volume 158 number 1 Jule-August
Signorini's Problem in the Couple-Stress Elasticity
and its Reduction to the Boundary Variational Inequalities
Presented by Academician T.Burchuladze,
Abstract. The
first part of the present paper is the realization of the general theory of
abstract, one-sided problems for systems of equations of statics of the
couple-stress elasticity for inhomogeneous, anisotropic elastic media. In the
second part by using the method of boundary variational inequalities we study
Signorini's problem, which allows one to investigate these problems for outer
regions in the case of homogeneous anisotropic media.
Convergence and Summability of Multiple
Trigonometric Series
Presented by Academician L.Zhizhiashvili,
Abstract. The paper presents the results
on the uniform convergence and summability of the negative order of special
trigonometric series by the method of Cesaro.
Convergence and Summability of Multiple Fourier-Walsh
Series in LP([0,1]N), PÎ [1,
+¥ ] Metrics
Presented by Academician L.Zhizhiashvili,
Abstract. In
this paper we study the convergence and summability of N-multiple Fourier-Walsh
series in LP([0,1]N), PÎ [1, +¥
] metrics. In case P = ¥ by LP, we mean Cr to be the collection of uniformly r - continuous function endowed with the supremum norm
and the convergence is defined in Pringsheim sense.
General Geometric Lattices
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy
H.Inassaridze, November 30, 1997
Abstract. According to J.von Neumann one
of the main problems of the lattice theory is the axiomatic description of PG(K,
X) - the
lattice of submodules of the torsion free K-module X. A.A.Lashkhi
solved this problem for the principal ideal domain. These ideas are developed
and generalised in the present paper.
K. von Staudt's Theorem over Ore Domains
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy
H.Inassaridze, December 15,1997
Abstract. Cross-ration, harmonic quadruple
and K.von Staudt's theorem for free modules over left Ore domains are studied.
On the Symmetrically Continuity of Two Variables
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy V.
Kokilashvili, January 5, 1998
introduce the notions of symmetrically continuity, separately symmetrically
continuity in the strong and in the angular senses for functions of two
variables. The relation between them is established. Some of the known
properties equivalent to continuity with respect to each of the variables are
not preserved to symmetrically continuity. We also introduce one more notion of
symmetrically continuity that is non-comparable to symmetrically continuity.
On the Integrability of Strong Maximal Functions
Presented by Academician L.Zhizhiashvili, March 5,
Abstract. In the present paper it is
studied if it's possible for the given set of frames E to construct the
function f such that 1) Mq ( f ) is non-integrable on (0,1)2 for every q Î E, and 2) Mq ( f ) is integrable on {Mq ( f ) > 1} for every q Ï E, where Mq denotes the strong maximal operator corresponding to the frame q .
On the Order of Decrease of Fourier Coefficients
Presented by Academician L.Zhizhiashvili, November 3,
Abstract. It is proved that there exists
complete double orthonormal system ONS at which Fourier coefficients of
functions from Lp(p ³ 1, l ¥ º C) by
this system converge to zero faster than Fourier-Haar coefficients.
Realization of Optimal Elastic Connections in Contact
Zone by Selection of Destructing Instrument Parameters
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy K.Betaneli,
June 4, 1998
Abstract. Destructing instrument
parameters for realization of optimal elastic connections in contact zone are
considered in the paper.
New Mathematical Basis for General Theory of
Electromechanical System Needed
Presented by Academician R.Salukvadze, December 31,
Abstract. New types of electric
machines with forward and back forward motion of machine working elements put
the question of necessity of development of general theory of electromechanical
systems, adding it with new more general methods.
N.Kekelidze, V.Gogiashvili, N.Macharadze, C.Laitadze
Studies of Some Electrical Properties of Homogenous
and Uniform InP-InAs Systems Solid Solutions
Presented by Academician R.Salukvadze, October 6, 1997
Abstract. Electrical properties of pure
and doped InP-InAs systems solid solutions in the temperature interval 4.2-300
K were considered.
For definition impurity atoms
concentration by theoretical calculation of mobility foreign atoms
concentration caused by components were calculated.
