduced, where the problem under consideration
is investigated. A real number a 0 is found such that the problem is uniquely solvable
for a >a 0 and is
normally solvable in the Hausdorff sense for a <a 0. An estimate of the solution of the problem ensuring
the solution stability is obtained in the class uniqueness.
The Formula Determining an A¥ -Coalgebra
Structure on a Free Algebra
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy
N.Berikashvili, July 25, 1996.
ABSTRACT. A formula is obtained for an A¥ -coalgebra structure in a free algebra which is
defined by its restriction to multiplicative generators.
Notes on the Convergence of the Scheme of Increased
Accuracy for one Mixed Boundary Value Problem
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy N.Vakhania,
July 18, 1996
ABSTRACT. The paper deals with the
estimate of convergence of difference scheme for Poisson equation with mixed
boundary value conditions. The estimate of convergence compatible with the
smoothness of the exact solution was known for 2 < S £ 4.5. In this paper the indicated estimate is obtained for 4.5£ S
£ 5.
Two-Weight Inequalities for Potentials on Homogeneous
Presented by Academician L.Zhizhiashvili, March 6,
Abstract. In some special case some
necessary and sufficient conditions are found for a pair of weight functions,
ensuring the validity of two - weight inequali-ties for potentials defined on
homogeneous groups.
On Quasiconformal Mapping of Close Domains
Presented by Academician I.Kiguradze, September 6,
ABSTRACT. The problem of quasiconformal
mapping of the following Beltrami equation is set and studied for close domains
in a definite sense.
Optimization Problem for Tare Turnover
Presented by Academician M.Salukvadze, August 8, 1996
Abstract. Mathematical model of the tare
turnover is described in the article. The algorithm for the maximal profit is
Z.Surmanidze, Zh.Diasamidze
`To the Theory of Molecule Motion in a Slowing-Down
Presented by Academician G.Kharadze, November 21,1996
ABSTRACT. The dynamic of deceleration of a
symmetrical top molecule motion in a slowing down annular parabolic system is
studied in this paper. Analytical and numerical investigations of parametrical
interaction between periodical external electric field and ammonia molecule are
considered in detail.
E.Khutsishvili,, M.Mgaloblishvili
and Microhardness of Gallium Arsenide
by Corr.-Member of the Academy G.Tsagareishvili, June 22, 1996
ABSTRACT. Microstructure and microhardness
of undoped Gallium Arsenide single crystals have been studied at the room
Temperature. Dislocation structure of Ga(III) and As(III) faces was
investigated. Polarity of microhardness is observed. Experimental data
concerning the influemce of annealing on the microhardness are reported.
Z.Svanidze, L.Svanidze
The Determination of Metals' Microadmixtures in
Atmospheric Air
Presented by Academician G.Svanidze, April 28, 1996
ABSTRACT. The study of heavy metals in
atmosphere using khelatforming fibrillar sorbents obtained by atomic-absorption
method is discussed.
Instrumental Studies of Differentiated Movements of
the Blocks Underlying the Inguri HPS Dam
Presented by Academician B.Balavadze, September 9,
Abstract. A complex analysis of
geophysical instrumental observations has ascertained that there are no
differentiated movements of the tectonic fault splitting the right-bank part of
the Inguri dam basement into two structural blocks.
Algebraic Investigation of the Process of Condensation
of o, o'- Disubstituted Aromatic Diamines with Chloranhydrides of Aromatic
Dicarboxylic Acids
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy
L.M.Khananashvili, June 27, 1996
Abstract. Algebraic investigation of the
process of condensation of o, o'- disubstituted aromatic diamines with
chloranhydrides of aromatic dicarboxylic acids was carried out in terms of ANB
- matrices method.
M.Buachidze, M.Gverdtsiteli
Algebraic Investigation of the Process of Interaction
of Acetylenic Carbinols with HGe(C2H5)3
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy
D.Ugrekhelidze, June 27, 1996
Abstract. Algebraic investigation of the
process of interaction of acetylenic carbinols with HGe(C2H5)3
was carried out in terms of ANB - matrices method. Its diagonal elements
represent atomic numbers of chemical elements, whereas nondiagonal ones - the
multiplicities of chemical bonds.
G.Chikvinidze, I.Gverdtsiteli
Algebraic Characterization of Thion-Thiol Triad
Prototropic Tautomerism
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy
L.Khananashvili, June 3, 1996.
