Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences submits manuscripts depicting new findings in different fields of fundamental sciences and technology: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, genetics, experimental medicine, humanities and social sciences. Manuscripts with texts of descriptive character, reviews and advertisements are not submitted.
Manuscript should be presented in the following form:
- Two double-spaced copies of the manuscript printed on a white paper A4, marginated 20 mm below and above, 30 mm on the sides must be provided. The length of the manuscript should not exceed 10 printed pages, including text and Figures, Tables and equations.
- Manuscript must be written in English and sent to the Editorial Board. Attached to the manuscript must be:
- CV, short information about research, including specific contribution of each author to the published research;
- Qualified references from different Institutions.
- Manuscript order:
- Classification;
- Title;
- Full name(s), surname(s) of the author(s);
- Affiliation(s)
- Abstract (Relevance, materials, methods, results, conclusion, not less 250 words);
- Key words;
- Text (Introduction, materials and methods, results, conclusion, acknowledgements and funding sources);
- References in the order of citation (square brackets used);
- Figure legends;
- The last page of the manuscript must be signed by the author(s).
- Electronic version: Text in Times New Roman (size 12, line spacing 1,5 lines); Supply Word, Word Perfect, RTF. Formulae must be typed in MathType program. Figures and Tables must be submitted being imbedded in manuscript text. Provide figure images in TIFF, JPEG (300 dpi).
- The author(s) will be asked to give consent to publish the manuscript in print and electronic version. Corrected version is not returned to the author(s). The Editorial Board reserves the right not to consider the paper if the instructions are ignored. For symbols and style conventions authors must consult current issues of the Journal (see webpage).
- Transliteration of the Russian text into Roman letters must be written according to the LC system.
- Publication is free of charge.