K.Gamkrelidze, M.Mirzoeva, G.Shonia
High Temperature Superconductor Ceramic YBa2Cu3O7-x
Magnetisation at Rising Magnetic Field
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy T.Sanadze,
October 30, 1997
Abstract. High temperature superconductor
(HTSC) YBa2Cu3O7-x ceramic sample was made
using the solid state reaction method. Magnetization dependence on the rising
outer magnetic field was established by the ballistic method.
Based on the modified Bean critical model,
the analytical expressions for the along-field directed HTSC sample magnetization
was obtained within different field ranges.
The quantitative
comparison between experimental and theoretical data was made. On the basis of
a good coincidence within the error limits it was concluded that the Bean
critical state model may be used for HTSC magnetic investigations.
Investigation of NMR Signal Nature in Lithium Ferrite by
the Method of Low-Frequency Excitation
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy T.Sanadze,
October 6, 1997
Abstract. The low-frequency magnetic field
excitation method using a modulation of the spin-echo decay envelope as a
result of the domain walls oscillation at the sample remagnetization was
applied for the multicomponent 57Fe spectrum identification in
lithium ferrite. It was experimentally shown that the observed NMR spectrum in
lithium ferrite was stipulated by the nuclei located in different magnetically
non-equivalent sites.
N.Amaglobeli, L.Abesalashvili, B.Chiladze, V.Kartvelishvili, M.Kopadze, R.Kvatadze,
N.Lomidze, G.Nikobadze, T.Pitskhelauri, R.Shanidze
Study of Interference Correlations in Neutron-Carbon
Presented June 18, 1998
Abstract. Bose-Einstein correlations in pairs have been
studied in neutron-carbon interactions measured with the EXCHARM detector. The
measured values for the strength of the correlations and the radius of the
source are: l
=1.13 ± 0.34 ± 0.34 and R =1.01 ± 0.13 ± 0.18 fm.
G.Eristavi, Z.Jibuti, G.Narsia, K.Kasparyan, L.Koptonashvili
Investigation of Small Dose Radiation Stimulated
Processes in Semiconductor Materials and Structures
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy T.Sanadze,
February 16, 1998
Abstract. The paper presents the
results of investigations of influence of radiation-thermal treatment (RTT) on
the properties of semiconductors and structures based on them (Si, GaAs,
GaAlAs, GaP). After RTT the crystal is cleaned of native (² genetic² ) defects, the degree of homogeneity of lattice
increases and electrophysical and optical properties of the semiconductor materials
and structures improve (² small dose effect² ). The processes taking place during the RTT are
discussed and the perspectivity of the method in practice is shown.
I.Shatberashvili, M.Tsitskishvili
Dynamics of the Annual Changes of Atmosphere's Self -
Presented by Academician B.Balavadze, March 11, 1998
Abstract. The results of lasting
experimental investigations of geoecological, integral parameter, velocities of
self-rectification of the lower atmosphere, which were defined as the ratio of
the density of the admixture's stream of the ground surface to the pre-ground
concentration of the same admixture are considered in the article.
The analysis of annual changes for 7
different regions with different climatic conditions is given. Annual changes
connected with the characteristic of atmosphere's sediments are analysed. The
climatic stability of the parameter is presented.
N.Mamulia, A.Goderdzishvili
Estimation of the Radiogenetic Heat Flow for the
Trans-Caucasian Territory
Presented by Academician B.Balavadze, October 1, 1997
Abstract. Radiogenetic heat flow has been
calculated for the Trans-Caucasian territory. The maps of radiogenetic heat
flow distribution have been drawn up for sedimentary cover, granite and basalt
layers and for the whole crust as well (for the given territory).
One Inequality of Elastokinetics and its Application
in Seismology
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy T.Chelidze,
October 10, 1997
is obtained an inequality that can connect the parameters of the motion of the
earth surface with the energy released at the earthquake focus. On the basis of
the obtained inequality a possibility application of special
experimental-analytical technique is being discussed.