Abstract. The algebraic method of organic
compounds notation in the form of square symmetric matrices is considered.
Their diagonal elements' represent the ordinal numbers of chemical elements,
whereas nondiagonal ones - the multiplicity of chemical bonds (ONB - matrices).
Algebraic characterization of the thion - thiol triad prototropic tautomerism
is given in terms of this method.
T.Andronikashvili, K.Amirkhanashvili, I.Rapoport
Determination of Discrimination Indices of Capillary
Column Applied for Studies on Sorbent-Sorbate Adsorption Interaction
Presented September 2, 1996
ABSTRACT. Discrimination indices of quartz
aluminized columns of different diameters for n-alkanes have been studied.
n-dekan peak area is taken for a
criterion. It is shown that quartz aluminized column with a diameter of 0.53 mm
and 3mm thickness of the film gives good results in the study of
physico-chemical interactions of sorbent-sorbate.
Voltammetry of Cr (6+) in Acidic Dichromate Solutions
at the Solid Electrodes
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy L.Japaridze,
July 7, 1996
abstract. It has been shown that the
predominant form of existence of Cr (6+) in the H2Cr2O7
aqueous solutions in neutral (0.1M NaClO4) and acidic (0.1N H2SO4)
media is HCr ion. The main kinetic parameters of the Cr (6+)
electroreduction were calculated. Nature of the Cr (6+) waves was explained.
Caucasian Echinoids on the Maastrichtian and Danian
Presented by Academician I.Gamkrelidze, July 18, 1995
ABSTRACT. On the boundary of Maastrichtian
and Danian in the Caucasus cutting down of Echinoids is clearly noticeable. It
is the result of Mesozoic extinction. This is due to the fact that
Danian-Paleocene Echinoids represent the impoverished part of the Upper Cretace
We think it is not right to draw the
Cretace-Paleogene boundary between Maastrichtian and Danian by Echinoids. This
boundary should be drawn between Danian and Paleocene or between Paleocene and
Minal Composition of Pyroxenes and Amphiboles of the
Adjara-Trialeti and their Distribution
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy G.Zaridze,
August 12, 1996
Abstract. Dependence of chemical
composition of volcanogenic rocks, conditions of mineral formation process and
influence of geodynamic regime on distribution of minals in minerals of the
region has been considered basing on evaluation in minals of pyroxenes and
amphiboles of Eocene volcanogenic rocks of Adjara-Trialeti.
Topical Problems in Predicting Slope Deformations
Presented by Academician Ts.Mirtskhulava, August 6,
Abstract. The critical analysis of the
methods of estimation of artificial and natural slopes stability is given, as
well as short description of the computer model developed by the authors for
predicting the deformations of mountain slopes adjoining reservoirs. The ways
of the model further development and prospects of its application for the
solution of topical problems are scheduled.
N.Bantsadze, N.Lekveishvili
Influence of Artificial Roughness on Heat Transfer to
Turbulent Mixed Liquid in a Pool
Presented by Academician M.Salukvadze, July, 29, 1996.
ABSTRACT. Heat transfer from thorus shaped
smooth and roughened surfaces to mixing water in a pool has been investigated
experimentally. The surface was roughened by means of wire rings, fixed at a
constant pitch-to-wire diameter ratio of 10/1. Wire diameter was 0.5 mm. It was
shown that artificial roughness increased heat transfer intensity about 1.6
Control and
Computer Engineering
On Some Aspects of Digital Processing and Improvement
on Recognition Parameters of the Earth Surface Radio Location Images
Presented by Academician M.Salukvadze, August 9, 1996
Abstract. The problems of digital
processing of radio location images are considered conformably to the devices
of air-borne computer complexes operating in real time. In order to process
running images of the earth surface, the method of median digital filtration is
used, its algorithms being implemented on sorting elements of programmable
memory device connected as conveyer sorting circuit. It is shown that median
filtration with optimum size two-dimensional window enables to increase
digital processing quality and recognition accuracy of radio location images.
Control and
Computer Engineering
Stadial Indices of the Parallel Type CS Reliability
and Efficiency
Presented by Academician V.Chichinadze, September 2,
ABSTRACT. In the work there are
established the fundamental indices of the redundant joint usage engineering
systems with account of the reliability in the stadial mode. The system is
considered as the system of the mixed type mass service (with losses and
expectations), with a united queue, common resourcess and group service.
