Monthly Archives: May 2024

Presentation of the Book by Napoleon(Napo) Meskhia

  • May 28, 2024

On 24th of May, 2024, at the National Academy of Sciences of Georgia the presentation and discussion on  the book by Academician Napoleon(Napo) Meskhia “Conceptual and Innovative Approach and Methods in Neuro Surgery” took place. In the presented proceeding the selected articles published by Academician Napoleon(Napo) Meskhia are collected.


Another Success of Academician Givi Gavardashvili

  • May 25, 2024

Academician of the National Academy of Georgia Givi Gavardashvili will deliver lectures at Central China Normal University (CCNU) having status of Invited Professor. He will deliver the course of lectures in the city of Wuhan and hold the scientific seminars at various departments of university from 8s  of June to 23rd  of June 2024. Academician […]


The Celebration of 75th Anniversary of Academician Ramaz Khetsuriani

  • May 20, 2024

On 14th of May, 2024, the National Academy of Sciences of Georgia played host to the Jubilee Session dedicated  the 75th Anniversary of Alexander Natishvili Prize Laureate, Academician-Secretary of Physiology and Medicine Department at the National Academy of Sciences of Georgia  Academician Ramaz Khetsuriani. Academician Ramaz Khetsuriani is the scientist of international recognition. His works […]


The Memorandum between the University of the Caucasus (Kars, Turkey) and the National Academy of Sciences of Georgia was Legalized

  • May 20, 2024

The Memorandum on Mutual Co-operation between the University of the Caucasus(Kars, Turkey) and the National Academy of Sciences of Georgia was legalized. The Memorandum takes into account and pursues goal to carry out joint projects in the fields of education, science, culture and art, hold joint scientific studies and publish joint researches, exchange scientific staff […]


Presentation of the book “ABC of Transport Diplomacy.”

  • May 16, 2024

On April 16-17, 2024, in USA, New York, Headquarters of UNO played host to the top grade meeting of the Assembly General  dealt with the sustainable transport and presentation of the book “ABC of Transport Diplomacy.” Georgian delegation got special invitation to this event. The book was published by the International Centre of Transport Diplomacy. […]


The Discovery by Georgian Scientist

  • May 16, 2024

On May, 13 , at the session of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Georgia Academician Tinatin Sadunishvili presented paper: “The New Bacterial Virus and New Name in the Dibbivirus Virus Taxonomy.” The speaker presented output of the research dealt with the phytopathogen Xanthomonas vesicatoria caused by the tomato bacterial staining and […]