S.Chilingarashvili, M.Chichikoshvili
Monitoring the Content of Nitrogen Dioxide in the
Stratosphere According to Observation of Fluorescence in the Twilight in
Presented by Academician E.Kharadze, October 27, 1997
Abstract. The daily, seasonal and
long-term behaviour of NO2 in the stratosphere has been examined
according to regular spectrographic observation of the twilight sky in the
500-700 nm spectral region at the Abastumani Observatory (41.8° N; 42.8° E) in 1957-1990. The mechanism of predissociation of
nitrogen dioxide by the solar radiation at 400 nm has been proposed for
explanation of the NO2 emission at 602 nm. Positive trend has been
revealed for the annual average content of NO2, especially
discernible in 1960-1970.
Sh.Shatirishvili, N.Chkhartishvili
Gas Chromatography and Qualimetric Models of
Wine-Making Products Evaluation
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy
A.Shvelashvili, September 15, 1997.
Abstract. On the
example of Georgian wines by reactive gas chromatographic method, which enables
to state the effect of individual factors on wine-making product quality, the
qualimetric models have been developed.
N.Sidamonidze, N.Okujava, N.Itriashvili, L.Tabatadze, L.Topuria
of Acidic Isomerization of some Disaccharides by Gas-Liquid Chromatography
by Corr.Member of the Academy L.Khananashvili, May 27, 1998
ABSTRACT. Products of acidic isomerization
of disaccharides (lactose, maltose, cellobiose) have been studied by gas-liquid
chromatography. It was established that during reaction the break of glycosidic
bonds didn't take place and from the given disaccharides 4-O-(b -D-galactopyranosyl]-a -D-glucosaccharinic, 4-O-(a -D-glucopyranosyl]-a -D-glucosaccharinic and 4-O-[b -D-glucopyranosyl]-a -D-glucosaccharinic acids were obtained.
Algebraic Investigation of Monohalogenmethanes in
Terms of MBL-Matrices Method
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy L.
Khananashvili, September 20, 1997
Abstract. Algebraic investigation of
monohalogenmethanes was carried out in terms of MBL-matrices method. Their
diagonal elements represent mass numbers of chemical elements, whereas
nondiagonal ones _
the lengths of the chemical bonds.
Some correlation equations were constructed.
Algebraic Investigation of the Reactions of
Halogenation of Alkanes
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy
D.Ugrekhelidze, October 20, 1997
Abstract. The reactions of radical
halogenation of alkanes were investigated in terms of ANB matrices method. Diagonal
elements of ANB matrices represent atomic number of chemical elements, whereas
nondiagonal ones multiplicities of chemical bonds.
N.Mukbaniani, A.Samsonia, R.Tkeshelashvili, N.Kvelashvili, T.Chogovadze, Corr.
Member of the Academy L.Khananashvili
Carbosiloxane Copolymers with Cyclopentasiloxane
Fragments in the Chain
Presented October 20,1997
Abstract. The
reaction of hydrid polyaddition of a , w dihydriddimethylsiloxanes to
1,5-divinyl-1,5-dimethylhexaphenylcyclopentasiloxane in the presence of
platinium chlorhydric acid as a catalyst has been studied and carbosiloxane
copolymers with regular arrangement of cyclopentasiloxane fragments in
dimethylsiloxane chain have been obtained. The reaction order, activation energies
and hydrid polyaddition rate constants have been found. Thermogravimetric,
thermomechanical and roentgenographic investigations are carried out.
M.Gverdtsiteli, T.Kovziridze, A.Dolidze
Theoretical Study of Bioactivity Using Algebraic
Presented by Academician T.Andronikashvili, October
ABSTRACT. Phenoxycarb and bioactive
theoretical prognosis of its analogs has been studied using topological indices
i.e. contiguity matrices of molecular graphs.
T.Khulordava, N.Kekelidze, M.Sharvashidze, G.Natsvlishvili, E.Kekelidze
The Inversion of Conductivity Type in Wide Band-Gap
Compounds A2B6 by Quasi-Epitaxy Method
Presented by Academician R.Salukvadze, November 18,
Abstract. The possibilities of the control
of the self defects concentration in wide band-gap compounds A2B6
by quasi-epitaxy method are presented.