On the Realizability of Message Transmission through
Unreliable Data-Transmission Channel
Presented by Academician V.Chavchanidze, October 1,
Abstract. In the present article we
investigate mathematical model of data-transmission channel (DTC), subjected to
distortions (failures). The time between neighbouring failures is distributed
according to Erlang ratio. The method of enhance of reliability and efficiency
of message transmission through unreliable DTC is suggested.
On the Data-Transmission Channel Models with Account
Information Distortion
Presented by Academician V.Chavchanidze, September 9,
ABSTRACT. On the basis of the queueing
theory the problem of determination of the probability characteristic of time
of message transmission in data-transmission channel with account information
distortion is considered in the paper.
control and
Computer Engineering
Fulfilling the Task in the Redundant Engineering
Presented by Academician V.Chichinadze, September 2,
ABSTRACT. The work considers probabilities
of fulfilling the task of the redundant complex joint usage engineering system
with a multistate working ability within the given time.
Peculiarities of Temperature Regime in Brown Soils
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy T.Urushadze,
August 15, 1996
ABSTRACT. This report presents the
temperature regime peculiarities in brown soils. The fluctuation of temperature
in different periods of the year causing positive or negative actions is
The Formation of Generative Organs and Character of
Pollination of Trigonocaryum involucratum (Stev.) Kusn. (Boraginaceae)
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy
G.Nakhutsrishvili, August 22, 1996
Abstract. We studied successive stage of
formation of gametophytes, character of pollination and fertilization in
embryologically unknown only representatives of genus Trigonocaryum - T.involucratum
(2n = 14). Sex pollination and heterostyle were discovered in species. In
short-styled flowers self-pollination was observed (kleistogamy, autogamy), in
long-styled ones - cross pollination.
and animal physiology
Z.Nanobashvili, G.Bekaia
On the Peculiarities of Memory in Children with
Presented by Academician V.Okujava, September 17, 1996
ABSTRACT. Inattentiveness of patients with
picnolepsy is considered to be a general reason for intellectual disorders,
displayed by subjects in affective emotional state. Intellectual abilities of
subjects reached the normal level as soon as the emotional state became more
V.Yurin, A.Kudriashov,
A.Sokolik, M.Chokhonelidze, V.Demidchik
On the Mechanism of Membranotropic Action of the Heavy
Metal Ions on the Plant Cells
Presented by Academician T.Oniani, December 3, 1996
Abstract. The regularities of interaction
between the heavy metal ions and plasmalemma, as evidenced by measurments of
the bioelectrical reactions of the cell and cyclosis velocity, are described.
It is shown that Pb2+, Zn2+, Cd2+, Ni2+
ions in concentration of 10-6 - 10-3 M
possess direct membranotropic effect. The copper in concentration above 10-5 M
exerts an indirect membranotropic effect in both short - (10-15 min) and long-term (more than 20 min) experiments. In this respect a scheme for the
chemical agents' classification is suggested according to the elements of
membranotropic effect mechanism and with consideration of the shifts in the ion
permeability of membrane.
Z.Khidesheli, L.Tabatadze
On the
Problem of the Increase of Plant Resistance
to Mycoplasmic Diseases
by Academician G.Kvesitadze, September 13, 1996
ABSTRACT. The effect of lucreazine on
tomato and pepper resistance to the disease of mycoplasmic etiology-stoolbure
was studied. Based on the presented results. It can be assumed that after
immunification by lucreazine, plant organism assimilates this compound. Plant
growth and development are stimulated, a number of its biochemical,
biometrical, ultrastructural and anatomical indices improve. The mycoplasmic
infection decreases. Such results may be considered as a demonstration of plant
increased stability to infections and unfavourable environmental factors.
G.Pruidze, N.Mchedlishvili
Purification and Characterization of b -Glucosidase in Tea Leaves
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy N.Nutsubidze,
June 27, 1996
ABSTRACT. b -glucosidase isolated from tea leaves was purified by
ammonium sulphate, by ultrafiltration and ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE
cellulose. Purification rate is 11. It was shown that enzyme was active at
pH 6-6.5 370C. The dependence of reaction rate of enzyme on the
concentration of p-nitrophenyl-b -D-glucopiranoside is governed by Michaelis-Menthen
Hydrogen Peroxide Production by Cladosporium Herbarum
Fungus and Possibility of Its Participation in Degradation of Synthetic
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy N.Aleksidse,
July 22, 1996
ABSTRACT. The possibility of hydrogen
peroxide production in cladosporium herbarum infected cultural medium was
studied. The mechanisms of biodegradation of the synthetic polymers with
participation of the hydrogen peroxide were disscused.
