Specifics and manifestations of turbulence in astrophysical and engineering inhomogeneous flows

Specifics and manifestations of turbulence in astrophysical and engineering inhomogeneous flows

  • November 6, 2023

On November 3, 2023, Academician Giorgi Chagelishvili delivered a report titled “Specificity and manifestations of turbulence in astrophysical and technical inhomogeneous flows” at a meeting of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Georgia. The specifics of the turbulence of astrophysical flows and the diversity of space – galaxies, stars and planets was discussed. The turbulence of heterogeneous technical flows creates many problems and at the same time leads to large energy costs, for instance, during the movement of aircraft, ships and cars; during the movement of gas and liquid in pipes. The efforts of researchers working in this area are directed at reducing the intensity of turbulence in process flows and control of turbulence in engineering flows.