I.Davituliani, L.Akhalbedashvili, M.Alapishvili, R.Tabidze, Ts.Sarishvili,
Carbon Dioxide Effect on Y-Ba-Cu-O and Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O
Presented by Academician T.Andronikashvili, May 15,
Abstract. The
effect of CO2 on ceramics of Y-Ba-Cu-O(I) and Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O(II)
types at different temperatures with constant content of carbon dioxide in air
phase at microflow system has been studied. It was shown that II samples are
more stable to CO2 to compare with I, but an increase in temperature
causes a decrease in the time of full loss of superconductivity. Their
degradation may be caused by interaction of migrating over surface
alkaline-earth Ca2+, Sr2+ and Ba2+ cations
with water and carbon dioxide. This degradation is of irreversible nature.
Products of 21-Hydroxylation of 16a
, 17a -Epoxy-5a -H-Pregnan-3b -ol-20-one
Presented by Academician E.Kemertelidze, January 20,
ABSTRACT. In order to get the synthesis
scheme of corticosteroid preparations on the basis of local raw material
tigogenin the reaction of 21-hydroxylation was carried out. The reaction of
21-hydroxylation of 16a, 17a-epoxy-5a-H-pregnan-3b-ol-20-one by means of diacetoxyiodbenzole and
secondary products of this process has been performed.
Current Cycle of Climate Change and its Influence on
the Coastal Zone of Georgia
Presented by Academician Ts.Mirtskhoulava, July 16,
ABSTRACT. Climatic cycle of the Black Sea
seaside zone caused cooling of the sea upper layer by 0.5-1.0° C and rise of its level – eustasy, which is the
highest (D H = 30-50
cm) in the Poti-Supsa submerging region of Georgia. Sea cooling by the
acceleration of its vertical circulation caused the reduction of recreation and
vegetation seasons by 6-11 days. In the nearest future activation of the
process is expected.
I.Gamkrelidze, D.Shengelia
Data on the Interrelation and Age of the Dzirula Crystalline Massif
Constituting Rocks
Presented December 29, 1997
ABSTRACT. Dzirula crystalline massif is
built up of Precambrian and Paleozoic metamorphic rocks and of Precambrian and
Early and Late Herzynian granitoids. New data about the interrelation and age
of Dzirula massif pre-Jurassic rocks indicate polycyclical character of
regional metamorphism and existence of its three stages: Precambrian and
pre-Hercynian (Caledonian?) progressive and Late Hercynian regressive.
V.Tarkhnishvili, D.Tabatadze
Reduction of a Plane Problem to the Integration of
Ordinary Differential Equations for the Analysis of Plates Weakened by Holes
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy
I.Ghudushauri, March 16, 1996
ABSTRACT. An orthogonal analytical method
of solving the title problem is proposed which has been developed by using the
elasticity theory in differential equations together with the theory of complex
variable functions. Unlike the analogous method developed by the authors
earlier instead of numerical method of finite elements the elasticity theory in
ordinary differential equations has been used.
M.Zviadadze, T.Mkhatrishvili, V.Achelashvili.
Peculiarities of Premartensite Structure Unstability on g -Mn Basis.
by Corr. Member of the Academy G. Tsagareishvili, December 22, 1998
ABSTRACT. In the following work the
phenomenon of premartensite structure is theoretically studied, particularly,
the abnormal behavior of the average importance of the atom substitution,
microtensions and Ioung's module are indicated.
It is supposed that the abnormal behavior
of the above-mentioned parameters is caused by the structural and magnetic
E.Kutelia, B.Eristavi, V.Gobronidze, K.Tskhovrebashvili
Auger Electron Spectroscopy Study of the Amorphous GeOx
Film Structure
Presented by the Academician G.Gvelesiani, October 30,
ABSTRACT. Ge LMM Auger peak shows
relatively large change in chemical shift with change in oxidation state and
there are 4 oxidation states observed corresponding to Ge-GeyO4-y,
y = 1, 2, 3, 4 tetrahedra. A computer analysis was used for curve
fitting and finding the constituents of the experimental Ge LMM Auger peaks.