T.Lekishvili, M.Porchkhidze
Mathematical Investigation of Some of the Biochemical
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy N.Aleksidze,
July 15, 1996
ABSTRACT. The use of the new topological
indices of the information type is discussed. Some biochemical reactions are
studied. The process in connection with the decrease of the information content
is substantiated. The directions of the further investigations in this field
are outlined. The attempt to ascertain a correlation between structures of
molecules and their relative biochemical activities is made.
Corr. Member of the Academy D.Ugrekhelidze, Ts.Khoshtaria
Nitrobenzene Metabolism in Plants
Presented July 19, 1996
ABSTRACT. Reduction of nitrogroup into
amine group and hydroxylation of aromatic ring of nitrobenzene takes place in
maize, pea and kidney bean seedlings. Intermediate products of nitrobenzene
metabolism - O-notrophenol and aniline - have been isolated. The studies showed
that main metabolic way of nitrobenzene detoxication is conjugation of its
intermediates with low-molecular peptides.
M.Jincharadze, T.Varazishvili, N.Omiadze
Peptides of Black Tea Dry Concentrate and their
Aminoacid Composition
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy D.Jokhadze,
July 18, 1996
Abstract. The crude fraction of
lomolecular peptides was isolated from black tea concentrate 9 peptides,
differing in qualitative and quantitative composition of aminoacids, were
identified by paper chromatography.
Ultrastructural Changes in Retinal Photoreceptors in
Hens, Hen Embryos and Newly-Hatched Chickens under Ionizing Radiation
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy B.Kurashvili,
August 8, 1996
ABSTRACT. Ultrastructural changes in
retinal photoreceptors have been studied in hens, hen embryos and newly-hatched
chickens under the ionizing radiation.
It has been shown that radiation affects
the external segments of both rods and cones, causing dezorientation,
fragmentation and disappearance of their membrane discs. Changes take place in the
internal segments of photoreceptors as well: mitochondrial double membranes and
cristas disappear in the ellipsoid, while in the paraboloid the disintegration
of glycogen granules and a slight decrease in their number are observed. In the
cytoplasm of visual cells polysome complexes break down into separate ribosomes
and a slight decrease in the diameter and length of the endoplasmic net
elements is noted. In hen embryoes of 12 days the radiation delays the
formation of membrane discs.
It has been supposed that under radiation
redox processes decrease in photoreceptor cells and the level of protein
synthesis also comes down, causing delay in the formation of membrane discs.
Autoimmune Myocardiopathy: Functional, Structural and
Biochemical Changes
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy
T.Dekanosidze, August 29, 1996
ABSTRACT. Experimental researches were
carried out on male rats. Autoimmune cardiomyopathy resulted from adjuvant
Freudni. Heavy changes of structural, ultrastructural, biochemical and
functional type were traced down in myocardia. Reomorphology of blood was
subjected to changes too. The latter is of great importance for systolic
function of myocardia. In order to correct broken metabolism of myocardia and a -Tocopherol
and Cytochrome C are effectively used.
of the Fossil Turtles Studies in the Caucasus
Presented by Academician L.Gabunia, July 8, 1996
ABSTRACT. The history of investigation
of the fossil turtles of the Caucasus, region by region, is reviewed. The list
of the extinct species is presented as well as their stratigraphical and
geological distribution.
To the Meaning of the Word-Combination
S a r q e l i š a p
i r i s a j
Presented by Academician A.Kalandadze, December 10,
ABSTRACT. The paper investigates a
word-combination from the "Book of Ezekiel" which wasn't translated
from Greek into Georgian in a right way. This erratum in the Greek text itself
appears due to the wrong understanding of two Hebrew words being graphically
identical but quite different in meanings.
East India Company and the Great Mughals
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy
L.Chilashvili, November 11, 1996
Abstract. This article investigates the
attitude of the British East India Company towards the Indians and the Great
Mughals in the course of the 17th-19th centuries. Reviewing Company's business
affairs, diplomatic relations and warfare we stress the change of English from
self-conscious merchants to the haughty rulers and thereby the change of
attitude towards natives from the respect to negligence.