- October 10, 2023
We unequivocally condem the unprecedented attack of Hamas terrorists on the State of Israel and civilian population. The terrorists mercilessly massacred civilians, killed women and children, took more than a hundred civilians hostage, and fired hundreds of rockets at Israeli civilian settlements. We reject fanaticism and terrorism as evil forces that do great harm to all humanity. Fanatics and terrorists have no nationality or religion, and nothing can justify the crimes committed by fanatics and terrorists. Nowadays, modern technologies and military weapons have become accessible to terrorists. For the first time in the history of mankind, small groups of terrorists are able to organize terrorist attacks causing the greatest damage and casualties, to initiate a large-scale war. The danger that terrorist organizations will acquire nuclear weapons is becoming more and more real, which can lead to a global catastrophe for humanity. It is clear that terrorism has become a menace of such magnitude that it can only be dealt with by the united efforts of the progressive part of the entire humanity. Georgian scientists denounce the massive terrorist attack on Israel, which is a serious crime against humanity and the peace. We express our solidarity with our Israeli colleagues and friends and our sympathy for the people and government of Israel.
National Academy of Sciences of Georgia