The Meeting of the Commission for Studying National Issues

The Meeting of the Commission for Studying National Issues

  • April 16, 2023

On April 5, 2023, the regular meeting of the Commission for the Studying National Issues was held at the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, which was opened by the chairman of the commission, academician Elizbar Javelidze, with an introductory speech. Academician Vladimir Papava delivered a report: “Economy of Georgia: old problems and new challenges”. According to Mr. Vladimir, in order to determine the best development trajectory of Georgia’s economy, first of all, we must take into account the country’s national interests, which will ensure that Georgia’s economy will be able to successfully cope with the challenges and difficulties that the entire world economy is facing today. According to the speaker, in order to determine the best trajectory for the development of the Georgian economy, first of all, the national interests of the country should be taken into account, which will allow Georgia’s economy to successfully cope with the challenges and difficulties that the entire world economy is facing today. It was emphasized that the country’s economy needs to: solve the problems of short-term, medium-term and long-term development. In this context, the priority sectors of the economy must be agriculture, processing industry (which will mainly use local raw materials) and transition to the model of knowledge-based economy.