The Session of the Centre of Innovations and High Technologies
- July 21, 2024
On 12th of July, 2024 the Session of the Centre of Innovations and High Technologies was held in the National Academy of Sciences of Georgia. Presentation of Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor at Georgian Technical University Mr. Paata Kervalishvili “The Laser – Plasma Method of Producing Nano Systems and Some Trends of its Use” was considered.
The speaker noticed that laser technologies have been used for manufacturing various materials for more than a half of the century. Soviet, American, Japanese, British scholars worked out the new sources of laser radiation used for producing new materials and structures. Today laser is broadly used in the science of various materials and technologies. Laser technologies started integration into the main processes of material manufacturing. These are laser cutting, drilling, welding, marking, measuring, deposition etc.
In the Laboratories of the Department of Engineering Physics at the Georgian Technical University the new methods and processes of the laser physics and technologies studying are underway successfully.