Why did Rustveli call his poem Vepkhistqaosani?

Why did Rustveli call his poem Vepkhistqaosani?

  • February 20, 2023

Academician Inesa Merabishvili delivered a report, titled: “Why did Rustveli call his poem Vepkhistqaosani?” (The Knight in the Tiger Skin) at the extended meeting of the Department of Language, Literature and Art at the National Academy of Sciences of Georgia. The protagonist of the poem Tariel is dressed in a tiger’s skin as a sign of his love for Nestan-Darejan, who is the embodiment of the most beautiful tiger. Related to this a question arises whether it is the only reason that Rustveli called his masterpiece Vepkhistqaosani . To answer this question, the identification of the conceptual and subtext content parameters of the epic poem against the background of a broader context is required.