Despite the chemical composition the AES results presented in this study yield
additional information relative to the homogeneity, local atomic environment
and chemical bonding in the germanium suboxides.
J.Jaliashvili, N.Gvamberia, A.Gabisiani
and Non-Metal Inclusions in Steel Treated by Nitrogen and Hard Slag-Making
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy
I.Baratashvili, October 20, 1997
Abstract. It is ascertained that
simultaneous treatment of liquid metal in ladle by hard slag-making mixture and
gaseous nitrogen blowing through provides a decrease in general quantity of
oxygen and non-metal inclusions and a slight increase in nitrogen. The
difference between variants of steel treatment by phase analysis of non-metal
inclusions is not observed.
Control and Computer Engineering
Some Aspects of System Analysis for Informative
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy
A.Prangishvili, December 23, 1997
Abstract. Aspects of influence of the
depreciation factor of information on control process giving function of
message price approximation and randomization are studied. Volterra's integral
equation of coil type is constructed and solved as a mathematical model of
random walk of concrete message.
Control and Computer Engineering
On the Economic Criterion of Service Effectiveness
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy
A.Prangishvili, March 16, 1998
Abstract. Economic index of the quality of
functioning of the informative system as ranged function of system losses is
introduced. The problem of system synthesis is stated as indicated function's
minimization problem.
Estimation of Climatic Factor of Potential Erosion
Danger of the Lands in Georgia
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy T.Urushadze,
January 13, 1998
Abstract. For estimation of climatic
factor of potential erosion danger the erosion index of precipitation (E.I.P.)
was used. In West Georgia E.I.P. changes from 20 to 120 units, in East Georgia
it changes from 3.2 to 36.85. Most part of the territory of Georgia is located
between 5 - 20 unit isoerodents of E.I.P.
As a result of
specification of lands according to the volumes of E.I.P. 37 erosion regions
were grouped.
S.Uchaneishvili, M.Tsartsidze
Lasertherapy by E Light Field of Radiation
Presented by Academician G.Sanadze, November 28, 1997
Abstract. It is
known that low-intensity laser radiation in orange-red and near infrared area
of spectrum leads to activation of biological system of a body.
In submitted
work it is shown, that during therapeutic treatment of patients the laser
irradiation may be replaced by non-coherent emission with the respective
spectrum of emission, which markedly decreases the cost of treatment and in
many cases simplifies the process of treatment.
T.Paatashvili, L.Gheonjian, N.Kapanadze, N.Invia
The Influence of 7-day Variations of Interplanetary
Magnetic Field on the Frequency of Myocardial Infarctions
Presented by Academician V.Okujava, April 13, 1998
ABSTRACT. This paper is dedicated to the
study of the influence of solar activity on human being. On the basis of
statistical investigation of the frequency of myocardial infarctions we
discover the 7-day variations and the dependence of their intensity on 11-year
solar cycle. We confirm the hypothesis that 7-day variations of interplanetary
magnetic field caused by its sector structure synchronize endogenous 7-day
rhythms of human beings during the stage of maximum of solar activity, and
hypothesize that the probability of infarction is higher on a certain stage of
the endogenous rhythm.
T.Bolotashvili, Corr. Member of the Academy N.Aleksidze
The Nonhistone Proteins of Chromatin as Lectin-Binding
Presented October 20, 1997
Abstract. Rat brain isolated cell nuclei
chromatin has affinity to Concanavalin A. The nonhistone proteins display
mannoso-(glucoso-), fucoso and galactoso specific lectin-binding ability, which
indicates their glycoprotein nature.
from Myelin Basic Protein as an Inhibitor of the [3H]Diltiazem
Binding Sites in Brain
Presented by Academician T.Oniani, October 12, 1997
ABSTRACT. After the tryptic digestion of
myelin basic protein (MBP) a peptide fragment, inhibiting [3H]diltiazem
binding to synaptic membranes, has been obtained. The analysis of amino acid
composition of this peptide has revealed its similarity to the sequence MBP
95-135. The peptide fragment inhibited [3H]diltiazem binding in a
concentration-dependent manner, decreased Bmax, but did not act on
Kd. The inhibition of MBP calcium channels by peptide fragments is supposed to
play an important role in the regulation of the activity of nervous cells as
well as immune cells.
