Academician Nodar Tsintsadze turned 90

Academician Nodar Tsintsadze turned 90

  • February 27, 2020

On 26 February 2020, the jubilee session dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the prominent Georgian physicist Academician Nodar Tsintsadze was held at the Academy of Sciences. A welcome speech was delivered by the President of the Academy, Academician Giorgi Kvesitadze. The report – “Some of the selected problems in modern physics” was delivered by academician Nodar Tsintsadze. Nodar Tsintsadze is a founder of the world famous Georgian research school of plasma physics. Academician Nodar Tsintsadze is the author of more than 300 scientific papers, most of which are widely known to the scientific community. Since 1998, Nodar Tsintsadze is an Academy member of the National Academy of Sciences of Georgia. His contribution to the development of science was highly appreciated with various academic, state or international awards. He is an honorary member of the University of Hiroshima, Honorary Doctor of the Bogolyubov Institute of Theoretical Physics (Kiev, Ukraine). In 2015, he was awarded the highest award of our country – the Order of Excellence.