Corr. Member of the Academy N.Aleksidze, T.Garishvili, T.Lekishvili
Quantitative Alteration of Galactose and Lactose
Specific Lectins at Different Stages of Hen Brain Embryonic Development
Presented October 28,1997
Abstract. By means of high pressure liquid
chromatography membrane protein fractions dissolvable in EDTA-solution have
been purified from hen brain embryos of different ages. It has been observed
that protein fractions of mol. weight -12000-19000 Daltons and 24000-45000
Daltons are characterised with lectin activity.
It is assumed that the protein fraction of
12000-19000 Daltons contains the so-called D-lactose-specific lectin. As for
the protein fraction of comparatively high molecular weight that is inhibited
also by D-lactose and D-galactose, it is assumed that it belongs to the
so-called galaptine-group.
The quantitative changes of the given
lectins are studied in the process of the hen brain embryonic development.
N.Tevzadze, Corr. Member of the Academy D.Jokhadze
The Effect of Biostimulators on Cultivation of Strain Spirulina
platensis in Laboratory Conditions
Presented October 30, 1997
Abstract. Cultivation conditions of
blue-green algae strain Spirulina Platensis on Zaruk media, the
effect of phytohormones (Gibberellin A3, kinetin) and I-ions (KI) on
growth of algae culture were studied. Experimental data confirm the presence of
biostimulators in strain cultural liquid.
Influence of Proliferation on dna Repair Rates in
Regenerating Rat Liver
Presented by Academician T.Oniani, April 2, 1998
ABSTRACT. This work investigates the
influence of cell proliferation on DNA repair rates in regenerating rat liver.
We determined the posthepatectomy proliferation kinetics for hepatocytes of the
liver. The suspension of cells reacted with both FITC-labeled anti-BrdUrd
antibody and propidium iodide, and the particles were analysed by flow
cytometry. Liver cells were irradiated with 15.5 Gy g -rays at various times, from 2 to 144 h after
hepatectomy, and their DNA repair kinetics measured by alkaline elution to
determine when the faster rate of DNA repair begins and ends relatively to the
proliferation kinetics.
and Virology
Assimilation by Yeasts in Secondary Alcoholic Fermentation
Presented by Academician G.Kvesitadze, February 10,
Abstract. Proline
conversion products in yeast and wine were studied. It has been found that the
proline carbon skeleton available in fermentation medium is involved in
biosynthesis of wine organic acids and amino acids. The proline transformation
products are identified in the fractions of yeast proteins and freeamino acids.
In the process of secondary alcoholic fermentation proline is partially
oxidized to carbon dioxide.
Ultrastructural Changes of Rabbit Eye with Mechanical
Damage of Sclera and Posterior Intrascleral Filling
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy I.Eliava,
October 6,1997
Abstract. The ultrastructural changes of
pigment epithelium and photoreceptors of rabbit eye with mechanical damage and
posterior intrascleral filling were studied. The close connection between the
terminal appendices of pigment cells and outer photoreceptor segments is
disturbed on the 4th day after the operation. Mitochondrions are swollen,
crysts are disrupted and the phagocytosis of the rejected parts of outer
segments are default.
These changes become normal the month
after the operation. Such operations on sclera do not provoke destructive
changes in retina.
Z.Zurabashvili, S.Chuadze, E.Kldiashvili
Peculiarities of Action of Some Leucosis Plasma in
Presented by Academician T.Chanishvili, December 31,
Abstract. Formed elements of blood are
studied while leucosis. The defence mechanisms of erythrocytes, neutrophils and
lymphocytes are described. The material is examined by means of light,
luminescent and interference microscopy. Statistical treatment is done.
The Role of Phenolic Compounds in the Resistance to
Fruit Dryness
Presented by Academician G.Gigauri, April 13, 1998
ABSTRACT. Different sorts of fruit contain
various amounts of phenolic compounds. While infected by fungi causing fruit
dryness the amount of phenolic compounds increases in every sort but most of
all in resistant sorts. One of the representatives of phenolic compounds
hydroquinone inhibits the dryness causing fungi.
To the Study of Tortricids (Lepidoptera,
Tortricidae) of Svaneti Fauna
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy I.Eliava,
April 13, 1998
Abstract. We present the results of the
expedition in Svaneti region made in 1990-1991. A certain amount of
Lepidoptera, Tortricidae have been collected and processed at St.
Petersburg Institute of Zoology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. There were
obtained 5 species from 10 families. Four species (Aethes rubidana Tr.,
Chephasia vargeuriana Tr., Hedya ochroleucana Fröl., Hedya atropunctanaca)
have not been yet registered in Georgian fauna.
Peculiarities of Action of Leukaemic Patients' Blood
Serum Upon the CNS of Experimental Animals
Presented by Academician N.Javakhishvili, October 27,
Abstract. The permeability of the
blood-brain barrier (BBB) for blood formed elements under the influence of
leukaemic patient serum upon the CNS of experimental animals was studied. The
raising of permeability of the brain capillary walls and lymphocytes
penetration in the brain tissue is shown. Such phenomena weren’t observed in
the control group of animals, where donor serum was used.
Diabetes Mellitus and Prediabetes Among the Georgian
Jews in Tbilisi
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy T.
Dekanosidze, March 2, 1998
Abstract. According to the obtained data
100 Georgian Jewish families from 700 questioned ones appeared to have diabetes
mellitus. Not a single case of its juvenile form of manifestation at the age
under 28, and insulin-dependent patients at the moment of manifestation was
Practically healthy relatives in the
families with the hereditary burden of diabetes mellitus must be examined by
glucose tolerance test in order to reveal prediabetes or diabete mellitus and
take preventive measures in time.
Reasons of the Underground Economy in Georgia
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy L.Chikava,
March 12, 1998
Abstract. The underground economy emerges
as one of the major problems in Georgia today. The constituent parts of
underground economy are discussed. The necessity of a special organised system
against underground economy is offered.
I.Pkhakadze, N.Tsotadze
Expression of Emotions or Emotion in the Text
by Academician A.Gvakharia, September 15, 1997
Abstract. Slogans of the advertisement
amuse, irritate, frequently obsess us. But, where do the most successful
slogans find the power of seduction that makes them insidious? Linguistic
resources used by authors stimulate attention, desire, ability to memorise.
Establishing formal regularities such as sound repetition, ambiguous terms,
different structures and so on we tried to show that slogans obey powerful laws
of language.
To the Etymology of Achilles' Name
Presented by Corr.Member of the Academy R.Gordeziani,
September 8, 1997
ABSTRACT. The definition of the etymology
of Achilles' name is one of the most problematic questions in scientific
literature. We review numerous variants of its origin in our work and at last
come to the conclusion that etymology of Achilles name must be generally
explained on the background of onomastic principles and it can be regarded as
the name of pre-Greek, Pelazgic origin.
of Art
On Musical-Rhetorical Figures in Ockeghem's Creative
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy P. Zakaraia,
May 4, 1998
Abstract. The paper reports on
Franco-Flemish composer Johannes Ockeghem, who appears to be one of the
pioneers of using musical-rhetorical figures in his creative works.
The Dated Inscription-Graffiti from Mravaltskaro of
Presented by Corr. Member of the Academy Z.Aleksidze,
August 11, 1998
Abstract. The dated inscription-graffiti
executed in ancient Georgian script asomtavruli, found in the recently
discovered monastery Mravaltskaro of Gareji is analysed. The text was scratched
over the plastered wall of a small church in 851, September 8th on the occasion
of the Nativity of Virgin Mary.